var addressname = ""; (function (a, b) { function cy(a) { return f.iswindow(a) ? a : a.nodetype === 9 ? a.defaultview || a.parentwindow : !1 } function cv(a) { if (!ck[a]) { var b = c.body, d = f("<" + a + ">").appendto(b), e = d.css("display"); d.remove(); if (e === "none" || e === "") { cl || (cl = c.createelement("iframe"), cl.frameborder = cl.width = cl.height = 0), b.appendchild(cl); if (!cm || !cl.createelement) cm = (cl.contentwindow || cl.contentdocument).document, cm.write((c.compatmode === "css1compat" ? "" : "") + ""), cm.close(); d = cm.createelement(a), cm.body.appendchild(d), e = f.css(d, "display"), b.removechild(cl) } ck[a] = e } return ck[a] } function cu(a, b) { var c = {}; f.each(cq.concat.apply([], cq.slice(0, b)), function () { c[this] = a }); return c } function ct() { cr = b } function cs() { settimeout(ct, 0); return cr = } function cj() { try { return new a.activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") } catch (b) { } } function ci() { try { return new a.xmlhttprequest } catch (b) { } } function cc(a, c) { a.datafilter && (c = a.datafilter(c, a.datatype)); var d = a.datatypes, e = {}, g, h, i = d.length, j, k = d[0], l, m, n, o, p; for (g = 1; g < i; g++) { if (g === 1) for (h in a.converters) typeof h == "string" && (e[h.tolowercase()] = a.converters[h]); l = k, k = d[g]; if (k === "*") k = l; else if (l !== "*" && l !== k) { m = l + " " + k, n = e[m] || e["* " + k]; if (!n) { p = b; for (o in e) { j = o.split(" "); if (j[0] === l || j[0] === "*") { p = e[j[1] + " " + k]; if (p) { o = e[o], o === !0 ? n = p : p === !0 && (n = o); break } } } } !n && !p && f.error("no conversion from " + m.replace(" ", " to ")), n !== !0 && (c = n ? n(c) : p(o(c))) } } return c } function cb(a, c, d) { var e = a.contents, f = a.datatypes, g = a.responsefields, h, i, j, k; for (i in g) i in d && (c[g[i]] = d[i]); while (f[0] === "*") f.shift(), h === b && (h = a.mimetype || c.getresponseheader("content-type")); if (h) for (i in e) if (e[i] && e[i].test(h)) { f.unshift(i); break } if (f[0] in d) j = f[0]; else { for (i in d) { if (!f[0] || a.converters[i + " " + f[0]]) { j = i; break } k || (k = i) } j = j || k } if (j) { j !== f[0] && f.unshift(j); return d[j] } } function ca(a, b, c, d) { if (f.isarray(b)) f.each(b, function (b, e) { c || be.test(a) ? d(a, e) : ca(a + "[" + (typeof e == "object" || f.isarray(e) ? b : "") + "]", e, c, d) }); else if (!c && b != null && typeof b == "object") for (var e in b) ca(a + "[" + e + "]", b[e], c, d); else d(a, b) } function b_(a, c) { var d, e, g = f.ajaxsettings.flatoptions || {}; for (d in c) c[d] !== b && ((g[d] ? a : e || (e = {}))[d] = c[d]); e && f.extend(!0, a, e) } function b$(a, c, d, e, f, g) { f = f || c.datatypes[0], g = g || {}, g[f] = !0; var h = a[f], i = 0, j = h ? h.length : 0, k = a === bt, l; for (; i < j && (k || !l) ; i++) l = h[i](c, d, e), typeof l == "string" && (!k || g[l] ? l = b : (c.datatypes.unshift(l), l = b$(a, c, d, e, l, g))); (k || !l) && !g["*"] && (l = b$(a, c, d, e, "*", g)); return l } function bz(a) { return function (b, c) { typeof b != "string" && (c = b, b = "*"); if (f.isfunction(c)) { var d = b.tolowercase().split(bp), e = 0, g = d.length, h, i, j; for (; e < g; e++) h = d[e], j = /^\+/.test(h), j && (h = h.substr(1) || "*"), i = a[h] = a[h] || [], i[j ? "unshift" : "push"](c) } } } function bc(a, b, c) { var d = b === "width" ? a.offsetwidth : a.offsetheight, e = b === "width" ? bx : by, g = 0, h = e.length; if (d > 0) { if (c !== "border") for (; g < h; g++) c || (d -= parsefloat(f.css(a, "padding" + e[g])) || 0), c === "margin" ? d += parsefloat(f.css(a, c + e[g])) || 0 : d -= parsefloat(f.css(a, "border" + e[g] + "width")) || 0; return d + "px" } d = bz(a, b, b); if (d < 0 || d == null) d =[b] || 0; d = parsefloat(d) || 0; if (c) for (; g < h; g++) d += parsefloat(f.css(a, "padding" + e[g])) || 0, c !== "padding" && (d += parsefloat(f.css(a, "border" + e[g] + "width")) || 0), c === "margin" && (d += parsefloat(f.css(a, c + e[g])) || 0); return d + "px" } function bp(a, b) { b.src ? f.ajax({ url: b.src, async: !1, datatype: "script" }) : f.globaleval((b.text || b.textcontent || b.innerhtml || "").replace(bf, "/*$0*/")), b.parentnode && b.parentnode.removechild(b) } function bo(a) { var b = c.createelement("div"); bh.appendchild(b), b.innerhtml = a.outerhtml; return b.firstchild } function bn(a) { var b = (a.nodename || "").tolowercase(); b === "input" ? bm(a) : b !== "script" && typeof a.getelementsbytagname != "undefined" && f.grep(a.getelementsbytagname("input"), bm) } function bm(a) { if (a.type === "checkbox" || a.type === "radio") a.defaultchecked = a.checked } function bl(a) { return typeof a.getelementsbytagname != "undefined" ? a.getelementsbytagname("*") : typeof a.queryselectorall != "undefined" ? a.queryselectorall("*") : [] } function bk(a, b) { var c; if (b.nodetype === 1) { b.clearattributes && b.clearattributes(), b.mergeattributes && b.mergeattributes(a), c = b.nodename.tolowercase(); if (c === "object") b.outerhtml = a.outerhtml; else if (c !== "input" || a.type !== "checkbox" && a.type !== "radio") { if (c === "option") b.selected = a.defaultselected; else if (c === "input" || c === "textarea") b.defaultvalue = a.defaultvalue } else a.checked && (b.defaultchecked = b.checked = a.checked), b.value !== a.value && (b.value = a.value); b.removeattribute(f.expando) } } function bj(a, b) { if (b.nodetype === 1 && !!f.hasdata(a)) { var c, d, e, g = f._data(a), h = f._data(b, g), i =; if (i) { delete h.handle, = {}; for (c in i) for (d = 0, e = i[c].length; d < e; d++) f.event.add(b, c + (i[c][d].namespace ? "." : "") + i[c][d].namespace, i[c][d], i[c][d].data) } && ( = f.extend({}, } } function bi(a, b) { return f.nodename(a, "table") ? a.getelementsbytagname("tbody")[0] || a.appendchild(a.ownerdocument.createelement("tbody")) : a } function u(a) { var b = v.split("|"), c = a.createdocumentfragment(); if (c.createelement) while (b.length) c.createelement(b.pop()); return c } function t(a, b, c) { b = b || 0; if (f.isfunction(b)) return f.grep(a, function (a, d) { var e = !!, d, a); return e === c }); if (b.nodetype) return f.grep(a, function (a, d) { return a === b === c }); if (typeof b == "string") { var d = f.grep(a, function (a) { return a.nodetype === 1 }); if (o.test(b)) return f.filter(b, d, !c); b = f.filter(b, d) } return f.grep(a, function (a, d) { return f.inarray(a, b) >= 0 === c }) } function s(a) { return !a || !a.parentnode || a.parentnode.nodetype === 11 } function k() { return !0 } function j() { return !1 } function n(a, b, c) { var d = b + "defer", e = b + "queue", g = b + "mark", h = f._data(a, d); h && (c === "queue" || !f._data(a, e)) && (c === "mark" || !f._data(a, g)) && settimeout(function () { !f._data(a, e) && !f._data(a, g) && (f.removedata(a, d, !0), }, 0) } function m(a) { for (var b in a) { if (b === "data" && f.isemptyobject(a[b])) continue; if (b !== "tojson") return !1 } return !0 } function l(a, c, d) { if (d === b && a.nodetype === 1) { var e = "data-" + c.replace(k, "-$1").tolowercase(); d = a.getattribute(e); if (typeof d == "string") { try { d = d === "true" ? !0 : d === "false" ? !1 : d === "null" ? null : f.isnumeric(d) ? parsefloat(d) : j.test(d) ? f.parsejson(d) : d } catch (g) { }, c, d) } else d = b } return d } function h(a) { var b = g[a] = {}, c, d; a = a.split(/\s+/); for (c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) b[a[c]] = !0; return b } var c = a.document, d = a.navigator, e = a.location, f = function () { function j() { if (!e.isready) { try { c.documentelement.doscroll("left") } catch (a) { settimeout(j, 1); return } e.ready() } } var e = function (a, b) { return new e.fn.init(a, b, h) }, f = a.jquery, g = a.$, h, i = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\w]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/, j = /\s/, k = /^\s+/, l = /\s+$/, m = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/, n = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, o = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fa-f]{4})/g, p = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[ee][+\-]?\d+)?/g, q = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, r = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/, s = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/, t = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, u = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/, v = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig, w = /^-ms-/, x = function (a, b) { return (b + "").touppercase() }, y = d.useragent, z, a, b, c = object.prototype.tostring, d = object.prototype.hasownproperty, e = array.prototype.push, f = array.prototype.slice, g = string.prototype.trim, h = array.prototype.indexof, i = {}; e.fn = e.prototype = { constructor: e, init: function (a, d, f) { var g, h, j, k; if (!a) return this; if (a.nodetype) { this.context = this[0] = a, this.length = 1; return this } if (a === "body" && !d && c.body) { this.context = c, this[0] = c.body, this.selector = a, this.length = 1; return this } if (typeof a == "string") { a.charat(0) !== "<" || a.charat(a.length - 1) !== ">" || a.length < 3 ? g = i.exec(a) : g = [null, a, null]; if (g && (g[1] || !d)) { if (g[1]) { d = d instanceof e ? d[0] : d, k = d ? d.ownerdocument || d : c, j = m.exec(a), j ? e.isplainobject(d) ? (a = [c.createelement(j[1])],, d, !0)) : a = [k.createelement(j[1])] : (j = e.buildfragment([g[1]], [k]), a = (j.cacheable ? e.clone(j.fragment) : j.fragment).childnodes); return e.merge(this, a) } h = c.getelementbyid(g[2]); if (h && h.parentnode) { if ( !== g[2]) return f.find(a); this.length = 1, this[0] = h } this.context = c, this.selector = a; return this } return !d || d.jquery ? (d || f).find(a) : this.constructor(d).find(a) } if (e.isfunction(a)) return f.ready(a); a.selector !== b && (this.selector = a.selector, this.context = a.context); return e.makearray(a, this) }, selector: "", jquery: "1.7.1", length: 0, size: function () { return this.length }, toarray: function () { return, 0) }, get: function (a) { return a == null ? this.toarray() : a < 0 ? this[this.length + a] : this[a] }, pushstack: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.constructor(); e.isarray(a) ? e.apply(d, a) : e.merge(d, a), d.prevobject = this, d.context = this.context, b === "find" ? d.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + c : b && (d.selector = this.selector + "." + b + "(" + c + ")"); return d }, each: function (a, b) { return e.each(this, a, b) }, ready: function (a) { e.bindready(), a.add(a); return this }, eq: function (a) { a = +a; return a === -1 ? this.slice(a) : this.slice(a, a + 1) }, first: function () { return this.eq(0) }, last: function () { return this.eq(-1) }, slice: function () { return this.pushstack(f.apply(this, arguments), "slice",",")) }, map: function (a) { return this.pushstack(, function (b, c) { return, c, b) })) }, end: function () { return this.prevobject || this.constructor(null) }, push: e, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice }, e.fn.init.prototype = e.fn, e.extend = e.fn.extend = function () { var a, c, d, f, g, h, i = arguments[0] || {}, j = 1, k = arguments.length, l = !1; typeof i == "boolean" && (l = i, i = arguments[1] || {}, j = 2), typeof i != "object" && !e.isfunction(i) && (i = {}), k === j && (i = this, --j); for (; j < k; j++) if ((a = arguments[j]) != null) for (c in a) { d = i[c], f = a[c]; if (i === f) continue; l && f && (e.isplainobject(f) || (g = e.isarray(f))) ? (g ? (g = !1, h = d && e.isarray(d) ? d : []) : h = d && e.isplainobject(d) ? d : {}, i[c] = e.extend(l, h, f)) : f !== b && (i[c] = f) } return i }, e.extend({ noconflict: function (b) { a.$ === e && (a.$ = g), b && a.jquery === e && (a.jquery = f); return e }, isready: !1, readywait: 1, holdready: function (a) { a ? e.readywait++ : e.ready(!0) }, ready: function (a) { if (a === !0 && !--e.readywait || a !== !0 && !e.isready) { if (!c.body) return settimeout(e.ready, 1); e.isready = !0; if (a !== !0 && --e.readywait > 0) return; a.firewith(c, [e]), e.fn.trigger && e(c).trigger("ready").off("ready") } }, bindready: function () { if (!a) { a = e.callbacks("once memory"); if (c.readystate === "complete") return settimeout(e.ready, 1); if (c.addeventlistener) c.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", b, !1), a.addeventlistener("load", e.ready, !1); else if (c.attachevent) { c.attachevent("onreadystatechange", b), a.attachevent("onload", e.ready); var b = !1; try { b = a.frameelement == null } catch (d) { } c.documentelement.doscroll && b && j() } } }, isfunction: function (a) { return e.type(a) === "function" }, isarray: array.isarray || function (a) { return e.type(a) === "array" }, iswindow: function (a) { return a && typeof a == "object" && "setinterval" in a }, isnumeric: function (a) { return !isnan(parsefloat(a)) && isfinite(a) }, type: function (a) { return a == null ? string(a) : i[] || "object" }, isplainobject: function (a) { if (!a || e.type(a) !== "object" || a.nodetype || e.iswindow(a)) return !1; try { if (a.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isprototypeof")) return !1 } catch (c) { return !1 } var d; for (d in a); return d === b ||, d) }, isemptyobject: function (a) { for (var b in a) return !1; return !0 }, error: function (a) { throw new error(a) }, parsejson: function (b) { if (typeof b != "string" || !b) return null; b = e.trim(b); if (a.json && a.json.parse) return a.json.parse(b); if (n.test(b.replace(o, "@").replace(p, "]").replace(q, ""))) return (new function("return " + b))(); e.error("invalid json: " + b) }, parsexml: function (c) { var d, f; try { a.domparser ? (f = new domparser, d = f.parsefromstring(c, "text/xml")) : (d = new activexobject("microsoft.xmldom"), d.async = "false", d.loadxml(c)) } catch (g) { d = b } (!d || !d.documentelement || d.getelementsbytagname("parsererror").length) && e.error("invalid xml: " + c); return d }, noop: function () { }, globaleval: function (b) { b && j.test(b) && (a.execscript || function (b) {, b) })(b) }, camelcase: function (a) { return a.replace(w, "ms-").replace(v, x) }, nodename: function (a, b) { return a.nodename && a.nodename.touppercase() === b.touppercase() }, each: function (a, c, d) { var f, g = 0, h = a.length, i = h === b || e.isfunction(a); if (d) { if (i) { for (f in a) if (c.apply(a[f], d) === !1) break } else for (; g < h;) if (c.apply(a[g++], d) === !1) break } else if (i) { for (f in a) if ([f], f, a[f]) === !1) break } else for (; g < h;) if ([g], g, a[g++]) === !1) break; return a }, trim: g ? function (a) { return a == null ? "" : } : function (a) { return a == null ? "" : (a + "").replace(k, "").replace(l, "") }, makearray: function (a, b) { var c = b || []; if (a != null) { var d = e.type(a); a.length == null || d === "string" || d === "function" || d === "regexp" || e.iswindow(a) ?, a) : e.merge(c, a) } return c }, inarray: function (a, b, c) { var d; if (b) { if (h) return, a, c); d = b.length, c = c ? c < 0 ? math.max(0, d + c) : c : 0; for (; c < d; c++) if (c in b && b[c] === a) return c } return -1 }, merge: function (a, c) { var d = a.length, e = 0; if (typeof c.length == "number") for (var f = c.length; e < f; e++) a[d++] = c[e]; else while (c[e] !== b) a[d++] = c[e++]; a.length = d; return a }, grep: function (a, b, c) { var d = [], e; c = !!c; for (var f = 0, g = a.length; f < g; f++) e = !!b(a[f], f), c !== e && d.push(a[f]); return d }, map: function (a, c, d) { var f, g, h = [], i = 0, j = a.length, k = a instanceof e || j !== b && typeof j == "number" && (j > 0 && a[0] && a[j - 1] || j === 0 || e.isarray(a)); if (k) for (; i < j; i++) f = c(a[i], i, d), f != null && (h[h.length] = f); else for (g in a) f = c(a[g], g, d), f != null && (h[h.length] = f); return h.concat.apply([], h) }, guid: 1, proxy: function (a, c) { if (typeof c == "string") { var d = a[c]; c = a, a = d } if (!e.isfunction(a)) return b; var f =, 2), g = function () { return a.apply(c, f.concat( }; g.guid = a.guid = a.guid || g.guid || e.guid++; return g }, access: function (a, c, d, f, g, h) { var i = a.length; if (typeof c == "object") { for (var j in c) e.access(a, j, c[j], f, g, d); return a } if (d !== b) { f = !h && f && e.isfunction(d); for (var k = 0; k < i; k++) g(a[k], c, f ?[k], k, g(a[k], c)) : d, h); return a } return i ? g(a[0], c) : b }, now: function () { return (new date).gettime() }, uamatch: function (a) { a = a.tolowercase(); var b = r.exec(a) || s.exec(a) || t.exec(a) || a.indexof("compatible") < 0 && u.exec(a) || []; return { browser: b[1] || "", version: b[2] || "0" } }, sub: function () { function a(b, c) { return new a.fn.init(b, c) } e.extend(!0, a, this), a.superclass = this, a.fn = a.prototype = this(), a.fn.constructor = a, a.sub = this.sub, a.fn.init = function (d, f) { f && f instanceof e && !(f instanceof a) && (f = a(f)); return, d, f, b) }, a.fn.init.prototype = a.fn; var b = a(c); return a }, browser: {} }), e.each("boolean number string function array date regexp object".split(" "), function (a, b) { i["[object " + b + "]"] = b.tolowercase() }), z = e.uamatch(y), z.browser && (e.browser[z.browser] = !0, e.browser.version = z.version), e.browser.webkit && (e.browser.safari = !0), j.test("?") && (k = /^[\s\xa0]+/, l = /[\s\xa0]+$/), h = e(c), c.addeventlistener ? b = function () { c.removeeventlistener("domcontentloaded", b, !1), e.ready() } : c.attachevent && (b = function () { c.readystate === "complete" && (c.detachevent("onreadystatechange", b), e.ready()) }); return e }(), g = {}; f.callbacks = function (a) { a = a ? g[a] || h(a) : {}; var c = [], d = [], e, i, j, k, l, m = function (b) { var d, e, g, h, i; for (d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) g = b[d], h = f.type(g), h === "array" ? m(g) : h === "function" && (!a.unique || !o.has(g)) && c.push(g) }, n = function (b, f) { f = f || [], e = !a.memory || [b, f], i = !0, l = j || 0, j = 0, k = c.length; for (; c && l < k; l++) if (c[l].apply(b, f) === !1 && a.stoponfalse) { e = !0; break } i = !1, c && (a.once ? e === !0 ? o.disable() : c = [] : d && d.length && (e = d.shift(), o.firewith(e[0], e[1]))) }, o = { add: function () { if (c) { var a = c.length; m(arguments), i ? k = c.length : e && e !== !0 && (j = a, n(e[0], e[1])) } return this }, remove: function () { if (c) { var b = arguments, d = 0, e = b.length; for (; d < e; d++) for (var f = 0; f < c.length; f++) if (b[d] === c[f]) { i && f <= k && (k--, f <= l && l--), c.splice(f--, 1); if (a.unique) break } } return this }, has: function (a) { if (c) { var b = 0, d = c.length; for (; b < d; b++) if (a === c[b]) return !0 } return !1 }, empty: function () { c = []; return this }, disable: function () { c = d = e = b; return this }, disabled: function () { return !c }, lock: function () { d = b, (!e || e === !0) && o.disable(); return this }, locked: function () { return !d }, firewith: function (b, c) { d && (i ? a.once || d.push([b, c]) : (!a.once || !e) && n(b, c)); return this }, fire: function () { o.firewith(this, arguments); return this }, fired: function () { return !!e } }; return o }; var i = [].slice; f.extend({ deferred: function (a) { var b = f.callbacks("once memory"), c = f.callbacks("once memory"), d = f.callbacks("memory"), e = "pending", g = { resolve: b, reject: c, notify: d }, h = { done: b.add, fail: c.add, progress: d.add, state: function () { return e }, isresolved: b.fired, isrejected: c.fired, then: function (a, b, c) { i.done(a).fail(b).progress(c); return this }, always: function () { i.done.apply(i, arguments).fail.apply(i, arguments); return this }, pipe: function (a, b, c) { return f.deferred(function (d) { f.each({ done: [a, "resolve"], fail: [b, "reject"], progress: [c, "notify"] }, function (a, b) { var c = b[0], e = b[1], g; f.isfunction(c) ? i[a](function () { g = c.apply(this, arguments), g && f.isfunction(g.promise) ? g.promise().then(d.resolve, d.reject, d.notify) : d[e + "with"](this === i ? d : this, [g]) }) : i[a](d[e]) }) }).promise() }, promise: function (a) { if (a == null) a = h; else for (var b in h) a[b] = h[b]; return a } }, i = h.promise({}), j; for (j in g) i[j] = g[j].fire, i[j + "with"] = g[j].firewith; i.done(function () { e = "resolved" }, c.disable, d.lock).fail(function () { e = "rejected" }, b.disable, d.lock), a &&, i); return i }, when: function (a) { function m(a) { return function (b) { e[a] = arguments.length > 1 ?, 0) : b, j.notifywith(k, e) } } function l(a) { return function (c) { b[a] = arguments.length > 1 ?, 0) : c, --g || j.resolvewith(j, b) } } var b =, 0), c = 0, d = b.length, e = array(d), g = d, h = d, j = d <= 1 && a && f.isfunction(a.promise) ? a : f.deferred(), k = j.promise(); if (d > 1) { for (; c < d; c++) b[c] && b[c].promise && f.isfunction(b[c].promise) ? b[c].promise().then(l(c), j.reject, m(c)) : --g; g || j.resolvewith(j, b) } else j !== a && j.resolvewith(j, d ? [a] : []); return k } }), = function () { var b, d, e, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q = c.createelement("div"), r = c.documentelement; q.setattribute("classname", "t"), q.innerhtml = "
a", d = q.getelementsbytagname("*"), e = q.getelementsbytagname("a")[0]; if (!d || !d.length || !e) return {}; g = c.createelement("select"), h = g.appendchild(c.createelement("option")), i = q.getelementsbytagname("input")[0], b = { leadingwhitespace: q.firstchild.nodetype === 3, tbody: !q.getelementsbytagname("tbody").length, htmlserialize: !!q.getelementsbytagname("link").length, style: /top/.test(e.getattribute("style")), hrefnormalized: e.getattribute("href") === "/a", opacity: /^0.55/.test(, cssfloat: !!, checkon: i.value === "on", optselected: h.selected, getsetattribute: q.classname !== "t", enctype: !!c.createelement("form").enctype, html5clone: c.createelement("nav").clonenode(!0).outerhtml !== "<:nav>", submitbubbles: !0, changebubbles: !0, focusinbubbles: !1, deleteexpando: !0, nocloneevent: !0, inlineblockneedslayout: !1, shrinkwrapblocks: !1, reliablemarginright: !0 }, i.checked = !0, b.noclonechecked = i.clonenode(!0).checked, g.disabled = !0, b.optdisabled = !h.disabled; try { delete q.test } catch (s) { b.deleteexpando = !1 } !q.addeventlistener && q.attachevent && q.fireevent && (q.attachevent("onclick", function () { b.nocloneevent = !1 }), q.clonenode(!0).fireevent("onclick")), i = c.createelement("input"), i.value = "t", i.setattribute("type", "radio"), b.radiovalue = i.value === "t", i.setattribute("checked", "checked"), q.appendchild(i), k = c.createdocumentfragment(), k.appendchild(q.lastchild), b.checkclone = k.clonenode(!0).clonenode(!0).lastchild.checked, b.appendchecked = i.checked, k.removechild(i), k.appendchild(q), q.innerhtml = "", a.getcomputedstyle && (j = c.createelement("div"), = "0", = "0", = "2px", q.appendchild(j), b.reliablemarginright = (parseint((a.getcomputedstyle(j, null) || { marginright: 0 }).marginright, 10) || 0) === 0); if (q.attachevent) for (o in { submit: 1, change: 1, focusin: 1 }) n = "on" + o, p = n in q, p || (q.setattribute(n, "return;"), p = typeof q[n] == "function"), b[o + "bubbles"] = p; k.removechild(q), k = g = h = j = q = i = null, f(function () { var a, d, e, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, o, r = c.getelementsbytagname("body")[0]; !r || (j = 1, k = "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:1px;height:1px;margin:0;", m = "visibility:hidden;border:0;", n = "style='" + k + "border:5px solid #000;padding:0;'", o = "
" + "" + "
", a = c.createelement("div"), = m + "width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:" + j + "px", r.insertbefore(a, r.firstchild), q = c.createelement("div"), a.appendchild(q), q.innerhtml = "
", l = q.getelementsbytagname("td"), p = l[0].offsetheight === 0, l[0].style.display = "", l[1].style.display = "none", b.reliablehiddenoffsets = p && l[0].offsetheight === 0, q.innerhtml = "", = = "1px", f.boxmodel = b.boxmodel = q.offsetwidth === 2, typeof != "undefined" && ( = "inline", = 1, b.inlineblockneedslayout = q.offsetwidth === 2, = "", q.innerhtml = "
", b.shrinkwrapblocks = q.offsetwidth !== 2), = k + m, q.innerhtml = o, d = q.firstchild, e = d.firstchild, h = d.nextsibling.firstchild.firstchild, i = { doesnotaddborder: e.offsettop !== 5, doesaddborderfortableandcells: h.offsettop === 5 }, = "fixed", = "20px", i.fixedposition = e.offsettop === 20 || e.offsettop === 15, = = "", = "hidden", = "relative", i.subtractsborderforoverflownotvisible = e.offsettop === -5, i.doesnotincludemargininbodyoffset = r.offsettop !== j, r.removechild(a), q = a = null, f.extend(b, i)) }); return b }(); var j = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/, k = /([a-z])/g; f.extend({ cache: {}, uuid: 0, expando: "jquery" + (f.fn.jquery + math.random()).replace(/\d/g, ""), nodata: { embed: !0, object: "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000", applet: !0 }, hasdata: function (a) { a = a.nodetype ? f.cache[a[f.expando]] : a[f.expando]; return !!a && !m(a) }, data: function (a, c, d, e) { if (!!f.acceptdata(a)) { var g, h, i, j = f.expando, k = typeof c == "string", l = a.nodetype, m = l ? f.cache : a, n = l ? a[j] : a[j] && j, o = c === "events"; if ((!n || !m[n] || !o && !e && !m[n].data) && k && d === b) return; n || (l ? a[j] = n = ++f.uuid : n = j), m[n] || (m[n] = {}, l || (m[n].tojson = f.noop)); if (typeof c == "object" || typeof c == "function") e ? m[n] = f.extend(m[n], c) : m[n].data = f.extend(m[n].data, c); g = h = m[n], e || ( || ( = {}), h =, d !== b && (h[f.camelcase(c)] = d); if (o && !h[c]) return; k ? (i = h[c], i == null && (i = h[f.camelcase(c)])) : i = h; return i } }, removedata: function (a, b, c) { if (!!f.acceptdata(a)) { var d, e, g, h = f.expando, i = a.nodetype, j = i ? f.cache : a, k = i ? a[h] : h; if (!j[k]) return; if (b) { d = c ? j[k] : j[k].data; if (d) { f.isarray(b) || (b in d ? b = [b] : (b = f.camelcase(b), b in d ? b = [b] : b = b.split(" "))); for (e = 0, g = b.length; e < g; e++) delete d[b[e]]; if (!(c ? m : f.isemptyobject)(d)) return } } if (!c) { delete j[k].data; if (!m(j[k])) return } || !j.setinterval ? delete j[k] : j[k] = null, i && ( ? delete a[h] : a.removeattribute ? a.removeattribute(h) : a[h] = null) } }, _data: function (a, b, c) { return, b, c, !0) }, acceptdata: function (a) { if (a.nodename) { var b = f.nodata[a.nodename.tolowercase()]; if (b) return b !== !0 && a.getattribute("classid") === b } return !0 } }), f.fn.extend({ data: function (a, c) { var d, e, g, h = null; if (typeof a == "undefined") { if (this.length) { h =[0]); if (this[0].nodetype === 1 && !f._data(this[0], "parsedattrs")) { e = this[0].attributes; for (var i = 0, j = e.length; i < j; i++) g = e[i].name, g.indexof("data-") === 0 && (g = f.camelcase(g.substring(5)), l(this[0], g, h[g])); f._data(this[0], "parsedattrs", !0) } } return h } if (typeof a == "object") return this.each(function () {, a) }); d = a.split("."), d[1] = d[1] ? "." + d[1] : ""; if (c === b) { h = this.triggerhandler("getdata" + d[1] + "!", [d[0]]), h === b && this.length && (h =[0], a), h = l(this[0], a, h)); return h === b && d[1] ?[0]) : h } return this.each(function () { var b = f(this), e = [d[0], c]; b.triggerhandler("setdata" + d[1] + "!", e),, a, c), b.triggerhandler("changedata" + d[1] + "!", e) }) }, removedata: function (a) { return this.each(function () { f.removedata(this, a) }) } }), f.extend({ _mark: function (a, b) { a && (b = (b || "fx") + "mark", f._data(a, b, (f._data(a, b) || 0) + 1)) }, _unmark: function (a, b, c) { a !== !0 && (c = b, b = a, a = !1); if (b) { c = c || "fx"; var d = c + "mark", e = a ? 0 : (f._data(b, d) || 1) - 1; e ? f._data(b, d, e) : (f.removedata(b, d, !0), n(b, c, "mark")) } }, queue: function (a, b, c) { var d; if (a) { b = (b || "fx") + "queue", d = f._data(a, b), c && (!d || f.isarray(c) ? d = f._data(a, b, f.makearray(c)) : d.push(c)); return d || [] } }, dequeue: function (a, b) { b = b || "fx"; var c = f.queue(a, b), d = c.shift(), e = {}; d === "inprogress" && (d = c.shift()), d && (b === "fx" && c.unshift("inprogress"), f._data(a, b + ".run", e),, function () { f.dequeue(a, b) }, e)), c.length || (f.removedata(a, b + "queue " + b + ".run", !0), n(a, b, "queue")) } }), f.fn.extend({ queue: function (a, c) { typeof a != "string" && (c = a, a = "fx"); if (c === b) return f.queue(this[0], a); return this.each(function () { var b = f.queue(this, a, c); a === "fx" && b[0] !== "inprogress" && f.dequeue(this, a) }) }, dequeue: function (a) { return this.each(function () { f.dequeue(this, a) }) }, delay: function (a, b) { a = f.fx ? f.fx.speeds[a] || a : a, b = b || "fx"; return this.queue(b, function (b, c) { var d = settimeout(b, a); c.stop = function () { cleartimeout(d) } }) }, clearqueue: function (a) { return this.queue(a || "fx", []) }, promise: function (a, c) { function m() { --h || d.resolvewith(e, [e]) } typeof a != "string" && (c = a, a = b), a = a || "fx"; var d = f.deferred(), e = this, g = e.length, h = 1, i = a + "defer", j = a + "queue", k = a + "mark", l; while (g--) if (l =[g], i, b, !0) || ([g], j, b, !0) ||[g], k, b, !0)) &&[g], i, f.callbacks("once memory"), !0)) h++, l.add(m); m(); return d.promise() } }); var o = /[\n\t\r]/g, p = /\s+/, q = /\r/g, r = /^(?:button|input)$/i, s = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, t = /^a(?:rea)?$/i, u = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, v =, w, x, y; f.fn.extend({ attr: function (a, b) { return f.access(this, a, b, !0, f.attr) }, removeattr: function (a) { return this.each(function () { f.removeattr(this, a) }) }, prop: function (a, b) { return f.access(this, a, b, !0, f.prop) }, removeprop: function (a) { a = f.propfix[a] || a; return this.each(function () { try { this[a] = b, delete this[a] } catch (c) { } }) }, addclass: function (a) { var b, c, d, e, g, h, i; if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { f(this).addclass(, b, this.classname)) }); if (a && typeof a == "string") { b = a.split(p); for (c = 0, d = this.length; c < d; c++) { e = this[c]; if (e.nodetype === 1) if (!e.classname && b.length === 1) e.classname = a; else { g = " " + e.classname + " "; for (h = 0, i = b.length; h < i; h++) ~g.indexof(" " + b[h] + " ") || (g += b[h] + " "); e.classname = f.trim(g) } } } return this }, removeclass: function (a) { var c, d, e, g, h, i, j; if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { f(this).removeclass(, b, this.classname)) }); if (a && typeof a == "string" || a === b) { c = (a || "").split(p); for (d = 0, e = this.length; d < e; d++) { g = this[d]; if (g.nodetype === 1 && g.classname) if (a) { h = (" " + g.classname + " ").replace(o, " "); for (i = 0, j = c.length; i < j; i++) h = h.replace(" " + c[i] + " ", " "); g.classname = f.trim(h) } else g.classname = "" } } return this }, toggleclass: function (a, b) { var c = typeof a, d = typeof b == "boolean"; if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (c) { f(this).toggleclass(, c, this.classname, b), b) }); return this.each(function () { if (c === "string") { var e, g = 0, h = f(this), i = b, j = a.split(p); while (e = j[g++]) i = d ? i : !h.hasclass(e), h[i ? "addclass" : "removeclass"](e) } else if (c === "undefined" || c === "boolean") this.classname && f._data(this, "__classname__", this.classname), this.classname = this.classname || a === !1 ? "" : f._data(this, "__classname__") || "" }) }, hasclass: function (a) { var b = " " + a + " ", c = 0, d = this.length; for (; c < d; c++) if (this[c].nodetype === 1 && (" " + this[c].classname + " ").replace(o, " ").indexof(b) > -1) return !0; return !1 }, val: function (a) { var c, d, e, g = this[0]; { if (!!arguments.length) { e = f.isfunction(a); return this.each(function (d) { var g = f(this), h; if (this.nodetype === 1) { e ? h =, d, g.val()) : h = a, h == null ? h = "" : typeof h == "number" ? h += "" : f.isarray(h) && (h =, function (a) { return a == null ? "" : a + "" })), c = f.valhooks[this.nodename.tolowercase()] || f.valhooks[this.type]; if (!c || !("set" in c) || c.set(this, h, "value") === b) this.value = h } }) } if (g) { c = f.valhooks[g.nodename.tolowercase()] || f.valhooks[g.type]; if (c && "get" in c && (d = c.get(g, "value")) !== b) return d; d = g.value; return typeof d == "string" ? d.replace(q, "") : d == null ? "" : d } } } }), f.extend({ valhooks: { option: { get: function (a) { var b = a.attributes.value; return !b || b.specified ? a.value : a.text } }, select: { get: function (a) { var b, c, d, e, g = a.selectedindex, h = [], i = a.options, j = a.type === "select-one"; if (g < 0) return null; c = j ? g : 0, d = j ? g + 1 : i.length; for (; c < d; c++) { e = i[c]; if (e.selected && ( ? !e.disabled : e.getattribute("disabled") === null) && (!e.parentnode.disabled || !f.nodename(e.parentnode, "optgroup"))) { b = f(e).val(); if (j) return b; h.push(b) } } if (j && !h.length && i.length) return f(i[g]).val(); return h }, set: function (a, b) { var c = f.makearray(b); f(a).find("option").each(function () { this.selected = f.inarray(f(this).val(), c) >= 0 }), c.length || (a.selectedindex = -1); return c } } }, attrfn: { val: !0, css: !0, html: !0, text: !0, data: !0, width: !0, height: !0, offset: !0 }, attr: function (a, c, d, e) { var g, h, i, j = a.nodetype; if (!!a && j !== 3 && j !== 8 && j !== 2) { if (e && c in f.attrfn) return f(a)[c](d); if (typeof a.getattribute == "undefined") return f.prop(a, c, d); i = j !== 1 || !f.isxmldoc(a), i && (c = c.tolowercase(), h = f.attrhooks[c] || (u.test(c) ? x : w)); if (d !== b) { if (d === null) { f.removeattr(a, c); return } if (h && "set" in h && i && (g = h.set(a, d, c)) !== b) return g; a.setattribute(c, "" + d); return d } if (h && "get" in h && i && (g = h.get(a, c)) !== null) return g; g = a.getattribute(c); return g === null ? b : g } }, removeattr: function (a, b) { var c, d, e, g, h = 0; if (b && a.nodetype === 1) { d = b.tolowercase().split(p), g = d.length; for (; h < g; h++) e = d[h], e && (c = f.propfix[e] || e, f.attr(a, e, ""), a.removeattribute(v ? e : c), u.test(e) && c in a && (a[c] = !1)) } }, attrhooks: { type: { set: function (a, b) { if (r.test(a.nodename) && a.parentnode) f.error("type property can't be changed"); else if (! && b === "radio" && f.nodename(a, "input")) { var c = a.value; a.setattribute("type", b), c && (a.value = c); return b } } }, value: { get: function (a, b) { if (w && f.nodename(a, "button")) return w.get(a, b); return b in a ? a.value : null }, set: function (a, b, c) { if (w && f.nodename(a, "button")) return w.set(a, b, c); a.value = b } } }, propfix: { tabindex: "tabindex", readonly: "readonly", "for": "htmlfor", "class": "classname", maxlength: "maxlength", cellspacing: "cellspacing", cellpadding: "cellpadding", rowspan: "rowspan", colspan: "colspan", usemap: "usemap", frameborder: "frameborder", contenteditable: "contenteditable" }, prop: function (a, c, d) { var e, g, h, i = a.nodetype; if (!!a && i !== 3 && i !== 8 && i !== 2) { h = i !== 1 || !f.isxmldoc(a), h && (c = f.propfix[c] || c, g = f.prophooks[c]); return d !== b ? g && "set" in g && (e = g.set(a, d, c)) !== b ? e : a[c] = d : g && "get" in g && (e = g.get(a, c)) !== null ? e : a[c] } }, prophooks: { tabindex: { get: function (a) { var c = a.getattributenode("tabindex"); return c && c.specified ? parseint(c.value, 10) : s.test(a.nodename) || t.test(a.nodename) && a.href ? 0 : b } } } }), f.attrhooks.tabindex = f.prophooks.tabindex, x = { get: function (a, c) { var d, e = f.prop(a, c); return e === !0 || typeof e != "boolean" && (d = a.getattributenode(c)) && d.nodevalue !== !1 ? c.tolowercase() : b }, set: function (a, b, c) { var d; b === !1 ? f.removeattr(a, c) : (d = f.propfix[c] || c, d in a && (a[d] = !0), a.setattribute(c, c.tolowercase())); return c } }, v || (y = { name: !0, id: !0 }, w = f.valhooks.button = { get: function (a, c) { var d; d = a.getattributenode(c); return d && (y[c] ? d.nodevalue !== "" : d.specified) ? d.nodevalue : b }, set: function (a, b, d) { var e = a.getattributenode(d); e || (e = c.createattribute(d), a.setattributenode(e)); return e.nodevalue = b + "" } }, f.attrhooks.tabindex.set = w.set, f.each(["width", "height"], function (a, b) { f.attrhooks[b] = f.extend(f.attrhooks[b], { set: function (a, c) { if (c === "") { a.setattribute(b, "auto"); return c } } }) }), f.attrhooks.contenteditable = { get: w.get, set: function (a, b, c) { b === "" && (b = "false"), w.set(a, b, c) } }), || f.each(["href", "src", "width", "height"], function (a, c) { f.attrhooks[c] = f.extend(f.attrhooks[c], { get: function (a) { var d = a.getattribute(c, 2); return d === null ? b : d } }) }), || ( = { get: function (a) { return || b }, set: function (a, b) { return = "" + b } }), || (f.prophooks.selected = f.extend(f.prophooks.selected, { get: function (a) { var b = a.parentnode; b && (b.selectedindex, b.parentnode && b.parentnode.selectedindex); return null } })), || (f.propfix.enctype = "encoding"), || f.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () { f.valhooks[this] = { get: function (a) { return a.getattribute("value") === null ? "on" : a.value } } }), f.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () { f.valhooks[this] = f.extend(f.valhooks[this], { set: function (a, b) { if (f.isarray(b)) return a.checked = f.inarray(f(a).val(), b) >= 0 } }) }); var z = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i, a = /^([^\.]*)?(?:\.(.+))?$/, b = /\bhover(\.\s+)?\b/, c = /^key/, d = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, e = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, f = /^(\w*)(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?$/, g = function (a) { var b = f.exec(a); b && (b[1] = (b[1] || "").tolowercase(), b[3] = b[3] && new regexp("(?:^|\\s)" + b[3] + "(?:\\s|$)")); return b }, h = function (a, b) { var c = a.attributes || {}; return (!b[1] || a.nodename.tolowercase() === b[1]) && (!b[2] || ( || {}).value === b[2]) && (!b[3] || b[3].test((c["class"] || {}).value)) }, i = function (a) { return f.event.special.hover ? a : a.replace(b, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1") }; f.event = { add: function (a, c, d, e, g) { var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s; if (!(a.nodetype === 3 || a.nodetype === 8 || !c || !d || !(h = f._data(a)))) { d.handler && (p = d, d = p.handler), d.guid || (d.guid = f.guid++), j =, j || ( = j = {}), i = h.handle, i || (h.handle = i = function (a) { return typeof f != "undefined" && (!a || f.event.triggered !== a.type) ? f.event.dispatch.apply(i.elem, arguments) : b }, i.elem = a), c = f.trim(i(c)).split(" "); for (k = 0; k < c.length; k++) { l = a.exec(c[k]) || [], m = l[1], n = (l[2] || "").split(".").sort(), s = f.event.special[m] || {}, m = (g ? s.delegatetype : s.bindtype) || m, s = f.event.special[m] || {}, o = f.extend({ type: m, origtype: l[1], data: e, handler: d, guid: d.guid, selector: g, quick: g(g), namespace: n.join(".") }, p), r = j[m]; if (!r) { r = j[m] = [], r.delegatecount = 0; if (!s.setup ||, e, n, i) === !1) a.addeventlistener ? a.addeventlistener(m, i, !1) : a.attachevent && a.attachevent("on" + m, i) } s.add && (, o), o.handler.guid || (o.handler.guid = d.guid)), g ? r.splice(r.delegatecount++, 0, o) : r.push(o),[m] = !0 } a = null } }, global: {}, remove: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var g = f.hasdata(a) && f._data(a), h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s; if (!!g && !!(o = { b = f.trim(i(b || "")).split(" "); for (h = 0; h < b.length; h++) { i = a.exec(b[h]) || [], j = k = i[1], l = i[2]; if (!j) { for (j in o) f.event.remove(a, j + b[h], c, d, !0); continue } p = f.event.special[j] || {}, j = (d ? p.delegatetype : p.bindtype) || j, r = o[j] || [], m = r.length, l = l ? new regexp("(^|\\.)" + l.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null; for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++) s = r[n], (e || k === s.origtype) && (!c || c.guid === s.guid) && (!l || l.test(s.namespace)) && (!d || d === s.selector || d === "**" && s.selector) && (r.splice(n--, 1), s.selector && r.delegatecount--, p.remove &&, s)); r.length === 0 && m !== r.length && ((!p.teardown ||, l) === !1) && f.removeevent(a, j, g.handle), delete o[j]) } f.isemptyobject(o) && (q = g.handle, q && (q.elem = null), f.removedata(a, ["events", "handle"], !0)) } }, customevent: { getdata: !0, setdata: !0, changedata: !0 }, trigger: function (c, d, e, g) { if (!e || e.nodetype !== 3 && e.nodetype !== 8) { var h = c.type || c, i = [], j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s; if (e.test(h + f.event.triggered)) return; h.indexof("!") >= 0 && (h = h.slice(0, -1), k = !0), h.indexof(".") >= 0 && (i = h.split("."), h = i.shift(), i.sort()); if ((!e || f.event.customevent[h]) && ![h]) return; c = typeof c == "object" ? c[f.expando] ? c : new f.event(h, c) : new f.event(h), c.type = h, c.istrigger = !0, c.exclusive = k, c.namespace = i.join("."), c.namespace_re = c.namespace ? new regexp("(^|\\.)" + i.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null, o = h.indexof(":") < 0 ? "on" + h : ""; if (!e) { j = f.cache; for (l in j) j[l].events && j[l].events[h] && f.event.trigger(c, d, j[l].handle.elem, !0); return } c.result = b, || ( = e), d = d != null ? f.makearray(d) : [], d.unshift(c), p = f.event.special[h] || {}; if (p.trigger && p.trigger.apply(e, d) === !1) return; r = [ [e, p.bindtype || h] ]; if (!g && !p.nobubble && !f.iswindow(e)) { s = p.delegatetype || h, m = e.test(s + h) ? e : e.parentnode, n = null; for (; m; m = m.parentnode) r.push([m, s]), n = m; n && n === e.ownerdocument && r.push([n.defaultview || n.parentwindow || a, s]) } for (l = 0; l < r.length && !c.ispropagationstopped() ; l++) m = r[l][0], c.type = r[l][1], q = (f._data(m, "events") || {})[c.type] && f._data(m, "handle"), q && q.apply(m, d), q = o && m[o], q && f.acceptdata(m) && q.apply(m, d) === !1 && c.preventdefault(); c.type = h, !g && !c.isdefaultprevented() && (!p._default || p._default.apply(e.ownerdocument, d) === !1) && (h !== "click" || !f.nodename(e, "a")) && f.acceptdata(e) && o && e[h] && (h !== "focus" && h !== "blur" || !== 0) && !f.iswindow(e) && (n = e[o], n && (e[o] = null), f.event.triggered = h, e[h](), f.event.triggered = b, n && (e[o] = n)); return c.result } }, dispatch: function (c) { c = f.event.fix(c || a.event); var d = (f._data(this, "events") || {})[c.type] || [], e = d.delegatecount, g = [], 0), h = !c.exclusive && !c.namespace, i = [], j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t; g[0] = c, c.delegatetarget = this; if (e && ! && (!c.button || c.type !== "click")) { m = f(this), m.context = this.ownerdocument || this; for (l =; l != this; l = l.parentnode || this) { o = {}, q = [], m[0] = l; for (j = 0; j < e; j++) r = d[j], s = r.selector, o[s] === b && (o[s] = r.quick ? h(l, r.quick) :, o[s] && q.push(r); q.length && i.push({ elem: l, matches: q }) } } d.length > e && i.push({ elem: this, matches: d.slice(e) }); for (j = 0; j < i.length && !c.ispropagationstopped() ; j++) { p = i[j], c.currenttarget = p.elem; for (k = 0; k < p.matches.length && !c.isimmediatepropagationstopped() ; k++) { r = p.matches[k]; if (h || !c.namespace && !r.namespace || c.namespace_re && c.namespace_re.test(r.namespace)) =, c.handleobj = r, n = ((f.event.special[r.origtype] || {}).handle || r.handler).apply(p.elem, g), n !== b && (c.result = n, n === !1 && (c.preventdefault(), c.stoppropagation())) } } return c.result }, props: "attrchange attrname relatednode srcelement altkey bubbles cancelable ctrlkey currenttarget eventphase metakey relatedtarget shiftkey target timestamp view which".split(" "), fixhooks: {}, keyhooks: { props: "char charcode key keycode".split(" "), filter: function (a, b) { a.which == null && (a.which = b.charcode != null ? b.charcode : b.keycode); return a } }, mousehooks: { props: "button buttons clientx clienty fromelement offsetx offsety pagex pagey screenx screeny toelement".split(" "), filter: function (a, d) { var e, f, g, h = d.button, i = d.fromelement; a.pagex == null && d.clientx != null && (e = || c, f = e.documentelement, g = e.body, a.pagex = d.clientx + (f && f.scrollleft || g && g.scrollleft || 0) - (f && f.clientleft || g && g.clientleft || 0), a.pagey = d.clienty + (f && f.scrolltop || g && g.scrolltop || 0) - (f && f.clienttop || g && g.clienttop || 0)), !a.relatedtarget && i && (a.relatedtarget = i === ? d.toelement : i), !a.which && h !== b && (a.which = h & 1 ? 1 : h & 2 ? 3 : h & 4 ? 2 : 0); return a } }, fix: function (a) { if (a[f.expando]) return a; var d, e, g = a, h = f.event.fixhooks[a.type] || {}, i = h.props ? this.props.concat(h.props) : this.props; a = f.event(g); for (d = i.length; d;) e = i[--d], a[e] = g[e]; || ( = g.srcelement || c), === 3 && ( =, a.metakey === b && (a.metakey = a.ctrlkey); return h.filter ? h.filter(a, g) : a }, special: { ready: { setup: f.bindready }, load: { nobubble: !0 }, focus: { delegatetype: "focusin" }, blur: { delegatetype: "focusout" }, beforeunload: { setup: function (a, b, c) { f.iswindow(this) && (this.onbeforeunload = c) }, teardown: function (a, b) { this.onbeforeunload === b && (this.onbeforeunload = null) } } }, simulate: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = f.extend(new f.event, c, { type: a, issimulated: !0, originalevent: {} }); d ? f.event.trigger(e, null, b) :, e), e.isdefaultprevented() && c.preventdefault() } }, f.event.handle = f.event.dispatch, f.removeevent = c.removeeventlistener ? function (a, b, c) { a.removeeventlistener && a.removeeventlistener(b, c, !1) } : function (a, b, c) { a.detachevent && a.detachevent("on" + b, c) }, f.event = function (a, b) { if (!(this instanceof f.event)) return new f.event(a, b); a && a.type ? (this.originalevent = a, this.type = a.type, this.isdefaultprevented = a.defaultprevented || a.returnvalue === !1 || a.getpreventdefault && a.getpreventdefault() ? k : j) : this.type = a, b && f.extend(this, b), this.timestamp = a && a.timestamp ||, this[f.expando] = !0 }, f.event.prototype = { preventdefault: function () { this.isdefaultprevented = k; var a = this.originalevent; !a || (a.preventdefault ? a.preventdefault() : a.returnvalue = !1) }, stoppropagation: function () { this.ispropagationstopped = k; var a = this.originalevent; !a || (a.stoppropagation && a.stoppropagation(), a.cancelbubble = !0) }, stopimmediatepropagation: function () { this.isimmediatepropagationstopped = k, this.stoppropagation() }, isdefaultprevented: j, ispropagationstopped: j, isimmediatepropagationstopped: j }, f.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }, function (a, b) { f.event.special[a] = { delegatetype: b, bindtype: b, handle: function (a) { var c = this, d = a.relatedtarget, e = a.handleobj, g = e.selector, h; if (!d || d !== c && !f.contains(c, d)) a.type = e.origtype, h = e.handler.apply(this, arguments), a.type = b; return h } } }), || (f.event.special.submit = { setup: function () { if (f.nodename(this, "form")) return !1; f.event.add(this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function (a) { var c =, d = f.nodename(c, "input") || f.nodename(c, "button") ? c.form : b; d && !d._submit_attached && (f.event.add(d, "submit._submit", function (a) { this.parentnode && !a.istrigger && f.event.simulate("submit", this.parentnode, a, !0) }), d._submit_attached = !0) }) }, teardown: function () { if (f.nodename(this, "form")) return !1; f.event.remove(this, "._submit") } }), || (f.event.special.change = { setup: function () { if (z.test(this.nodename)) { if (this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio") f.event.add(this, "propertychange._change", function (a) { a.originalevent.propertyname === "checked" && (this._just_changed = !0) }), f.event.add(this, "click._change", function (a) { this._just_changed && !a.istrigger && (this._just_changed = !1, f.event.simulate("change", this, a, !0)) }); return !1 } f.event.add(this, "beforeactivate._change", function (a) { var b =; z.test(b.nodename) && !b._change_attached && (f.event.add(b, "change._change", function (a) { this.parentnode && !a.issimulated && !a.istrigger && f.event.simulate("change", this.parentnode, a, !0) }), b._change_attached = !0) }) }, handle: function (a) { var b =; if (this !== b || a.issimulated || a.istrigger || b.type !== "radio" && b.type !== "checkbox") return a.handleobj.handler.apply(this, arguments) }, teardown: function () { f.event.remove(this, "._change"); return z.test(this.nodename) } }), || f.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function (a, b) { var d = 0, e = function (a) { f.event.simulate(b,, f.event.fix(a), !0) }; f.event.special[b] = { setup: function () { d++ === 0 && c.addeventlistener(a, e, !0) }, teardown: function () { --d === 0 && c.removeeventlistener(a, e, !0) } } }), f.fn.extend({ on: function (a, c, d, e, g) { var h, i; if (typeof a == "object") { typeof c != "string" && (d = c, c = b); for (i in a) this.on(i, c, d, a[i], g); return this } d == null && e == null ? (e = c, d = c = b) : e == null && (typeof c == "string" ? (e = d, d = b) : (e = d, d = c, c = b)); if (e === !1) e = j; else if (!e) return this; g === 1 && (h = e, e = function (a) { f().off(a); return h.apply(this, arguments) }, e.guid = h.guid || (h.guid = f.guid++)); return this.each(function () { f.event.add(this, a, e, d, c) }) }, one: function (a, b, c, d) { return, a, b, c, d, 1) }, off: function (a, c, d) { if (a && a.preventdefault && a.handleobj) { var e = a.handleobj; f(a.delegatetarget).off(e.namespace ? e.type + "." + e.namespace : e.type, e.selector, e.handler); return this } if (typeof a == "object") { for (var g in a), c, a[g]); return this } if (c === !1 || typeof c == "function") d = c, c = b; d === !1 && (d = j); return this.each(function () { f.event.remove(this, a, d, c) }) }, bind: function (a, b, c) { return this.on(a, null, b, c) }, unbind: function (a, b) { return, null, b) }, live: function (a, b, c) { f(this.context).on(a, this.selector, b, c); return this }, die: function (a, b) { f(this.context).off(a, this.selector || "**", b); return this }, delegate: function (a, b, c, d) { return this.on(b, a, c, d) }, undelegate: function (a, b, c) { return arguments.length == 1 ?, "**") :, a, c) }, trigger: function (a, b) { return this.each(function () { f.event.trigger(a, b, this) }) }, triggerhandler: function (a, b) { if (this[0]) return f.event.trigger(a, b, this[0], !0) }, toggle: function (a) { var b = arguments, c = a.guid || f.guid++, d = 0, e = function (c) { var e = (f._data(this, "lasttoggle" + a.guid) || 0) % d; f._data(this, "lasttoggle" + a.guid, e + 1), c.preventdefault(); return b[e].apply(this, arguments) || !1 }; e.guid = c; while (d < b.length) b[d++].guid = c; return }, hover: function (a, b) { return this.mouseenter(a).mouseleave(b || a) } }), f.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu".split(" "), function (a, b) { f.fn[b] = function (a, c) { c == null && (c = a, a = null); return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(b, null, a, c) : this.trigger(b) }, f.attrfn && (f.attrfn[b] = !0), c.test(b) && (f.event.fixhooks[b] = f.event.keyhooks), d.test(b) && (f.event.fixhooks[b] = f.event.mousehooks) }), function () { function x(a, b, c, e, f, g) { for (var h = 0, i = e.length; h < i; h++) { var j = e[h]; if (j) { var k = !1; j = j[a]; while (j) { if (j[d] === c) { k = e[j.sizset]; break } if (j.nodetype === 1) { g || (j[d] = c, j.sizset = h); if (typeof b != "string") { if (j === b) { k = !0; break } } else if (m.filter(b, [j]).length > 0) { k = j; break } } j = j[a] } e[h] = k } } } function w(a, b, c, e, f, g) { for (var h = 0, i = e.length; h < i; h++) { var j = e[h]; if (j) { var k = !1; j = j[a]; while (j) { if (j[d] === c) { k = e[j.sizset]; break } j.nodetype === 1 && !g && (j[d] = c, j.sizset = h); if (j.nodename.tolowercase() === b) { k = j; break } j = j[a] } e[h] = k } } } var a = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g, d = "sizcache" + (math.random() + "").replace(".", ""), e = 0, g = object.prototype.tostring, h = !1, i = !0, j = /\\/g, k = /\r\n/g, l = /\w/; [0, 0].sort(function () { i = !1; return 0 }); var m = function (b, d, e, f) { e = e || [], d = d || c; var h = d; if (d.nodetype !== 1 && d.nodetype !== 9) return []; if (!b || typeof b != "string") return e; var i, j, k, l, n, q, r, t, u = !0, v = m.isxml(d), w = [], x = b; do { a.exec(""), i = a.exec(x); if (i) { x = i[3], w.push(i[1]); if (i[2]) { l = i[3]; break } } } while (i); if (w.length > 1 && p.exec(b)) if (w.length === 2 && o.relative[w[0]]) j = y(w[0] + w[1], d, f); else { j = o.relative[w[0]] ? [d] : m(w.shift(), d); while (w.length) b = w.shift(), o.relative[b] && (b += w.shift()), j = y(b, j, f) } else { !f && w.length > 1 && d.nodetype === 9 && !v &&[0]) && ![w.length - 1]) && (n = m.find(w.shift(), d, v), d = n.expr ? m.filter(n.expr, n.set)[0] : n.set[0]); if (d) { n = f ? { expr: w.pop(), set: s(f) } : m.find(w.pop(), w.length === 1 && (w[0] === "~" || w[0] === "+") && d.parentnode ? d.parentnode : d, v), j = n.expr ? m.filter(n.expr, n.set) : n.set, w.length > 0 ? k = s(j) : u = !1; while (w.length) q = w.pop(), r = q, o.relative[q] ? r = w.pop() : q = "", r == null && (r = d), o.relative[q](k, r, v) } else k = w = [] } k || (k = j), k || m.error(q || b); if ( === "[object array]") if (!u) e.push.apply(e, k); else if (d && d.nodetype === 1) for (t = 0; k[t] != null; t++) k[t] && (k[t] === !0 || k[t].nodetype === 1 && m.contains(d, k[t])) && e.push(j[t]); else for (t = 0; k[t] != null; t++) k[t] && k[t].nodetype === 1 && e.push(j[t]); else s(k, e); l && (m(l, h, e, f), m.uniquesort(e)); return e }; m.uniquesort = function (a) { if (u) { h = i, a.sort(u); if (h) for (var b = 1; b < a.length; b++) a[b] === a[b - 1] && a.splice(b--, 1) } return a }, m.matches = function (a, b) { return m(a, null, null, b) }, m.matchesselector = function (a, b) { return m(b, null, null, [a]).length > 0 }, m.find = function (a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, h, i; if (!a) return []; for (e = 0, f = o.order.length; e < f; e++) { h = o.order[e]; if (g = o.leftmatch[h].exec(a)) { i = g[1], g.splice(1, 1); if (i.substr(i.length - 1) !== "\\") { g[1] = (g[1] || "").replace(j, ""), d = o.find[h](g, b, c); if (d != null) { a = a.replace(o.match[h], ""); break } } } } d || (d = typeof b.getelementsbytagname != "undefined" ? b.getelementsbytagname("*") : []); return { set: d, expr: a } }, m.filter = function (a, c, d, e) { var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, n, p, q = a, r = [], s = c, t = c && c[0] && m.isxml(c[0]); while (a && c.length) { for (h in o.filter) if ((f = o.leftmatch[h].exec(a)) != null && f[2]) { k = o.filter[h], l = f[1], g = !1, f.splice(1, 1); if (l.substr(l.length - 1) === "\\") continue; s === r && (r = []); if (o.prefilter[h]) { f = o.prefilter[h](f, s, d, r, e, t); if (!f) g = i = !0; else if (f === !0) continue } if (f) for (n = 0; (j = s[n]) != null; n++) j && (i = k(j, f, n, s), p = e ^ i, d && i != null ? p ? g = !0 : s[n] = !1 : p && (r.push(j), g = !0)); if (i !== b) { d || (s = r), a = a.replace(o.match[h], ""); if (!g) return []; break } } if (a === q) if (g == null) m.error(a); else break; q = a } return s }, m.error = function (a) { throw new error("syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + a) }; var n = m.gettext = function (a) { var b, c, d = a.nodetype, e = ""; if (d) { if (d === 1 || d === 9) { if (typeof a.textcontent == "string") return a.textcontent; if (typeof a.innertext == "string") return a.innertext.replace(k, ""); for (a = a.firstchild; a; a = a.nextsibling) e += n(a) } else if (d === 3 || d === 4) return a.nodevalue } else for (b = 0; c = a[b]; b++) c.nodetype !== 8 && (e += n(c)); return e }, o = m.selectors = { order: ["id", "name", "tag"], match: { id: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uffff\-]|\\.)+)/, class: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uffff\-]|\\.)+)/, name: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uffff\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/, attr: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uffff\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\s?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uffff\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/, tag: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uffff\*\-]|\\.)+)/, child: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/, pos: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/, pseudo: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uffff\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/ }, leftmatch: {}, attrmap: { "class": "classname", "for": "htmlfor" }, attrhandle: { href: function (a) { return a.getattribute("href") }, type: function (a) { return a.getattribute("type") } }, relative: { "+": function (a, b) { var c = typeof b == "string", d = c && !l.test(b), e = c && !d; d && (b = b.tolowercase()); for (var f = 0, g = a.length, h; f < g; f++) if (h = a[f]) { while ((h = h.previoussibling) && h.nodetype !== 1); a[f] = e || h && h.nodename.tolowercase() === b ? h || !1 : h === b } e && m.filter(b, a, !0) }, ">": function (a, b) { var c, d = typeof b == "string", e = 0, f = a.length; if (d && !l.test(b)) { b = b.tolowercase(); for (; e < f; e++) { c = a[e]; if (c) { var g = c.parentnode; a[e] = g.nodename.tolowercase() === b ? g : !1 } } } else { for (; e < f; e++) c = a[e], c && (a[e] = d ? c.parentnode : c.parentnode === b); d && m.filter(b, a, !0) } }, "": function (a, b, c) { var d, f = e++, g = x; typeof b == "string" && !l.test(b) && (b = b.tolowercase(), d = b, g = w), g("parentnode", b, f, a, d, c) }, "~": function (a, b, c) { var d, f = e++, g = x; typeof b == "string" && !l.test(b) && (b = b.tolowercase(), d = b, g = w), g("previoussibling", b, f, a, d, c) } }, find: { id: function (a, b, c) { if (typeof b.getelementbyid != "undefined" && !c) { var d = b.getelementbyid(a[1]); return d && d.parentnode ? [d] : [] } }, name: function (a, b) { if (typeof b.getelementsbyname != "undefined") { var c = [], d = b.getelementsbyname(a[1]); for (var e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; e++) d[e].getattribute("name") === a[1] && c.push(d[e]); return c.length === 0 ? null : c } }, tag: function (a, b) { if (typeof b.getelementsbytagname != "undefined") return b.getelementsbytagname(a[1]) } }, prefilter: { class: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { a = " " + a[1].replace(j, "") + " "; if (f) return a; for (var g = 0, h; (h = b[g]) != null; g++) h && (e ^ (h.classname && (" " + h.classname + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexof(a) >= 0) ? c || d.push(h) : c && (b[g] = !1)); return !1 }, id: function (a) { return a[1].replace(j, "") }, tag: function (a, b) { return a[1].replace(j, "").tolowercase() }, child: function (a) { if (a[1] === "nth") { a[2] || m.error(a[0]), a[2] = a[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, ""); var b = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec(a[2] === "even" && "2n" || a[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" || !/\d/.test(a[2]) && "0n+" + a[2] || a[2]); a[2] = b[1] + (b[2] || 1) - 0, a[3] = b[3] - 0 } else a[2] && m.error(a[0]); a[0] = e++; return a }, attr: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = a[1] = a[1].replace(j, ""); !f && o.attrmap[g] && (a[1] = o.attrmap[g]), a[4] = (a[4] || a[5] || "").replace(j, ""), a[2] === "~=" && (a[4] = " " + a[4] + " "); return a }, pseudo: function (b, c, d, e, f) { if (b[1] === "not") if ((a.exec(b[3]) || "").length > 1 || /^\w/.test(b[3])) b[3] = m(b[3], null, null, c); else { var g = m.filter(b[3], c, d, !0 ^ f); d || e.push.apply(e, g); return !1 } else if (o.match.pos.test(b[0]) || o.match.child.test(b[0])) return !0; return b }, pos: function (a) { a.unshift(!0); return a } }, filters: { enabled: function (a) { return a.disabled === !1 && a.type !== "hidden" }, disabled: function (a) { return a.disabled === !0 }, checked: function (a) { return a.checked === !0 }, selected: function (a) { a.parentnode && a.parentnode.selectedindex; return a.selected === !0 }, parent: function (a) { return !!a.firstchild }, empty: function (a) { return !a.firstchild }, has: function (a, b, c) { return !!m(c[3], a).length }, header: function (a) { return /h\d/i.test(a.nodename) }, text: function (a) { var b = a.getattribute("type"), c = a.type; return a.nodename.tolowercase() === "input" && "text" === c && (b === c || b === null) }, radio: function (a) { return a.nodename.tolowercase() === "input" && "radio" === a.type }, checkbox: function (a) { return a.nodename.tolowercase() === "input" && "checkbox" === a.type }, file: function (a) { return a.nodename.tolowercase() === "input" && "file" === a.type }, password: function (a) { return a.nodename.tolowercase() === "input" && "password" === a.type }, submit: function (a) { var b = a.nodename.tolowercase(); return (b === "input" || b === "button") && "submit" === a.type }, image: function (a) { return a.nodename.tolowercase() === "input" && "image" === a.type }, reset: function (a) { var b = a.nodename.tolowercase(); return (b === "input" || b === "button") && "reset" === a.type }, button: function (a) { var b = a.nodename.tolowercase(); return b === "input" && "button" === a.type || b === "button" }, input: function (a) { return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(a.nodename) }, focus: function (a) { return a === a.ownerdocument.activeelement } }, setfilters: { first: function (a, b) { return b === 0 }, last: function (a, b, c, d) { return b === d.length - 1 }, even: function (a, b) { return b % 2 === 0 }, odd: function (a, b) { return b % 2 === 1 }, lt: function (a, b, c) { return b < c[3] - 0 }, gt: function (a, b, c) { return b > c[3] - 0 }, nth: function (a, b, c) { return c[3] - 0 === b }, eq: function (a, b, c) { return c[3] - 0 === b } }, filter: { pseudo: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = b[1], f = o.filters[e]; if (f) return f(a, c, b, d); if (e === "contains") return (a.textcontent || a.innertext || n([a]) || "").indexof(b[3]) >= 0; if (e === "not") { var g = b[3]; for (var h = 0, i = g.length; h < i; h++) if (g[h] === a) return !1; return !0 } m.error(e) }, child: function (a, b) { var c, e, f, g, h, i, j, k = b[1], l = a; switch (k) { case "only": case "first": while (l = l.previoussibling) if (l.nodetype === 1) return !1; if (k === "first") return !0; l = a; case "last": while (l = l.nextsibling) if (l.nodetype === 1) return !1; return !0; case "nth": c = b[2], e = b[3]; if (c === 1 && e === 0) return !0; f = b[0], g = a.parentnode; if (g && (g[d] !== f || !a.nodeindex)) { i = 0; for (l = g.firstchild; l; l = l.nextsibling) l.nodetype === 1 && (l.nodeindex = ++i); g[d] = f } j = a.nodeindex - e; return c === 0 ? j === 0 : j % c === 0 && j / c >= 0 } }, id: function (a, b) { return a.nodetype === 1 && a.getattribute("id") === b }, tag: function (a, b) { return b === "*" && a.nodetype === 1 || !!a.nodename && a.nodename.tolowercase() === b }, class: function (a, b) { return (" " + (a.classname || a.getattribute("class")) + " ").indexof(b) > -1 }, attr: function (a, b) { var c = b[1], d = m.attr ? m.attr(a, c) : o.attrhandle[c] ? o.attrhandle[c](a) : a[c] != null ? a[c] : a.getattribute(c), e = d + "", f = b[2], g = b[4]; return d == null ? f === "!=" : !f && m.attr ? d != null : f === "=" ? e === g : f === "*=" ? e.indexof(g) >= 0 : f === "~=" ? (" " + e + " ").indexof(g) >= 0 : g ? f === "!=" ? e !== g : f === "^=" ? e.indexof(g) === 0 : f === "$=" ? e.substr(e.length - g.length) === g : f === "|=" ? e === g || e.substr(0, g.length + 1) === g + "-" : !1 : e && d !== !1 }, pos: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = b[2], f = o.setfilters[e]; if (f) return f(a, c, b, d) } } }, p = o.match.pos, q = function (a, b) { return "\\" + (b - 0 + 1) }; for (var r in o.match) o.match[r] = new regexp(o.match[r].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source), o.leftmatch[r] = new regexp(/(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + o.match[r].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, q)); var s = function (a, b) { a =, 0); if (b) { b.push.apply(b, a); return b } return a }; try {, 0)[0].nodetype } catch (t) { s = function (a, b) { var c = 0, d = b || []; if ( === "[object array]") array.prototype.push.apply(d, a); else if (typeof a.length == "number") for (var e = a.length; c < e; c++) d.push(a[c]); else for (; a[c]; c++) d.push(a[c]); return d } } var u, v; c.documentelement.comparedocumentposition ? u = function (a, b) { if (a === b) { h = !0; return 0 } if (!a.comparedocumentposition || !b.comparedocumentposition) return a.comparedocumentposition ? -1 : 1; return a.comparedocumentposition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1 } : (u = function (a, b) { if (a === b) { h = !0; return 0 } if (a.sourceindex && b.sourceindex) return a.sourceindex - b.sourceindex; var c, d, e = [], f = [], g = a.parentnode, i = b.parentnode, j = g; if (g === i) return v(a, b); if (!g) return -1; if (!i) return 1; while (j) e.unshift(j), j = j.parentnode; j = i; while (j) f.unshift(j), j = j.parentnode; c = e.length, d = f.length; for (var k = 0; k < c && k < d; k++) if (e[k] !== f[k]) return v(e[k], f[k]); return k === c ? v(a, f[k], -1) : v(e[k], b, 1) }, v = function (a, b, c) { if (a === b) return c; var d = a.nextsibling; while (d) { if (d === b) return -1; d = d.nextsibling } return 1 }), function () { var a = c.createelement("div"), d = "script" + (new date).gettime(), e = c.documentelement; a.innerhtml = "", e.insertbefore(a, e.firstchild), c.getelementbyid(d) && ( = function (a, c, d) { if (typeof c.getelementbyid != "undefined" && !d) { var e = c.getelementbyid(a[1]); return e ? === a[1] || typeof e.getattributenode != "undefined" && e.getattributenode("id").nodevalue === a[1] ? [e] : b : [] } }, = function (a, b) { var c = typeof a.getattributenode != "undefined" && a.getattributenode("id"); return a.nodetype === 1 && c && c.nodevalue === b }), e.removechild(a), e = a = null }(), function () { var a = c.createelement("div"); a.appendchild(c.createcomment("")), a.getelementsbytagname("*").length > 0 && (o.find.tag = function (a, b) { var c = b.getelementsbytagname(a[1]); if (a[1] === "*") { var d = []; for (var e = 0; c[e]; e++) c[e].nodetype === 1 && d.push(c[e]); c = d } return c }), a.innerhtml = "", a.firstchild && typeof a.firstchild.getattribute != "undefined" && a.firstchild.getattribute("href") !== "#" && (o.attrhandle.href = function (a) { return a.getattribute("href", 2) }), a = null }(), c.queryselectorall && function () { var a = m, b = c.createelement("div"), d = "__sizzle__"; b.innerhtml = "

"; if (!b.queryselectorall || b.queryselectorall(".test").length !== 0) { m = function (b, e, f, g) { e = e || c; if (!g && !m.isxml(e)) { var h = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec(b); if (h && (e.nodetype === 1 || e.nodetype === 9)) { if (h[1]) return s(e.getelementsbytagname(b), f); if (h[2] && o.find.class && e.getelementsbyclassname) return s(e.getelementsbyclassname(h[2]), f) } if (e.nodetype === 9) { if (b === "body" && e.body) return s([e.body], f); if (h && h[3]) { var i = e.getelementbyid(h[3]); if (!i || !i.parentnode) return s([], f); if ( === h[3]) return s([i], f) } try { return s(e.queryselectorall(b), f) } catch (j) { } } else if (e.nodetype === 1 && e.nodename.tolowercase() !== "object") { var k = e, l = e.getattribute("id"), n = l || d, p = e.parentnode, q = /^\s*[+~]/.test(b); l ? n = n.replace(/'/g, "\\$&") : e.setattribute("id", n), q && p && (e = e.parentnode); try { if (!q || p) return s(e.queryselectorall("[id='" + n + "'] " + b), f) } catch (r) { } finally { l || k.removeattribute("id") } } } return a(b, e, f, g) }; for (var e in a) m[e] = a[e]; b = null } }(), function () { var a = c.documentelement, b = a.matchesselector || a.mozmatchesselector || a.webkitmatchesselector || a.msmatchesselector; if (b) { var d = !"div"), "div"), e = !1; try {, "[test!='']:sizzle") } catch (f) { e = !0 } m.matchesselector = function (a, c) { c = c.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']"); if (!m.isxml(a)) try { if (e || !o.match.pseudo.test(c) && !/!=/.test(c)) { var f =, c); if (f || !d || a.document && a.document.nodetype !== 11) return f } } catch (g) { } return m(c, null, null, [a]).length > 0 } } }(), function () { var a = c.createelement("div"); a.innerhtml = "
"; if (!!a.getelementsbyclassname && a.getelementsbyclassname("e").length !== 0) { a.lastchild.classname = "e"; if (a.getelementsbyclassname("e").length === 1) return; o.order.splice(1, 0, "class"), o.find.class = function (a, b, c) { if (typeof b.getelementsbyclassname != "undefined" && !c) return b.getelementsbyclassname(a[1]) }, a = null } }(), c.documentelement.contains ? m.contains = function (a, b) { return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : !0) } : c.documentelement.comparedocumentposition ? m.contains = function (a, b) { return !!(a.comparedocumentposition(b) & 16) } : m.contains = function () { return !1 }, m.isxml = function (a) { var b = (a ? a.ownerdocument || a : 0).documentelement; return b ? b.nodename !== "html" : !1 }; var y = function (a, b, c) { var d, e = [], f = "", g = b.nodetype ? [b] : b; while (d = o.match.pseudo.exec(a)) f += d[0], a = a.replace(o.match.pseudo, ""); a = o.relative[a] ? a + "*" : a; for (var h = 0, i = g.length; h < i; h++) m(a, g[h], e, c); return m.filter(f, e) }; m.attr = f.attr, m.selectors.attrmap = {}, f.find = m, f.expr = m.selectors, f.expr[":"] = f.expr.filters, f.unique = m.uniquesort, f.text = m.gettext, f.isxmldoc = m.isxml, f.contains = m.contains }(); var l = /until$/, m = /^(?:parents|prevuntil|prevall)/, n = /,/, o = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, p = array.prototype.slice, q = f.expr.match.pos, r = { children: !0, contents: !0, next: !0, prev: !0 }; f.fn.extend({ find: function (a) { var b = this, c, d; if (typeof a != "string") return f(a).filter(function () { for (c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) if (f.contains(b[c], this)) return !0 }); var e = this.pushstack("", "find", a), g, h, i; for (c = 0, d = this.length; c < d; c++) { g = e.length, f.find(a, this[c], e); if (c > 0) for (h = g; h < e.length; h++) for (i = 0; i < g; i++) if (e[i] === e[h]) { e.splice(h--, 1); break } } return e }, has: function (a) { var b = f(a); return this.filter(function () { for (var a = 0, c = b.length; a < c; a++) if (f.contains(this, b[a])) return !0 }) }, not: function (a) { return this.pushstack(t(this, a, !1), "not", a) }, filter: function (a) { return this.pushstack(t(this, a, !0), "filter", a) }, is: function (a) { return !!a && (typeof a == "string" ? q.test(a) ? f(a, this.context).index(this[0]) >= 0 : f.filter(a, this).length > 0 : this.filter(a).length > 0) }, closest: function (a, b) { var c = [], d, e, g = this[0]; if (f.isarray(a)) { var h = 1; while (g && g.ownerdocument && g !== b) { for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) f(g).is(a[d]) && c.push({ selector: a[d], elem: g, level: h }); g = g.parentnode, h++ } return c } var i = q.test(a) || typeof a != "string" ? f(a, b || this.context) : 0; for (d = 0, e = this.length; d < e; d++) { g = this[d]; while (g) { if (i ? i.index(g) > -1 : f.find.matchesselector(g, a)) { c.push(g); break } g = g.parentnode; if (!g || !g.ownerdocument || g === b || g.nodetype === 11) break } } c = c.length > 1 ? f.unique(c) : c; return this.pushstack(c, "closest", a) }, index: function (a) { if (!a) return this[0] && this[0].parentnode ? this.prevall().length : -1; if (typeof a == "string") return f.inarray(this[0], f(a)); return f.inarray(a.jquery ? a[0] : a, this) }, add: function (a, b) { var c = typeof a == "string" ? f(a, b) : f.makearray(a && a.nodetype ? [a] : a), d = f.merge(this.get(), c); return this.pushstack(s(c[0]) || s(d[0]) ? d : f.unique(d)) }, andself: function () { return this.add(this.prevobject) } }), f.each({ parent: function (a) { var b = a.parentnode; return b && b.nodetype !== 11 ? b : null }, parents: function (a) { return f.dir(a, "parentnode") }, parentsuntil: function (a, b, c) { return f.dir(a, "parentnode", c) }, next: function (a) { return f.nth(a, 2, "nextsibling") }, prev: function (a) { return f.nth(a, 2, "previoussibling") }, nextall: function (a) { return f.dir(a, "nextsibling") }, prevall: function (a) { return f.dir(a, "previoussibling") }, nextuntil: function (a, b, c) { return f.dir(a, "nextsibling", c) }, prevuntil: function (a, b, c) { return f.dir(a, "previoussibling", c) }, siblings: function (a) { return f.sibling(a.parentnode.firstchild, a) }, children: function (a) { return f.sibling(a.firstchild) }, contents: function (a) { return f.nodename(a, "iframe") ? a.contentdocument || a.contentwindow.document : f.makearray(a.childnodes) } }, function (a, b) { f.fn[a] = function (c, d) { var e =, b, c); l.test(a) || (d = c), d && typeof d == "string" && (e = f.filter(d, e)), e = this.length > 1 && !r[a] ? f.unique(e) : e, (this.length > 1 || n.test(d)) && m.test(a) && (e = e.reverse()); return this.pushstack(e, a,",")) } }), f.extend({ filter: function (a, b, c) { c && (a = ":not(" + a + ")"); return b.length === 1 ? f.find.matchesselector(b[0], a) ? [b[0]] : [] : f.find.matches(a, b) }, dir: function (a, c, d) { var e = [], g = a[c]; while (g && g.nodetype !== 9 && (d === b || g.nodetype !== 1 || !f(g).is(d))) g.nodetype === 1 && e.push(g), g = g[c]; return e }, nth: function (a, b, c, d) { b = b || 1; var e = 0; for (; a; a = a[c]) if (a.nodetype === 1 && ++e === b) break; return a }, sibling: function (a, b) { var c = []; for (; a; a = a.nextsibling) a.nodetype === 1 && a !== b && c.push(a); return c } }); var v = "abbr|article|aside|audio|canvas|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video", w = / jquery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, x = /^\s+/, y = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig, z = /<([\w:]+)/, $ = /", ""], legend: [1, "
", "
"], thead: [1, "", "
"], tr: [2, "", "
"], td: [3, "", "
"], col: [2, "", "
"], area: [1, "", ""], _default: [0, "", ""] }, bh = u(c); bg.optgroup = bg.option, bg.tbody = bg.tfoot = bg.colgroup = bg.caption = bg.thead, =, || (bg._default = [1, "div
", "
"]), f.fn.extend({ text: function (a) { if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { var c = f(this); c.text(, b, c.text())) }); if (typeof a != "object" && a !== b) return this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerdocument || c).createtextnode(a)); return f.text(this) }, wrapall: function (a) { if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { f(this).wrapall(, b)) }); if (this[0]) { var b = f(a, this[0].ownerdocument).eq(0).clone(!0); this[0].parentnode && b.insertbefore(this[0]), () { var a = this; while (a.firstchild && a.firstchild.nodetype === 1) a = a.firstchild; return a }).append(this) } return this }, wrapinner: function (a) { if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { f(this).wrapinner(, b)) }); return this.each(function () { var b = f(this), c = b.contents(); c.length ? c.wrapall(a) : b.append(a) }) }, wrap: function (a) { var b = f.isfunction(a); return this.each(function (c) { f(this).wrapall(b ?, c) : a) }) }, unwrap: function () { return this.parent().each(function () { f.nodename(this, "body") || f(this).replacewith(this.childnodes) }).end() }, append: function () { return this.dommanip(arguments, !0, function (a) { this.nodetype === 1 && this.appendchild(a) }) }, prepend: function () { return this.dommanip(arguments, !0, function (a) { this.nodetype === 1 && this.insertbefore(a, this.firstchild) }) }, before: function () { if (this[0] && this[0].parentnode) return this.dommanip(arguments, !1, function (a) { this.parentnode.insertbefore(a, this) }); if (arguments.length) { var a = f.clean(arguments); a.push.apply(a, this.toarray()); return this.pushstack(a, "before", arguments) } }, after: function () { if (this[0] && this[0].parentnode) return this.dommanip(arguments, !1, function (a) { this.parentnode.insertbefore(a, this.nextsibling) }); if (arguments.length) { var a = this.pushstack(this, "after", arguments); a.push.apply(a, f.clean(arguments)); return a } }, remove: function (a, b) { for (var c = 0, d; (d = this[c]) != null; c++) if (!a || f.filter(a, [d]).length) !b && d.nodetype === 1 && (f.cleandata(d.getelementsbytagname("*")), f.cleandata([d])), d.parentnode && d.parentnode.removechild(d); return this }, empty: function () { for (var a = 0, b; (b = this[a]) != null; a++) { b.nodetype === 1 && f.cleandata(b.getelementsbytagname("*")); while (b.firstchild) b.removechild(b.firstchild) } return this }, clone: function (a, b) { a = a == null ? !1 : a, b = b == null ? a : b; return () { return f.clone(this, a, b) }) }, html: function (a) { if (a === b) return this[0] && this[0].nodetype === 1 ? this[0].innerhtml.replace(w, "") : null; if (typeof a == "string" && !ba.test(a) && ( || !x.test(a)) && !bg[(z.exec(a) || ["", ""])[1].tolowercase()]) { a = a.replace(y, "<$1>"); try { for (var c = 0, d = this.length; c < d; c++) this[c].nodetype === 1 && (f.cleandata(this[c].getelementsbytagname("*")), this[c].innerhtml = a) } catch (e) { this.empty().append(a) } } else f.isfunction(a) ? this.each(function (b) { var c = f(this); c.html(, b, c.html())) }) : this.empty().append(a); return this }, replacewith: function (a) { if (this[0] && this[0].parentnode) { if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { var c = f(this), d = c.html(); c.replacewith(, b, d)) }); typeof a != "string" && (a = f(a).detach()); return this.each(function () { var b = this.nextsibling, c = this.parentnode; f(this).remove(), b ? f(b).before(a) : f(c).append(a) }) } return this.length ? this.pushstack(f(f.isfunction(a) ? a() : a), "replacewith", a) : this }, detach: function (a) { return this.remove(a, !0) }, dommanip: function (a, c, d) { var e, g, h, i, j = a[0], k = []; if (! && arguments.length === 3 && typeof j == "string" && bd.test(j)) return this.each(function () { f(this).dommanip(a, c, d, !0) }); if (f.isfunction(j)) return this.each(function (e) { var g = f(this); a[0] =, e, c ? g.html() : b), g.dommanip(a, c, d) }); if (this[0]) { i = j && j.parentnode, && i && i.nodetype === 11 && i.childnodes.length === this.length ? e = { fragment: i } : e = f.buildfragment(a, this, k), h = e.fragment, h.childnodes.length === 1 ? g = h = h.firstchild : g = h.firstchild; if (g) { c = c && f.nodename(g, "tr"); for (var l = 0, m = this.length, n = m - 1; l < m; l++) ? bi(this[l], g) : this[l], e.cacheable || m > 1 && l < n ? f.clone(h, !0, !0) : h) } k.length && f.each(k, bp) } return this } }), f.buildfragment = function (a, b, d) { var e, g, h, i, j = a[0]; b && b[0] && (i = b[0].ownerdocument || b[0]), i.createdocumentfragment || (i = c), a.length === 1 && typeof j == "string" && j.length < 512 && i === c && j.charat(0) === "<" && !bb.test(j) && ( || !bd.test(j)) && ( || !bc.test(j)) && (g = !0, h = f.fragments[j], h && h !== 1 && (e = h)), e || (e = i.createdocumentfragment(), f.clean(a, i, e, d)), g && (f.fragments[j] = h ? e : 1); return { fragment: e, cacheable: g } }, f.fragments = {}, f.each({ appendto: "append", prependto: "prepend", insertbefore: "before", insertafter: "after", replaceall: "replacewith" }, function (a, b) { f.fn[a] = function (c) { var d = [], e = f(c), g = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentnode; if (g && g.nodetype === 11 && g.childnodes.length === 1 && e.length === 1) { e[b](this[0]); return this } for (var h = 0, i = e.length; h < i; h++) { var j = (h > 0 ? this.clone(!0) : this).get(); f(e[h])[b](j), d = d.concat(j) } return this.pushstack(d, a, e.selector) } }), f.extend({ clone: function (a, b, c) { var d, e, g, h = || !bc.test("<" + a.nodename) ? a.clonenode(!0) : bo(a); if ((! || ! && (a.nodetype === 1 || a.nodetype === 11) && !f.isxmldoc(a)) { bk(a, h), d = bl(a), e = bl(h); for (g = 0; d[g]; ++g) e[g] && bk(d[g], e[g]) } if (b) { bj(a, h); if (c) { d = bl(a), e = bl(h); for (g = 0; d[g]; ++g) bj(d[g], e[g]) } } d = e = null; return h }, clean: function (a, b, d, e) { var g; b = b || c, typeof b.createelement == "undefined" && (b = b.ownerdocument || b[0] && b[0].ownerdocument || c); var h = [], i; for (var j = 0, k; (k = a[j]) != null; j++) { typeof k == "number" && (k += ""); if (!k) continue; if (typeof k == "string") if (!_.test(k)) k = b.createtextnode(k); else { k = k.replace(y, "<$1>"); var l = (z.exec(k) || ["", ""])[1].tolowercase(), m = bg[l] || bg._default, n = m[0], o = b.createelement("div"); b === c ? bh.appendchild(o) : u(b).appendchild(o), o.innerhtml = m[1] + k + m[2]; while (n--) o = o.lastchild; if (! { var p = $.test(k), q = l === "table" && !p ? o.firstchild && o.firstchild.childnodes : m[1] === "" && !p ? o.childnodes : []; for (i = q.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) f.nodename(q[i], "tbody") && !q[i].childnodes.length && q[i].parentnode.removechild(q[i]) } ! && x.test(k) && o.insertbefore(b.createtextnode(x.exec(k)[0]), o.firstchild), k = o.childnodes } var r; if (! if (k[0] && typeof (r = k.length) == "number") for (i = 0; i < r; i++) bn(k[i]); else bn(k); k.nodetype ? h.push(k) : h = f.merge(h, k) } if (d) { g = function (a) { return !a.type || be.test(a.type) }; for (j = 0; h[j]; j++) if (e && f.nodename(h[j], "script") && (!h[j].type || h[j].type.tolowercase() === "text/javascript")) e.push(h[j].parentnode ? h[j].parentnode.removechild(h[j]) : h[j]); else { if (h[j].nodetype === 1) { var s = f.grep(h[j].getelementsbytagname("script"), g); h.splice.apply(h, [j + 1, 0].concat(s)) } d.appendchild(h[j]) } } return h }, cleandata: function (a) { var b, c, d = f.cache, e = f.event.special, g =; for (var h = 0, i; (i = a[h]) != null; h++) { if (i.nodename && f.nodata[i.nodename.tolowercase()]) continue; c = i[f.expando]; if (c) { b = d[c]; if (b && { for (var j in e[j] ? f.event.remove(i, j) : f.removeevent(i, j, b.handle); b.handle && (b.handle.elem = null) } g ? delete i[f.expando] : i.removeattribute && i.removeattribute(f.expando), delete d[c] } } } }); var bq = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, br = /opacity=([^)]*)/, bs = /([a-z]|^ms)/g, bt = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i, bu = /^-?\d/, bv = /^([\-+])=([\-+.\de]+)/, bw = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, bx = ["left", "right"], by = ["top", "bottom"], bz, ba, bb; f.fn.css = function (a, c) { if (arguments.length === 2 && c === b) return this; return f.access(this, a, c, !0, function (a, c, d) { return d !== b ?, c, d) : f.css(a, c) }) }, f.extend({ csshooks: { opacity: { get: function (a, b) { if (b) { var c = bz(a, "opacity", "opacity"); return c === "" ? "1" : c } return } } }, cssnumber: { fillopacity: !0, fontweight: !0, lineheight: !0, opacity: !0, orphans: !0, widows: !0, zindex: !0, zoom: !0 }, cssprops: { "float": ? "cssfloat" : "stylefloat" }, style: function (a, c, d, e) { if (!!a && a.nodetype !== 3 && a.nodetype !== 8 && !! { var g, h, i = f.camelcase(c), j =, k = f.csshooks[i]; c = f.cssprops[i] || i; if (d === b) { if (k && "get" in k && (g = k.get(a, !1, e)) !== b) return g; return j[c] } h = typeof d, h === "string" && (g = bv.exec(d)) && (d = +(g[1] + 1) * +g[2] + parsefloat(f.css(a, c)), h = "number"); if (d == null || h === "number" && isnan(d)) return; h === "number" && !f.cssnumber[i] && (d += "px"); if (!k || !("set" in k) || (d = k.set(a, d)) !== b) try { j[c] = d } catch (l) { } } }, css: function (a, c, d) { var e, g; c = f.camelcase(c), g = f.csshooks[c], c = f.cssprops[c] || c, c === "cssfloat" && (c = "float"); if (g && "get" in g && (e = g.get(a, !0, d)) !== b) return e; if (bz) return bz(a, c) }, swap: function (a, b, c) { var d = {}; for (var e in b) d[e] =[e],[e] = b[e];; for (e in b)[e] = d[e] } }), f.curcss = f.css, f.each(["height", "width"], function (a, b) { f.csshooks[b] = { get: function (a, c, d) { var e; if (c) { if (a.offsetwidth !== 0) return bc(a, b, d); f.swap(a, bw, function () { e = bc(a, b, d) }); return e } }, set: function (a, b) { if (!bt.test(b)) return b; b = parsefloat(b); if (b >= 0) return b + "px" } } }), || (f.csshooks.opacity = { get: function (a, b) { return br.test((b && a.currentstyle ? a.currentstyle.filter : || "") ? parsefloat(regexp.$1) / 100 + "" : b ? "1" : "" }, set: function (a, b) { var c =, d = a.currentstyle, e = f.isnumeric(b) ? "alpha(opacity=" + b * 100 + ")" : "", g = d && d.filter || c.filter || ""; c.zoom = 1; if (b >= 1 && f.trim(g.replace(bq, "")) === "") { c.removeattribute("filter"); if (d && !d.filter) return } c.filter = bq.test(g) ? g.replace(bq, e) : g + " " + e } }), f(function () { || (f.csshooks.marginright = { get: function (a, b) { var c; f.swap(a, { display: "inline-block" }, function () { b ? c = bz(a, "margin-right", "marginright") : c = }); return c } }) }), c.defaultview && c.defaultview.getcomputedstyle && (ba = function (a, b) { var c, d, e; b = b.replace(bs, "-$1").tolowercase(), (d = a.ownerdocument.defaultview) && (e = d.getcomputedstyle(a, null)) && (c = e.getpropertyvalue(b), c === "" && !f.contains(a.ownerdocument.documentelement, a) && (c =, b))); return c }), c.documentelement.currentstyle && (bb = function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f = a.currentstyle && a.currentstyle[b], g =; f === null && g && (e = g[b]) && (f = e), !bt.test(f) && bu.test(f) && (c = g.left, d = a.runtimestyle && a.runtimestyle.left, d && (a.runtimestyle.left = a.currentstyle.left), g.left = b === "fontsize" ? "1em" : f || 0, f = g.pixelleft + "px", g.left = c, d && (a.runtimestyle.left = d)); return f === "" ? "auto" : f }), bz = ba || bb, f.expr && f.expr.filters && (f.expr.filters.hidden = function (a) { var b = a.offsetwidth, c = a.offsetheight; return b === 0 && c === 0 || ! && ( && || f.css(a, "display")) === "none" }, f.expr.filters.visible = function (a) { return !f.expr.filters.hidden(a) }); var bd = /%20/g, be = /\[\]$/, bf = /\r?\n/g, bg = /#.*$/, bh = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, bi = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, bj = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/, bk = /^(?:get|head)$/, bl = /^\/\//, bm = /\?/, bn = /)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, bo = /^(?:select|textarea)/i, bp = /\s+/, bq = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, br = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/, bs = f.fn.load, bt = {}, bu = {}, bv, bw, bx = ["*/"] + ["*"]; try { bv = e.href } catch (by) { bv = c.createelement("a"), bv.href = "", bv = bv.href } bw = br.exec(bv.tolowercase()) || [], f.fn.extend({ load: function (a, c, d) { if (typeof a != "string" && bs) return bs.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.length) return this; var e = a.indexof(" "); if (e >= 0) { var g = a.slice(e, a.length); a = a.slice(0, e) } var h = "get"; c && (f.isfunction(c) ? (d = c, c = b) : typeof c == "object" && (c = f.param(c, f.ajaxsettings.traditional), h = "post")); var i = this; f.ajax({ url: a, type: h, datatype: "html", data: c, complete: function (a, b, c) { c = a.responsetext, a.isresolved() && (a.done(function (a) { c = a }), i.html(g ? f("
").append(c.replace(bn, "")).find(g) : c)), d && i.each(d, [c, b, a]) } }); return this }, serialize: function () { return f.param(this.serializearray()) }, serializearray: function () { return () { return this.elements ? f.makearray(this.elements) : this }).filter(function () { return && !this.disabled && (this.checked || bo.test(this.nodename) || bi.test(this.type)) }).map(function (a, b) { var c = f(this).val(); return c == null ? null : f.isarray(c) ?, function (a, c) { return { name:, value: a.replace(bf, "\r\n") } }) : { name:, value: c.replace(bf, "\r\n") } }).get() } }), f.each("ajaxstart ajaxstop ajaxcomplete ajaxerror ajaxsuccess ajaxsend".split(" "), function (a, b) { f.fn[b] = function (a) { return this.on(b, a) } }), f.each(["get", "post"], function (a, c) { f[c] = function (a, d, e, g) { f.isfunction(d) && (g = g || e, e = d, d = b); return f.ajax({ type: c, url: a, data: d, success: e, datatype: g }) } }), f.extend({ getscript: function (a, c) { return f.get(a, b, c, "script") }, getjson: function (a, b, c) { return f.get(a, b, c, "json") }, ajaxsetup: function (a, b) { b ? b_(a, f.ajaxsettings) : (b = a, a = f.ajaxsettings), b_(a, b); return a }, ajaxsettings: { url: bv, islocal: bj.test(bw[1]), global: !0, type: "get", contenttype: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", processdata: !0, async: !0, accepts: { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": bx }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responsefields: { xml: "responsexml", text: "responsetext" }, converters: { "* text": a.string, "text html": !0, "text json": f.parsejson, "text xml": f.parsexml }, flatoptions: { context: !0, url: !0 } }, ajaxprefilter: bz(bt), ajaxtransport: bz(bu), ajax: function (a, c) { function w(a, c, l, m) { if (s !== 2) { s = 2, q && cleartimeout(q), p = b, n = m || "", v.readystate = a > 0 ? 4 : 0; var o, r, u, w = c, x = l ? cb(d, v, l) : b, y, z; if (a >= 200 && a < 300 || a === 304) { if (d.ifmodified) { if (y = v.getresponseheader("last-modified")) f.lastmodified[k] = y; if (z = v.getresponseheader("etag")) f.etag[k] = z } if (a === 304) w = "notmodified", o = !0; else try { r = cc(d, x), w = "success", o = !0 } catch (a) { w = "parsererror", u = a } } else { u = w; if (!w || a) w = "error", a < 0 && (a = 0) } v.status = a, v.statustext = "" + (c || w), o ? h.resolvewith(e, [r, w, v]) : h.rejectwith(e, [v, w, u]), v.statuscode(j), j = b, t && g.trigger("ajax" + (o ? "success" : "error"), [v, d, o ? r : u]), i.firewith(e, [v, w]), t && (g.trigger("ajaxcomplete", [v, d]), || f.event.trigger("ajaxstop")) } } typeof a == "object" && (c = a, a = b), c = c || {}; var d = f.ajaxsetup({}, c), e = d.context || d, g = e !== d && (e.nodetype || e instanceof f) ? f(e) : f.event, h = f.deferred(), i = f.callbacks("once memory"), j = d.statuscode || {}, k, l = {}, m = {}, n, o, p, q, r, s = 0, t, u, v = { readystate: 0, setrequestheader: function (a, b) { if (!s) { var c = a.tolowercase(); a = m[c] = m[c] || a, l[a] = b } return this }, getallresponseheaders: function () { return s === 2 ? n : null }, getresponseheader: function (a) { var c; if (s === 2) { if (!o) { o = {}; while (c = bh.exec(n)) o[c[1].tolowercase()] = c[2] } c = o[a.tolowercase()] } return c === b ? null : c }, overridemimetype: function (a) { s || (d.mimetype = a); return this }, abort: function (a) { a = a || "abort", p && p.abort(a), w(0, a); return this } }; h.promise(v), v.success = v.done, v.error =, v.complete = i.add, v.statuscode = function (a) { if (a) { var b; if (s < 2) for (b in a) j[b] = [j[b], a[b]]; else b = a[v.status], v.then(b, b) } return this }, d.url = ((a || d.url) + "").replace(bg, "").replace(bl, bw[1] + "//"), d.datatypes = f.trim(d.datatype || "*").tolowercase().split(bp), d.crossdomain == null && (r = br.exec(d.url.tolowercase()), d.crossdomain = !(!r || r[1] == bw[1] && r[2] == bw[2] && (r[3] || (r[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)) == (bw[3] || (bw[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)))), && d.processdata && typeof != "string" && ( = f.param(, d.traditional)), b$(bt, d, c, v); if (s === 2) return !1; t =, d.type = d.type.touppercase(), d.hascontent = !bk.test(d.type), t && === 0 && f.event.trigger("ajaxstart"); if (!d.hascontent) { && (d.url += (bm.test(d.url) ? "&" : "?") +, delete, k = d.url; if (d.cache === !1) { var x =, y = d.url.replace(bq, "$1_=" + x); d.url = y + (y === d.url ? (bm.test(d.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + x : "") } } ( && d.hascontent && d.contenttype !== !1 || c.contenttype) && v.setrequestheader("content-type", d.contenttype), d.ifmodified && (k = k || d.url, f.lastmodified[k] && v.setrequestheader("if-modified-since", f.lastmodified[k]), f.etag[k] && v.setrequestheader("if-none-match", f.etag[k])), v.setrequestheader("accept", d.datatypes[0] && d.accepts[d.datatypes[0]] ? d.accepts[d.datatypes[0]] + (d.datatypes[0] !== "*" ? ", " + bx + "; q=0.01" : "") : d.accepts["*"]); for (u in d.headers) v.setrequestheader(u, d.headers[u]); if (d.beforesend && (, v, d) === !1 || s === 2)) { v.abort(); return !1 } for (u in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 }) v[u](d[u]); p = b$(bu, d, c, v); if (!p) w(-1, "no transport"); else { v.readystate = 1, t && g.trigger("ajaxsend", [v, d]), d.async && d.timeout > 0 && (q = settimeout(function () { v.abort("timeout") }, d.timeout)); try { s = 1, p.send(l, w) } catch (z) { if (s < 2) w(-1, z); else throw z } } return v }, param: function (a, c) { var d = [], e = function (a, b) { b = f.isfunction(b) ? b() : b, d[d.length] = encodeuricomponent(a) + "=" + encodeuricomponent(b) }; c === b && (c = f.ajaxsettings.traditional); if (f.isarray(a) || a.jquery && !f.isplainobject(a)) f.each(a, function () { e(, this.value) }); else for (var g in a) ca(g, a[g], c, e); return d.join("&").replace(bd, "+") } }), f.extend({ active: 0, lastmodified: {}, etag: {} }); var cd =, ce = /(\=)\?(&|$)|\?\?/i; f.ajaxsetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpcallback: function () { return f.expando + "_" + cd++ } }), f.ajaxprefilter("json jsonp", function (b, c, d) { var e = b.contenttype === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" && typeof == "string"; if (b.datatypes[0] === "jsonp" || b.jsonp !== !1 && (ce.test(b.url) || e && ce.test( { var g, h = b.jsonpcallback = f.isfunction(b.jsonpcallback) ? b.jsonpcallback() : b.jsonpcallback, i = a[h], j = b.url, k =, l = "$1" + h + "$2"; b.jsonp !== !1 && (j = j.replace(ce, l), b.url === j && (e && (k = k.replace(ce, l)), === k && (j += (/\?/.test(j) ? "&" : "?") + b.jsonp + "=" + h))), b.url = j, = k, a[h] = function (a) { g = [a] }, d.always(function () { a[h] = i, g && f.isfunction(i) && a[h](g[0]) }), b.converters["script json"] = function () { g || f.error(h + " was not called"); return g[0] }, b.datatypes[0] = "json"; return "script" } }), f.ajaxsetup({ accepts: { script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" }, contents: { script: /javascript|ecmascript/ }, converters: { "text script": function (a) { f.globaleval(a); return a } } }), f.ajaxprefilter("script", function (a) { a.cache === b && (a.cache = !1), a.crossdomain && (a.type = "get", = !1) }), f.ajaxtransport("script", function (a) { if (a.crossdomain) { var d, e = c.head || c.getelementsbytagname("head")[0] || c.documentelement; return { send: function (f, g) { d = c.createelement("script"), d.async = "async", a.scriptcharset && (d.charset = a.scriptcharset), d.src = a.url, d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = function (a, c) { if (c || !d.readystate || /loaded|complete/.test(d.readystate)) d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = null, e && d.parentnode && e.removechild(d), d = b, c || g(200, "success") }, e.insertbefore(d, e.firstchild) }, abort: function () { d && d.onload(0, 1) } } } }); var cf = a.activexobject ? function () { for (var a in ch) ch[a](0, 1) } : !1, cg = 0, ch; f.ajaxsettings.xhr = a.activexobject ? function () { return !this.islocal && ci() || cj() } : ci, function (a) { f.extend(, { ajax: !!a, cors: !!a && "withcredentials" in a }) }(f.ajaxsettings.xhr()), && f.ajaxtransport(function (c) { if (!c.crossdomain || { var d; return { send: function (e, g) { var h = c.xhr(), i, j; c.username ?, c.url, c.async, c.username, c.password) :, c.url, c.async); if (c.xhrfields) for (j in c.xhrfields) h[j] = c.xhrfields[j]; c.mimetype && h.overridemimetype && h.overridemimetype(c.mimetype), !c.crossdomain && !e["x-requested-with"] && (e["x-requested-with"] = "xmlhttprequest"); try { for (j in e) h.setrequestheader(j, e[j]) } catch (k) { } h.send(c.hascontent && || null), d = function (a, e) { var j, k, l, m, n; try { if (d && (e || h.readystate === 4)) { d = b, i && (h.onreadystatechange = f.noop, cf && delete ch[i]); if (e) h.readystate !== 4 && h.abort(); else { j = h.status, l = h.getallresponseheaders(), m = {}, n = h.responsexml, n && n.documentelement && (m.xml = n), m.text = h.responsetext; try { k = h.statustext } catch (o) { k = "" } !j && c.islocal && !c.crossdomain ? j = m.text ? 200 : 404 : j === 1223 && (j = 204) } } } catch (p) { e || g(-1, p) } m && g(j, k, m, l) }, !c.async || h.readystate === 4 ? d() : (i = ++cg, cf && (ch || (ch = {}, f(a).unload(cf)), ch[i] = d), h.onreadystatechange = d) }, abort: function () { d && d(0, 1) } } } }); var ck = {}, cl, cm, cn = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, co = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i, cp, cq = [ ["height", "margintop", "marginbottom", "paddingtop", "paddingbottom"], ["width", "marginleft", "marginright", "paddingleft", "paddingright"], ["opacity"] ], cr; f.fn.extend({ show: function (a, b, c) { var d, e; if (a || a === 0) return this.animate(cu("show", 3), a, b, c); for (var g = 0, h = this.length; g < h; g++) d = this[g], && (e =, !f._data(d, "olddisplay") && e === "none" && (e = = ""), e === "" && f.css(d, "display") === "none" && f._data(d, "olddisplay", cv(d.nodename))); for (g = 0; g < h; g++) { d = this[g]; if ( { e =; if (e === "" || e === "none") = f._data(d, "olddisplay") || "" } } return this }, hide: function (a, b, c) { if (a || a === 0) return this.animate(cu("hide", 3), a, b, c); var d, e, g = 0, h = this.length; for (; g < h; g++) d = this[g], && (e = f.css(d, "display"), e !== "none" && !f._data(d, "olddisplay") && f._data(d, "olddisplay", e)); for (g = 0; g < h; g++) this[g].style && (this[g].style.display = "none"); return this }, _toggle: f.fn.toggle, toggle: function (a, b, c) { var d = typeof a == "boolean"; f.isfunction(a) && f.isfunction(b) ? this._toggle.apply(this, arguments) : a == null || d ? this.each(function () { var b = d ? a : f(this).is(":hidden"); f(this)[b ? "show" : "hide"]() }) : this.animate(cu("toggle", 3), a, b, c); return this }, fadeto: function (a, b, c, d) { return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({ opacity: b }, a, c, d) }, animate: function (a, b, c, d) { function g() { e.queue === !1 && f._mark(this); var b = f.extend({}, e), c = this.nodetype === 1, d = c && f(this).is(":hidden"), g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o; b.animatedproperties = {}; for (i in a) { g = f.camelcase(i), i !== g && (a[g] = a[i], delete a[i]), h = a[g], f.isarray(h) ? (b.animatedproperties[g] = h[1], h = a[g] = h[0]) : b.animatedproperties[g] = b.specialeasing && b.specialeasing[g] || b.easing || "swing"; if (h === "hide" && d || h === "show" && !d) return; c && (g === "height" || g === "width") && (b.overflow = [,,], f.css(this, "display") === "inline" && f.css(this, "float") === "none" && (! || cv(this.nodename) === "inline" ? = "inline-block" : = 1)) } b.overflow != null && ( = "hidden"); for (i in a) j = new f.fx(this, b, i), h = a[i], cn.test(h) ? (o = f._data(this, "toggle" + i) || (h === "toggle" ? d ? "show" : "hide" : 0), o ? (f._data(this, "toggle" + i, o === "show" ? "hide" : "show"), j[o]()) : j[h]()) : (k = co.exec(h), l = j.cur(), k ? (m = parsefloat(k[2]), n = k[3] || (f.cssnumber[i] ? "" : "px"), n !== "px" && (, i, (m || 1) + n), l = (m || 1) / j.cur() * l,, i, l + n)), k[1] && (m = (k[1] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * m + l), j.custom(l, m, n)) : j.custom(l, h, "")); return !0 } var e = f.speed(b, c, d); if (f.isemptyobject(a)) return this.each(e.complete, [!1]); a = f.extend({}, a); return e.queue === !1 ? this.each(g) : this.queue(e.queue, g) }, stop: function (a, c, d) { typeof a != "string" && (d = c, c = a, a = b), c && a !== !1 && this.queue(a || "fx", []); return this.each(function () { function h(a, b, c) { var e = b[c]; f.removedata(a, c, !0), e.stop(d) } var b, c = !1, e = f.timers, g = f._data(this); d || f._unmark(!0, this); if (a == null) for (b in g) g[b] && g[b].stop && b.indexof(".run") === b.length - 4 && h(this, g, b); else g[b = a + ".run"] && g[b].stop && h(this, g, b); for (b = e.length; b--;) e[b].elem === this && (a == null || e[b].queue === a) && (d ? e[b](!0) : e[b].savestate(), c = !0, e.splice(b, 1)); (!d || !c) && f.dequeue(this, a) }) } }), f.each({ slidedown: cu("show", 1), slideup: cu("hide", 1), slidetoggle: cu("toggle", 1), fadein: { opacity: "show" }, fadeout: { opacity: "hide" }, fadetoggle: { opacity: "toggle" } }, function (a, b) { f.fn[a] = function (a, c, d) { return this.animate(b, a, c, d) } }), f.extend({ speed: function (a, b, c) { var d = a && typeof a == "object" ? f.extend({}, a) : { complete: c || !c && b || f.isfunction(a) && a, duration: a, easing: c && b || b && !f.isfunction(b) && b }; d.duration = ? 0 : typeof d.duration == "number" ? d.duration : d.duration in f.fx.speeds ? f.fx.speeds[d.duration] : f.fx.speeds._default; if (d.queue == null || d.queue === !0) d.queue = "fx"; d.old = d.complete, d.complete = function (a) { f.isfunction(d.old) &&, d.queue ? f.dequeue(this, d.queue) : a !== !1 && f._unmark(this) }; return d }, easing: { linear: function (a, b, c, d) { return c + d * a }, swing: function (a, b, c, d) { return (-math.cos(a * math.pi) / 2 + .5) * d + c } }, timers: [], fx: function (a, b, c) { this.options = b, this.elem = a, this.prop = c, b.orig = b.orig || {} } }), f.fx.prototype = { update: function () { this.options.step &&,, this), (f.fx.step[this.prop] || f.fx.step._default)(this) }, cur: function () { if (this.elem[this.prop] != null && (! ||[this.prop] == null)) return this.elem[this.prop]; var a, b = f.css(this.elem, this.prop); return isnan(a = parsefloat(b)) ? !b || b === "auto" ? 0 : b : a }, custom: function (a, c, d) { function h(a) { return e.step(a) } var e = this, g = f.fx; this.starttime = cr || cs(), this.end = c, = this.start = a, this.pos = this.state = 0, this.unit = d || this.unit || (f.cssnumber[this.prop] ? "" : "px"), h.queue = this.options.queue, h.elem = this.elem, h.savestate = function () { e.options.hide && f._data(e.elem, "fxshow" + e.prop) === b && f._data(e.elem, "fxshow" + e.prop, e.start) }, h() && f.timers.push(h) && !cp && (cp = setinterval(g.tick, g.interval)) }, show: function () { var a = f._data(this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop); this.options.orig[this.prop] = a ||, this.prop), = !0, a !== b ? this.custom(this.cur(), a) : this.custom(this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur()), f(this.elem).show() }, hide: function () { this.options.orig[this.prop] = f._data(this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop) ||, this.prop), this.options.hide = !0, this.custom(this.cur(), 0) }, step: function (a) { var b, c, d, e = cr || cs(), g = !0, h = this.elem, i = this.options; if (a || e >= i.duration + this.starttime) { = this.end, this.pos = this.state = 1, this.update(), i.animatedproperties[this.prop] = !0; for (b in i.animatedproperties) i.animatedproperties[b] !== !0 && (g = !1); if (g) { i.overflow != null && ! && f.each(["", "x", "y"], function (a, b) {["overflow" + b] = i.overflow[a] }), i.hide && f(h).hide(); if (i.hide || for (b in i.animatedproperties), b, i.orig[b]), f.removedata(h, "fxshow" + b, !0), f.removedata(h, "toggle" + b, !0); d = i.complete, d && (i.complete = !1, } return !1 } i.duration == infinity ? = e : (c = e - this.starttime, this.state = c / i.duration, this.pos = f.easing[i.animatedproperties[this.prop]](this.state, c, 0, 1, i.duration), = this.start + (this.end - this.start) * this.pos), this.update(); return !0 } }, f.extend(f.fx, { tick: function () { var a, b = f.timers, c = 0; for (; c < b.length; c++) a = b[c], !a() && b[c] === a && b.splice(c--, 1); b.length || f.fx.stop() }, interval: 13, stop: function () { clearinterval(cp), cp = null }, speeds: { slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400 }, step: { opacity: function (a) {, "opacity", }, _default: function (a) { &&[a.prop] != null ?[a.prop] = + a.unit : a.elem[a.prop] = } } }), f.each(["width", "height"], function (a, b) { f.fx.step[b] = function (a) {, b, math.max(0, + a.unit) } }), f.expr && f.expr.filters && (f.expr.filters.animated = function (a) { return f.grep(f.timers, function (b) { return a === b.elem }).length }); var cw = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, cx = /^(?:body|html)$/i; "getboundingclientrect" in c.documentelement ? f.fn.offset = function (a) { var b = this[0], c; if (a) return this.each(function (b) { f.offset.setoffset(this, a, b) }); if (!b || !b.ownerdocument) return null; if (b === b.ownerdocument.body) return f.offset.bodyoffset(b); try { c = b.getboundingclientrect() } catch (d) { } var e = b.ownerdocument, g = e.documentelement; if (!c || !f.contains(g, b)) return c ? { top:, left: c.left } : { top: 0, left: 0 }; var h = e.body, i = cy(e), j = g.clienttop || h.clienttop || 0, k = g.clientleft || h.clientleft || 0, l = i.pageyoffset || && g.scrolltop || h.scrolltop, m = i.pagexoffset || && g.scrollleft || h.scrollleft, n = + l - j, o = c.left + m - k; return { top: n, left: o } } : f.fn.offset = function (a) { var b = this[0]; if (a) return this.each(function (b) { f.offset.setoffset(this, a, b) }); if (!b || !b.ownerdocument) return null; if (b === b.ownerdocument.body) return f.offset.bodyoffset(b); var c, d = b.offsetparent, e = b, g = b.ownerdocument, h = g.documentelement, i = g.body, j = g.defaultview, k = j ? j.getcomputedstyle(b, null) : b.currentstyle, l = b.offsettop, m = b.offsetleft; while ((b = b.parentnode) && b !== i && b !== h) { if ( && k.position === "fixed") break; c = j ? j.getcomputedstyle(b, null) : b.currentstyle, l -= b.scrolltop, m -= b.scrollleft, b === d && (l += b.offsettop, m += b.offsetleft, && (! || !cw.test(b.nodename)) && (l += parsefloat(c.bordertopwidth) || 0, m += parsefloat(c.borderleftwidth) || 0), e = d, d = b.offsetparent), && c.overflow !== "visible" && (l += parsefloat(c.bordertopwidth) || 0, m += parsefloat(c.borderleftwidth) || 0), k = c } if (k.position === "relative" || k.position === "static") l += i.offsettop, m += i.offsetleft; && k.position === "fixed" && (l += math.max(h.scrolltop, i.scrolltop), m += math.max(h.scrollleft, i.scrollleft)); return { top: l, left: m } }, f.offset = { bodyoffset: function (a) { var b = a.offsettop, c = a.offsetleft; && (b += parsefloat(f.css(a, "margintop")) || 0, c += parsefloat(f.css(a, "marginleft")) || 0); return { top: b, left: c } }, setoffset: function (a, b, c) { var d = f.css(a, "position"); d === "static" && ( = "relative"); var e = f(a), g = e.offset(), h = f.css(a, "top"), i = f.css(a, "left"), j = (d === "absolute" || d === "fixed") && f.inarray("auto", [h, i]) > -1, k = {}, l = {}, m, n; j ? (l = e.position(), m =, n = l.left) : (m = parsefloat(h) || 0, n = parsefloat(i) || 0), f.isfunction(b) && (b =, c, g)), != null && ( = - + m), b.left != null && (k.left = b.left - g.left + n), "using" in b ?, k) : e.css(k) } }, f.fn.extend({ position: function () { if (!this[0]) return null; var a = this[0], b = this.offsetparent(), c = this.offset(), d = cx.test(b[0].nodename) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : b.offset(); -= parsefloat(f.css(a, "margintop")) || 0, c.left -= parsefloat(f.css(a, "marginleft")) || 0, += parsefloat(f.css(b[0], "bordertopwidth")) || 0, d.left += parsefloat(f.css(b[0], "borderleftwidth")) || 0; return { top: -, left: c.left - d.left } }, offsetparent: function () { return () { var a = this.offsetparent || c.body; while (a && !cx.test(a.nodename) && f.css(a, "position") === "static") a = a.offsetparent; return a }) } }), f.each(["left", "top"], function (a, c) { var d = "scroll" + c; f.fn[d] = function (c) { var e, g; if (c === b) { e = this[0]; if (!e) return null; g = cy(e); return g ? "pagexoffset" in g ? g[a ? "pageyoffset" : "pagexoffset"] : && g.document.documentelement[d] || g.document.body[d] : e[d] } return this.each(function () { g = cy(this), g ? g.scrollto(a ? f(g).scrollleft() : c, a ? c : f(g).scrolltop()) : this[d] = c }) } }), f.each(["height", "width"], function (a, c) { var d = c.tolowercase(); f.fn["inner" + c] = function () { var a = this[0]; return a ? ? parsefloat(f.css(a, d, "padding")) : this[d]() : null }, f.fn["outer" + c] = function (a) { var b = this[0]; return b ? ? parsefloat(f.css(b, d, a ? "margin" : "border")) : this[d]() : null }, f.fn[d] = function (a) { var e = this[0]; if (!e) return a == null ? null : this; if (f.isfunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { var c = f(this); c[d](, b, c[d]())) }); if (f.iswindow(e)) { var g = e.document.documentelement["client" + c], h = e.document.body; return e.document.compatmode === "css1compat" && g || h && h["client" + c] || g } if (e.nodetype === 9) return math.max(e.documentelement["client" + c], e.body["scroll" + c], e.documentelement["scroll" + c], e.body["offset" + c], e.documentelement["offset" + c]); if (a === b) { var i = f.css(e, d), j = parsefloat(i); return f.isnumeric(j) ? j : i } return this.css(d, typeof a == "string" ? a : a + "px") } }), a.jquery = a.$ = f, typeof define == "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jquery && define("jquery", [], function () { return f }) })(window); (function (a) { var b = "0.4.0", c = "hasownproperty", d = /[\.\/]/, e = "*", f = function () { }, g = function (a, b) { return a - b }, h, i, j = { n: {} }, k = function (a, b) { var c = j, d = i, e =, 2), f = k.listeners(a), l = 0, m = !1, n, o = [], p = {}, q = [], r = []; h = a, i = 0; for (var s = 0, t = f.length; s < t; s++) "zindex" in f[s] && (o.push(f[s].zindex), f[s].zindex < 0 && (p[f[s].zindex] = f[s])); o.sort(g); while (o[l] < 0) { n = p[o[l++]], q.push(n.apply(b, e)); if (i) { i = d; return q } } for (s = 0; s < t; s++) { n = f[s]; if ("zindex" in n) if (n.zindex == o[l]) { q.push(n.apply(b, e)); if (i) { i = d; return q } do { l++, n = p[o[l]], n && q.push(n.apply(b, e)); if (i) { i = d; return q } } while (n) } else p[n.zindex] = n; else { q.push(n.apply(b, e)); if (i) { i = d; return q } } } i = d; return q.length ? q : null }; k.listeners = function (a) { var b = a.split(d), c = j, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o = [c], p = []; for (i = 0, k = b.length; i < k; i++) { n = []; for (l = 0, m = o.length; l < m; l++) { c = o[l].n, g = [c[b[i]], c[e]], h = 2; while (h--) f = g[h], f && (n.push(f), p = p.concat(f.f || [])) } o = n } return p }, k.on = function (a, b) { var c = a.split(d), e = j; for (var g = 0, h = c.length; g < h; g++) e = e.n, !e[c[g]] && (e[c[g]] = { n: {} }), e = e[c[g]]; e.f = e.f || []; for (g = 0, h = e.f.length; g < h; g++) if (e.f[g] == b) return f; e.f.push(b); return function (a) { +a == +a && (b.zindex = +a) } }, k.stop = function () { i = 1 }, k.nt = function (a) { if (a) return (new regexp("(?:\\.|\\/|^)" + a + "(?:\\.|\\/|$)")).test(h); return h }, k.unbind = function (a, b) { var f = a.split(d), g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o = [j]; for (k = 0, l = f.length; k < l; k++) for (m = 0; m < o.length; m += i.length - 2) { i = [m, 1], g = o[m].n; if (f[k] != e) g[f[k]] && i.push(g[f[k]]); else for (h in g) g[c](h) && i.push(g[h]); o.splice.apply(o, i) } for (k = 0, l = o.length; k < l; k++) { g = o[k]; while (g.n) { if (b) { if (g.f) { for (m = 0, n = g.f.length; m < n; m++) if (g.f[m] == b) { g.f.splice(m, 1); break } !g.f.length && delete g.f } for (h in g.n) if (g.n[c](h) && g.n[h].f) { var p = g.n[h].f; for (m = 0, n = p.length; m < n; m++) if (p[m] == b) { p.splice(m, 1); break } !p.length && delete g.n[h].f } } else { delete g.f; for (h in g.n) g.n[c](h) && g.n[h].f && delete g.n[h].f } g = g.n } } }, k.once = function (a, b) { var c = function () { b.apply(this, arguments), k.unbind(a, c) }; return k.on(a, c) }, k.version = b, k.tostring = function () { return "you are running eve " + b }, typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports ? module.exports = k : a.eve = k })(this), function () { function cr(b, d, e, f, h, i) { e = q(e); var j, k, l, m = [], o, p, q, t =, u = {}, v = {}, w = {}; if (f) for (y = 0, z = cl.length; y < z; y++) { var x = cl[y]; if ( == && x.anim == b) { x.percent != e ? (cl.splice(y, 1), l = 1) : k = x, d.attr(x.totalorigin); break } } else f = +v; for (var y = 0, z = b.percents.length; y < z; y++) { if (b.percents[y] == e || b.percents[y] > f * { e = b.percents[y], p = b.percents[y - 1] || 0, t = t / * (e - p), o = b.percents[y + 1], j = b.anim[e]; break } f && d.attr(b.anim[b.percents[y]]) } if (!!j) { if (!k) { for (var a in j) if (j[g](a)) if (u[g](a) || d.paper.customattributes[g](a)) { u[a] = d.attr(a), u[a] == null && (u[a] = t[a]), v[a] = j[a]; switch (u[a]) { case c: w[a] = (v[a] - u[a]) / t; break; case "colour": u[a] = a.getrgb(u[a]); var b = a.getrgb(v[a]); w[a] = { r: (b.r - u[a].r) / t, g: (b.g - u[a].g) / t, b: (b.b - u[a].b) / t }; break; case "path": var d = bg(u[a], v[a]), e = d[1]; u[a] = d[0], w[a] = []; for (y = 0, z = u[a].length; y < z; y++) { w[a][y] = [0]; for (var f = 1, g = u[a][y].length; f < g; f++) w[a][y][f] = (e[y][f] - u[a][y][f]) / t } break; case "transform": var h = d._, i = bp(h[a], v[a]); if (i) { u[a] = i.from, v[a] =, w[a] = [], w[a].real = !0; for (y = 0, z = u[a].length; y < z; y++) { w[a][y] = [u[a][y][0]]; for (f = 1, g = u[a][y].length; f < g; f++) w[a][y][f] = (v[a][y][f] - u[a][y][f]) / t } } else { var j = d.matrix || new bq, k = { _: { transform: h.transform }, getbbox: function () { return d.getbbox(1) } }; u[a] = [j.a, j.b, j.c, j.d, j.e, j.f], bn(k, v[a]), v[a] = k._.transform, w[a] = [(k.matrix.a - j.a) / t, (k.matrix.b - j.b) / t, (k.matrix.c - j.c) / t, (k.matrix.d - j.d) / t, (k.matrix.e - j.e) / t, (k.matrix.e - j.f) / t] } break; case "csv": var l = r(j[a])[s](c), m = r(u[a])[s](c); if (a == "clip-rect") { u[a] = m, w[a] = [], y = m.length; while (y--) w[a][y] = (l[y] - u[a][y]) / t } v[a] = l; break; default: l = [][n](j[a]), m = [][n](u[a]), w[a] = [], y = d.paper.customattributes[a].length; while (y--) w[a][y] = ((l[y] || 0) - (m[y] || 0)) / t } } var o = j.easing, p = a.easing_formulas[o]; if (!p) { p = r(o).match(n); if (p && p.length == 5) { var r = p; p = function (a) { return cp(a, +r[1], +r[2], +r[3], +r[4], t) } } else p = be } q = j.start || b.start || +(new date), x = { anim: b, percent: e, timestamp: q, start: q + (b.del || 0), status: 0, initstatus: f || 0, stop: !1, ms: t, easing: p, from: u, diff: w, to: v, el: d, callback: j.callback, prev: p, next: o, repeat: i || b.times, origin: d.attr(), totalorigin: h }, cl.push(x); if (f && !k && !l) { x.stop = !0, x.start = new date - t * f; if (cl.length == 1) return cn() } l && (x.start = new date - * f), cl.length == 1 && cm(cn) } else k.initstatus = f, k.start = new date - * f; eve("anim.start." +, d, b) } } function cq(a, b) { var c = [], d = {}; = b, this.times = 1; if (a) { for (var e in a) a[g](e) && (d[q(e)] = a[e], c.push(q(e))); c.sort(bc) } this.anim = d, = c[c.length - 1], this.percents = c } function cp(a, b, c, d, e, f) { function o(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, j, k; for (e = a, k = 0; k < 8; k++) { f = m(e) - a; if (z(f) < b) return e; j = (3 * i * e + 2 * h) * e + g; if (z(j) < 1e-6) break; e = e - f / j } c = 0, d = 1, e = a; if (e < c) return c; if (e > d) return d; while (c < d) { f = m(e); if (z(f - a) < b) return e; a > f ? c = e : d = e, e = (d - c) / 2 + c } return e } function n(a, b) { var c = o(a, b); return ((l * c + k) * c + j) * c } function m(a) { return ((i * a + h) * a + g) * a } var g = 3 * b, h = 3 * (d - b) - g, i = 1 - g - h, j = 3 * c, k = 3 * (e - c) - j, l = 1 - j - k; return n(a, 1 / (200 * f)) } function cd() { return this.x + q + this.y + q + this.width + " �� " + this.height } function cc() { return this.x + q + this.y } function bq(a, b, c, d, e, f) { a != null ? (this.a = +a, this.b = +b, this.c = +c, this.d = +d, this.e = +e, this.f = +f) : (this.a = 1, this.b = 0, this.c = 0, this.d = 1, this.e = 0, this.f = 0) } function bw(a) { var b = []; for (var c = 0, d = a.length; d - 2 > c; c += 2) { var e = [{ x: +a[c], y: +a[c + 1] }, { x: +a[c], y: +a[c + 1] }, { x: +a[c + 2], y: +a[c + 3] }, { x: +a[c + 4], y: +a[c + 5] }]; d - 4 == c ? (e[0] = { x: +a[c - 2], y: +a[c - 1] }, e[3] = e[2]) : c && (e[0] = { x: +a[c - 2], y: +a[c - 1] }), b.push(["c", (-e[0].x + 6 * e[1].x + e[2].x) / 6, (-e[0].y + 6 * e[1].y + e[2].y) / 6, (e[1].x + 6 * e[2].x - e[3].x) / 6, (e[1].y + 6 * e[2].y - e[3].y) / 6, e[2].x, e[2].y]) } return b } function bv() { return this.hex } function bt(a, b, c) { function d() { var e =, 0), f = e.join("?"), h = d.cache = d.cache || {}, i = d.count = d.count || []; if (h[g](f)) { bs(i, f); return c ? c(h[f]) : h[f] } i.length >= 1e3 && delete h[i.shift()], i.push(f), h[f] = a[m](b, e); return c ? c(h[f]) : h[f] } return d } function bs(a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) if (a[c] === b) return a.push(a.splice(c, 1)[0]) } function a(c) { if (, "function")) return b ? c() : eve.on("domload", c); if (, e)) return a._engine.create[m](a, c.splice(0, 3 +[0], c))).add(c); var d =, 0); if ([d.length - 1], "function")) { var e = d.pop(); return b ?[m](a, d)) : eve.on("domload", function () {[m](a, d)) }) } return a._engine.create[m](a, arguments) } a.version = "2.0.1", a.eve = eve; var b, c = /[, ]+/, d = { circle: 1, rect: 1, path: 1, ellipse: 1, text: 1, image: 1 }, e = /\{(\d+)\}/g, f = "prototype", g = "hasownproperty", h = { doc: document, win: window }, i = { was: object.prototype[g].call(, "raphael"), is: }, j = function () { = this.customattributes = {} }, k, l = "appendchild", m = "apply", n = "concat", o = "createtouch" in h.doc, p = "", q = " ", r = string, s = "split", t = "click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel"[s](q), u = { mousedown: "touchstart", mousemove: "touchmove", mouseup: "touchend" }, v = r.prototype.tolowercase, w = math, x = w.max, y = w.min, z = w.abs, a = w.pow, b = w.pi, c = "number", d = "string", e = "array", f = "tostring", g = "fill", h = object.prototype.tostring, i = {}, j = "push", k = a._isurl = /^url\(['"]?([^\)]+?)['"]?\)$/i, l = /^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgba?\(\s*([\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?)?)\s*\)|hsba?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\)|hsla?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\))\s*$/i, m = { nan: 1, infinity: 1, "-infinity": 1 }, n = /^(?:cubic-)?bezier\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/, o = w.round, p = "setattribute", q = parsefloat, r = parseint, s = r.prototype.touppercase, t = a._availableattrs = { "arrow-end": "none", "arrow-start": "none", blur: 0, "clip-rect": "0 0 1e9 1e9", cursor: "default", cx: 0, cy: 0, fill: "#fff", "fill-opacity": 1, font: '10px "arial"', "font-family": '"arial"', "font-size": "10", "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": 400, gradient: 0, height: 0, href: "", "letter-spacing": 0, opacity: 1, path: "m0,0", r: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, src: "", stroke: "#000", "stroke-dasharray": "", "stroke-linecap": "butt", "stroke-linejoin": "butt", "stroke-miterlimit": 0, "stroke-opacity": 1, "stroke-width": 1, target: "_blank", "text-anchor": "start", title: "raphael", transform: "", width: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, u = a._availableanimattrs = { blur: c, "clip-rect": "csv", cx: c, cy: c, fill: "colour", "fill-opacity": c, "font-size": c, height: c, opacity: c, path: "path", r: c, rx: c, ry: c, stroke: "colour", "stroke-opacity": c, "stroke-width": c, transform: "transform", width: c, x: c, y: c }, v = /\s*,\s*/, w = { hs: 1, rg: 1 }, x = /,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi, y = /([achlmrqstvz])[\s,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?\s*,?\s*)+)/ig, z = /([rstm])[\s,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?\s*,?\s*)+)/ig, $ = /(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?)\s*,?\s*/ig, _ = a._radial_gradient = /^r(?:\(([^,]+?)\s*,\s*([^\)]+?)\))?/, ba = {}, bb = function (a, b) { return a.key - b.key }, bc = function (a, b) { return q(a) - q(b) }, bd = function () { }, be = function (a) { return a }, bf = a._rectpath = function (a, b, c, d, e) { if (e) return [ ["m", a + e, b], ["l", c - e * 2, 0], ["a", e, e, 0, 0, 1, e, e], ["l", 0, d - e * 2], ["a", e, e, 0, 0, 1, -e, e], ["l", e * 2 - c, 0], ["a", e, e, 0, 0, 1, -e, -e], ["l", 0, e * 2 - d], ["a", e, e, 0, 0, 1, e, -e], ["z"] ]; return [ ["m", a, b], ["l", c, 0], ["l", 0, d], ["l", -c, 0], ["z"] ] }, bg = function (a, b, c, d) { d == null && (d = c); return [ ["m", a, b], ["m", 0, -d], ["a", c, d, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2 * d], ["a", c, d, 0, 1, 1, 0, -2 * d], ["z"] ] }, bh = a._getpath = { path: function (a) { return a.attr("path") }, circle: function (a) { var b = a.attrs; return bg(,, b.r) }, ellipse: function (a) { var b = a.attrs; return bg(,, b.rx, b.ry) }, rect: function (a) { var b = a.attrs; return bf(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, b.r) }, image: function (a) { var b = a.attrs; return bf(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height) }, text: function (a) { var b = a._getbbox(); return bf(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height) } }, bi = a.mappath = function (a, b) { if (!b) return a; var c, d, e, f, g, h, i; a = bg(a); for (e = 0, g = a.length; e < g; e++) { i = a[e]; for (f = 1, h = i.length; f < h; f += 2) c = b.x(i[f], i[f + 1]), d = b.y(i[f], i[f + 1]), i[f] = c, i[f + 1] = d } return a }; a._g = h, a.type = || h.doc.implementation.hasfeature("", "1.1") ? "svg" : "vml"; if (a.type == "vml") { var bj = h.doc.createelement("div"), bk; bj.innerhtml = '', bk = bj.firstchild, = "url(#default#vml)"; if (!bk || typeof bk.adj != "object") return a.type = p; bj = null } a.svg = !(a.vml = a.type == "vml"), a._paper = j, a.fn = k = j.prototype = a.prototype, a._id = 0, a._oid = 0, = function (a, b) { b =; if (b == "finite") return !m[g](+a); if (b == "array") return a instanceof array; return b == "null" && a === null || b == typeof a && a !== null || b == "object" && a === object(a) || b == "array" && array.isarray && array.isarray(a) ||, -1).tolowercase() == b }, a.angle = function (b, c, d, e, f, g) { if (f == null) { var h = b - d, i = c - e; if (!h && !i) return 0; return (180 + w.atan2(-i, -h) * 180 / b + 360) % 360 } return a.angle(b, c, f, g) - a.angle(d, e, f, g) }, a.rad = function (a) { return a % 360 * b / 180 }, a.deg = function (a) { return a * 180 / b % 360 }, a.snapto = function (b, c, d) { d =, "finite") ? d : 10; if (, e)) { var e = b.length; while (e--) if (z(b[e] - c) <= d) return b[e] } else { b = +b; var f = c % b; if (f < d) return c - f; if (f > b - d) return c - f + b } return c }; var bl = a.createuuid = function (a, b) { return function () { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(a, b).touppercase() } }(/[xy]/g, function (a) { var b = w.random() * 16 | 0, c = a == "x" ? b : b & 3 | 8; return c.tostring(16) }); a.setwindow = function (b) { eve("setwindow", a,, b), = b, h.doc =, a._engine.initwin && a._engine.initwin( }; var bm = function (b) { if (a.vml) { var c = /^\s+|\s+$/g, d; try { var e = new activexobject("htmlfile"); e.write(""), e.close(), d = e.body } catch (f) { d = createpopup().document.body } var g = d.createtextrange(); bm = bt(function (a) { try { = r(a).replace(c, p); var b = g.querycommandvalue("forecolor"); b = (b & 255) << 16 | b & 65280 | (b & 16711680) >>> 16; return "#" + ("000000" + b.tostring(16)).slice(-6) } catch (e) { return "none" } }) } else { var i = h.doc.createelement("i"); i.title = "colour picker", = "none", h.doc.body.appendchild(i), bm = bt(function (a) { = a; return h.doc.defaultview.getcomputedstyle(i, p).getpropertyvalue("color") }) } return bm(b) }, bn = function () { return "hsb(" + [this.h, this.s, this.b] + ")" }, bo = function () { return "hsl(" + [this.h, this.s, this.l] + ")" }, bp = function () { return this.hex }, bq = function (b, c, d) { c == null &&, "object") && "r" in b && "g" in b && "b" in b && (d = b.b, c = b.g, b = b.r); if (c == null &&, d)) { var e = a.getrgb(b); b = e.r, c = e.g, d = e.b } if (b > 1 || c > 1 || d > 1) b /= 255, c /= 255, d /= 255; return [b, c, d] }, br = function (b, c, d, e) { b *= 255, c *= 255, d *= 255; var f = { r: b, g: c, b: d, hex: a.rgb(b, c, d), tostring: bp };, "finite") && (f.opacity = e); return f }; a.color = function (b) { var c;, "object") && "h" in b && "s" in b && "b" in b ? (c = a.hsb2rgb(b), b.r = c.r, b.g = c.g, b.b = c.b, b.hex = c.hex) :, "object") && "h" in b && "s" in b && "l" in b ? (c = a.hsl2rgb(b), b.r = c.r, b.g = c.g, b.b = c.b, b.hex = c.hex) : (, "string") && (b = a.getrgb(b)),, "object") && "r" in b && "g" in b && "b" in b ? (c = a.rgb2hsl(b), b.h = c.h, b.s = c.s, b.l = c.l, c = a.rgb2hsb(b), b.v = c.b) : (b = { hex: "none" }, b.r = b.g = b.b = b.h = b.s = b.v = b.l = -1)), b.tostring = bp; return b }, a.hsb2rgb = function (a, b, c, d) {, "object") && "h" in a && "s" in a && "b" in a && (c = a.b, b = a.s, a = a.h, d = a.o), a *= 360; var e, f, g, h, i; a = a % 360 / 60, i = c * b, h = i * (1 - z(a % 2 - 1)), e = f = g = c - i, a = ~~a, e += [i, h, 0, 0, h, i][a], f += [h, i, i, h, 0, 0][a], g += [0, 0, h, i, i, h][a]; return br(e, f, g, d) }, a.hsl2rgb = function (a, b, c, d) {, "object") && "h" in a && "s" in a && "l" in a && (c = a.l, b = a.s, a = a.h); if (a > 1 || b > 1 || c > 1) a /= 360, b /= 100, c /= 100; a *= 360; var e, f, g, h, i; a = a % 360 / 60, i = 2 * b * (c < .5 ? c : 1 - c), h = i * (1 - z(a % 2 - 1)), e = f = g = c - i / 2, a = ~~a, e += [i, h, 0, 0, h, i][a], f += [h, i, i, h, 0, 0][a], g += [0, 0, h, i, i, h][a]; return br(e, f, g, d) }, a.rgb2hsb = function (a, b, c) { c = bq(a, b, c), a = c[0], b = c[1], c = c[2]; var d, e, f, g; f = x(a, b, c), g = f - y(a, b, c), d = g == 0 ? null : f == a ? (b - c) / g : f == b ? (c - a) / g + 2 : (a - b) / g + 4, d = (d + 360) % 6 * 60 / 360, e = g == 0 ? 0 : g / f; return { h: d, s: e, b: f, tostring: bn } }, a.rgb2hsl = function (a, b, c) { c = bq(a, b, c), a = c[0], b = c[1], c = c[2]; var d, e, f, g, h, i; g = x(a, b, c), h = y(a, b, c), i = g - h, d = i == 0 ? null : g == a ? (b - c) / i : g == b ? (c - a) / i + 2 : (a - b) / i + 4, d = (d + 360) % 6 * 60 / 360, f = (g + h) / 2, e = i == 0 ? 0 : f < .5 ? i / (2 * f) : i / (2 - 2 * f); return { h: d, s: e, l: f, tostring: bo } }, a._path2string = function () { return this.join(",").replace(x, "$1") }; var bu = a._preload = function (a, b) { var c = h.doc.createelement("img"); = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em", c.onload = function () {, this.onload = null, h.doc.body.removechild(this) }, c.onerror = function () { h.doc.body.removechild(this) }, h.doc.body.appendchild(c), c.src = a }; a.getrgb = bt(function (b) { if (!b || !!((b = r(b)).indexof("-") + 1)) return { r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, tostring: bv }; if (b == "none") return { r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", tostring: bv }; !w[g](b.tolowercase().substring(0, 2)) && b.charat() != "#" && (b = bm(b)); var c, d, e, f, h, i, j, k = b.match(l); if (k) { k[2] && (f = r(k[2].substring(5), 16), e = r(k[2].substring(3, 5), 16), d = r(k[2].substring(1, 3), 16)), k[3] && (f = r((i = k[3].charat(3)) + i, 16), e = r((i = k[3].charat(2)) + i, 16), d = r((i = k[3].charat(1)) + i, 16)), k[4] && (j = k[4][s](v), d = q(j[0]), j[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (d *= 2.55), e = q(j[1]), j[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (e *= 2.55), f = q(j[2]), j[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (f *= 2.55), k[1].tolowercase().slice(0, 4) == "rgba" && (h = q(j[3])), j[3] && j[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (h /= 100)); if (k[5]) { j = k[5][s](v), d = q(j[0]), j[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (d *= 2.55), e = q(j[1]), j[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (e *= 2.55), f = q(j[2]), j[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (f *= 2.55), (j[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || j[0].slice(-1) == "��") && (d /= 360), k[1].tolowercase().slice(0, 4) == "hsba" && (h = q(j[3])), j[3] && j[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (h /= 100); return a.hsb2rgb(d, e, f, h) } if (k[6]) { j = k[6][s](v), d = q(j[0]), j[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (d *= 2.55), e = q(j[1]), j[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (e *= 2.55), f = q(j[2]), j[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (f *= 2.55), (j[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || j[0].slice(-1) == "��") && (d /= 360), k[1].tolowercase().slice(0, 4) == "hsla" && (h = q(j[3])), j[3] && j[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (h /= 100); return a.hsl2rgb(d, e, f, h) } k = { r: d, g: e, b: f, tostring: bv }, k.hex = "#" + (16777216 | f | e << 8 | d << 16).tostring(16).slice(1),, "finite") && (k.opacity = h); return k } return { r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, tostring: bv } }, a), a.hsb = bt(function (b, c, d) { return a.hsb2rgb(b, c, d).hex }), a.hsl = bt(function (b, c, d) { return a.hsl2rgb(b, c, d).hex }), a.rgb = bt(function (a, b, c) { return "#" + (16777216 | c | b << 8 | a << 16).tostring(16).slice(1) }), a.getcolor = function (a) { var b = this.getcolor.start = this.getcolor.start || { h: 0, s: 1, b: a || .75 }, c = this.hsb2rgb(b.h, b.s, b.b); b.h += .075, b.h > 1 && (b.h = 0, b.s -= .2, b.s <= 0 && (this.getcolor.start = { h: 0, s: 1, b: b.b })); return c.hex }, a.getcolor.reset = function () { delete this.start }, a.parsepathstring = bt(function (b) { if (!b) return null; var c = { a: 7, c: 6, h: 1, l: 2, m: 2, r: 4, q: 4, s: 4, t: 2, v: 1, z: 0 }, d = [];, e) &&[0], e) && (d = by(b)), d.length || r(b).replace(y, function (a, b, e) { var f = [], g = b.tolowercase(); e.replace($, function (a, b) { b && f.push(+b) }), g == "m" && f.length > 2 && (d.push([b][n](f.splice(0, 2))), g = "l", b = b == "m" ? "l" : "l"); if (g == "r") d.push([b][n](f)); else while (f.length >= c[g]) { d.push([b][n](f.splice(0, c[g]))); if (!c[g]) break } }), d.tostring = a._path2string; return d }), a.parsetransformstring = bt(function (b) { if (!b) return null; var c = { r: 3, s: 4, t: 2, m: 6 }, d = [];, e) &&[0], e) && (d = by(b)), d.length || r(b).replace(z, function (a, b, c) { var e = [], f =; c.replace($, function (a, b) { b && e.push(+b) }), d.push([b][n](e)) }), d.tostring = a._path2string; return d }), a.finddotsatsegment = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { var j = 1 - i, k = a(j, 3), l = a(j, 2), m = i * i, n = m * i, o = k * a + l * 3 * i * c + j * 3 * i * i * e + n * g, p = k * b + l * 3 * i * d + j * 3 * i * i * f + n * h, q = a + 2 * i * (c - a) + m * (e - 2 * c + a), r = b + 2 * i * (d - b) + m * (f - 2 * d + b), s = c + 2 * i * (e - c) + m * (g - 2 * e + c), t = d + 2 * i * (f - d) + m * (h - 2 * f + d), u = j * a + i * c, v = j * b + i * d, x = j * e + i * g, y = j * f + i * h, z = 90 - w.atan2(q - s, r - t) * 180 / b; (q > s || r < t) && (z += 180); return { x: o, y: p, m: { x: q, y: r }, n: { x: s, y: t }, start: { x: u, y: v }, end: { x: x, y: y }, alpha: z } }, a._removedfactory = function (a) { return function () { throw new error("you are calling to method ��" + a + "�� of removed object") } }; var bx = bt(function (a) { if (!a) return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; a = bg(a); var b = 0, c = 0, d = [], e = [], f; for (var g = 0, h = a.length; g < h; g++) { f = a[g]; if (f[0] == "m") b = f[1], c = f[2], d.push(b), e.push(c); else { var i = bf(b, c, f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6]); d = d[n](i.min.x, i.max.x), e = e[n](i.min.y, i.max.y), b = f[5], c = f[6] } } var j = y[m](0, d), k = y[m](0, e); return { x: j, y: k, width: x[m](0, d) - j, height: x[m](0, e) - k } }, null, function (a) { return { x: a.x, y: a.y, width: a.width, height: a.height } }), by = function (b) { var c = []; if (!, e) || ! && b[0], e)) b = a.parsepathstring(b); for (var d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) { c[d] = []; for (var f = 0, g = b[d].length; f < g; f++) c[d][f] = b[d][f] } c.tostring = a._path2string; return c }, bz = a._pathtorelative = bt(function (b) { if (!, e) || ! && b[0], e)) b = a.parsepathstring(b); var c = [], d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0; b[0][0] == "m" && (d = b[0][1], e = b[0][2], f = d, g = e, h++, c.push(["m", d, e])); for (var i = h, j = b.length; i < j; i++) { var k = c[i] = [], l = b[i]; if (l[0] !=[0])) { k[0] =[0]); switch (k[0]) { case "a": k[1] = l[1], k[2] = l[2], k[3] = l[3], k[4] = l[4], k[5] = l[5], k[6] = +(l[6] - d).tofixed(3), k[7] = +(l[7] - e).tofixed(3); break; case "v": k[1] = +(l[1] - e).tofixed(3); break; case "m": f = l[1], g = l[2]; default: for (var m = 1, n = l.length; m < n; m++) k[m] = +(l[m] - (m % 2 ? d : e)).tofixed(3) } } else { k = c[i] = [], l[0] == "m" && (f = l[1] + d, g = l[2] + e); for (var o = 0, p = l.length; o < p; o++) c[i][o] = l[o] } var q = c[i].length; switch (c[i][0]) { case "z": d = f, e = g; break; case "h": d += +c[i][q - 1]; break; case "v": e += +c[i][q - 1]; break; default: d += +c[i][q - 2], e += +c[i][q - 1] } } c.tostring = a._path2string; return c }, 0, by), ba = a._pathtoabsolute = bt(function (b) { if (!, e) || ! && b[0], e)) b = a.parsepathstring(b); if (!b || !b.length) return [ ["m", 0, 0] ]; var c = [], d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0; b[0][0] == "m" && (d = +b[0][1], e = +b[0][2], f = d, g = e, h++, c[0] = ["m", d, e]); for (var i, j, k = h, l = b.length; k < l; k++) { c.push(i = []), j = b[k]; if (j[0] !=[0])) { i[0] =[0]); switch (i[0]) { case "a": i[1] = j[1], i[2] = j[2], i[3] = j[3], i[4] = j[4], i[5] = j[5], i[6] = +(j[6] + d), i[7] = +(j[7] + e); break; case "v": i[1] = +j[1] + e; break; case "h": i[1] = +j[1] + d; break; case "r": var m = [d, e][n](j.slice(1)); for (var o = 2, p = m.length; o < p; o++) m[o] = +m[o] + d, m[++o] = +m[o] + e; c.pop(), c = c[n](bw(m)); break; case "m": f = +j[1] + d, g = +j[2] + e; default: for (o = 1, p = j.length; o < p; o++) i[o] = +j[o] + (o % 2 ? d : e) } } else if (j[0] == "r") m = [d, e][n](j.slice(1)), c.pop(), c = c[n](bw(m)), i = ["r"][n](j.slice(-2)); else for (var q = 0, r = j.length; q < r; q++) i[q] = j[q]; switch (i[0]) { case "z": d = f, e = g; break; case "h": d = i[1]; break; case "v": e = i[1]; break; case "m": f = i[i.length - 2], g = i[i.length - 1]; default: d = i[i.length - 2], e = i[i.length - 1] } } c.tostring = a._path2string; return c }, null, by), bb = function (a, b, c, d) { return [a, b, c, d, c, d] }, bc = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = 1 / 3, h = 2 / 3; return [g * a + h * c, g * b + h * d, g * e + h * c, g * f + h * d, e, f] }, bd = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { var k = b * 120 / 180, l = b / 180 * (+e || 0), m = [], o, p = bt(function (a, b, c) { var d = a * w.cos(c) - b * w.sin(c), e = a * w.sin(c) + b * w.cos(c); return { x: d, y: e } }); if (!j) { o = p(a, b, -l), a = o.x, b = o.y, o = p(h, i, -l), h = o.x, i = o.y; var q = w.cos(b / 180 * e), r = w.sin(b / 180 * e), t = (a - h) / 2, u = (b - i) / 2, v = t * t / (c * c) + u * u / (d * d); v > 1 && (v = w.sqrt(v), c = v * c, d = v * d); var x = c * c, y = d * d, a = (f == g ? -1 : 1) * w.sqrt(z((x * y - x * u * u - y * t * t) / (x * u * u + y * t * t))), c = a * c * u / d + (a + h) / 2, d = a * -d * t / c + (b + i) / 2, e = w.asin(((b - d) / d).tofixed(9)), f = w.asin(((i - d) / d).tofixed(9)); e = a < c ? b - e : e, f = h < c ? b - f : f, e < 0 && (e = b * 2 + e), f < 0 && (f = b * 2 + f), g && e > f && (e = e - b * 2), !g && f > e && (f = f - b * 2) } else e = j[0], f = j[1], c = j[2], d = j[3]; var g = f - e; if (z(g) > k) { var h = f, i = h, j = i; f = e + k * (g && f > e ? 1 : -1), h = c + c * w.cos(f), i = d + d * w.sin(f), m = bd(h, i, c, d, e, 0, g, i, j, [f, h, c, d]) } g = f - e; var k = w.cos(e), l = w.sin(e), m = w.cos(f), n = w.sin(f), o = w.tan(g / 4), p = 4 / 3 * c * o, q = 4 / 3 * d * o, r = [a, b], s = [a + p * l, b - q * k], t = [h + p * n, i - q * m], u = [h, i]; s[0] = 2 * r[0] - s[0], s[1] = 2 * r[1] - s[1]; if (j) return [s, t, u][n](m); m = [s, t, u][n](m).join()[s](","); var v = []; for (var w = 0, x = m.length; w < x; w++) v[w] = w % 2 ? p(m[w - 1], m[w], l).y : p(m[w], m[w + 1], l).x; return v }, be = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { var j = 1 - i; return { x: a(j, 3) * a + a(j, 2) * 3 * i * c + j * 3 * i * i * e + a(i, 3) * g, y: a(j, 3) * b + a(j, 2) * 3 * i * d + j * 3 * i * i * f + a(i, 3) * h } }, bf = bt(function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var i = e - 2 * c + a - (g - 2 * e + c), j = 2 * (c - a) - 2 * (e - c), k = a - c, l = (-j + w.sqrt(j * j - 4 * i * k)) / 2 / i, n = (-j - w.sqrt(j * j - 4 * i * k)) / 2 / i, o = [b, h], p = [a, g], q; z(l) > "1e12" && (l = .5), z(n) > "1e12" && (n = .5), l > 0 && l < 1 && (q = be(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, l), p.push(q.x), o.push(q.y)), n > 0 && n < 1 && (q = be(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, n), p.push(q.x), o.push(q.y)), i = f - 2 * d + b - (h - 2 * f + d), j = 2 * (d - b) - 2 * (f - d), k = b - d, l = (-j + w.sqrt(j * j - 4 * i * k)) / 2 / i, n = (-j - w.sqrt(j * j - 4 * i * k)) / 2 / i, z(l) > "1e12" && (l = .5), z(n) > "1e12" && (n = .5), l > 0 && l < 1 && (q = be(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, l), p.push(q.x), o.push(q.y)), n > 0 && n < 1 && (q = be(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, n), p.push(q.x), o.push(q.y)); return { min: { x: y[m](0, p), y: y[m](0, o) }, max: { x: x[m](0, p), y: x[m](0, o) } } }), bg = a._path2curve = bt(function (a, b) { var c = ba(a), d = b && ba(b), e = { x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, x: 0, y: 0, qx: null, qy: null }, f = { x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, x: 0, y: 0, qx: null, qy: null }, g = function (a, b) { var c, d; if (!a) return ["c", b.x, b.y, b.x, b.y, b.x, b.y]; !(a[0] in { t: 1, q: 1 }) && (b.qx = b.qy = null); switch (a[0]) { case "m": b.x = a[1], b.y = a[2]; break; case "a": a = ["c"][n](bd[m](0, [b.x, b.y][n](a.slice(1)))); break; case "s": c = b.x + (b.x - (b.bx || b.x)), d = b.y + (b.y - ( || b.y)), a = ["c", c, d][n](a.slice(1)); break; case "t": b.qx = b.x + (b.x - (b.qx || b.x)), b.qy = b.y + (b.y - (b.qy || b.y)), a = ["c"][n](bc(b.x, b.y, b.qx, b.qy, a[1], a[2])); break; case "q": b.qx = a[1], b.qy = a[2], a = ["c"][n](bc(b.x, b.y, a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4])); break; case "l": a = ["c"][n](bb(b.x, b.y, a[1], a[2])); break; case "h": a = ["c"][n](bb(b.x, b.y, a[1], b.y)); break; case "v": a = ["c"][n](bb(b.x, b.y, b.x, a[1])); break; case "z": a = ["c"][n](bb(b.x, b.y, b.x, b.y)) } return a }, h = function (a, b) { if (a[b].length > 7) { a[b].shift(); var e = a[b]; while (e.length) a.splice(b++, 0, ["c"][n](e.splice(0, 6))); a.splice(b, 1), k = x(c.length, d && d.length || 0) } }, i = function (a, b, e, f, g) { a && b && a[g][0] == "m" && b[g][0] != "m" && (b.splice(g, 0, ["m", f.x, f.y]), e.bx = 0, = 0, e.x = a[g][1], e.y = a[g][2], k = x(c.length, d && d.length || 0)) }; for (var j = 0, k = x(c.length, d && d.length || 0) ; j < k; j++) { c[j] = g(c[j], e), h(c, j), d && (d[j] = g(d[j], f)), d && h(d, j), i(c, d, e, f, j), i(d, c, f, e, j); var l = c[j], o = d && d[j], p = l.length, q = d && o.length; e.x = l[p - 2], e.y = l[p - 1], e.bx = q(l[p - 4]) || e.x, = q(l[p - 3]) || e.y, f.bx = d && (q(o[q - 4]) || f.x), = d && (q(o[q - 3]) || f.y), f.x = d && o[q - 2], f.y = d && o[q - 1] } return d ? [c, d] : c }, null, by), bh = a._parsedots = bt(function (b) { var c = []; for (var d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) { var f = {}, g = b[d].match(/^([^:]*):?([\d\.]*)/); f.color = a.getrgb(g[1]); if (f.color.error) return null; f.color = f.color.hex, g[2] && (f.offset = g[2] + "%"), c.push(f) } for (d = 1, e = c.length - 1; d < e; d++) if (!c[d].offset) { var h = q(c[d - 1].offset || 0), i = 0; for (var j = d + 1; j < e; j++) if (c[j].offset) { i = c[j].offset; break } i || (i = 100, j = e), i = q(i); var k = (i - h) / (j - d + 1); for (; d < j; d++) h += k, c[d].offset = h + "%" } return c }), bi = a._tear = function (a, b) { a == && ( = a.prev), a == b.bottom && (b.bottom =, && ( = a.prev), a.prev && ( = }, bj = a._tofront = function (a, b) { !== a && (bi(a, b), = null, a.prev =, = a, = a) }, bk = a._toback = function (a, b) { b.bottom !== a && (bi(a, b), = b.bottom, a.prev = null, b.bottom.prev = a, b.bottom = a) }, bl = a._insertafter = function (a, b, c) { bi(a, c), b == && ( = a), && ( = a), =, a.prev = b, = a }, bm = a._insertbefore = function (a, b, c) { bi(a, c), b == c.bottom && (c.bottom = a), b.prev && ( = a), a.prev = b.prev, b.prev = a, = b }, bn = a._extracttransform = function (b, c) { if (c == null) return b._.transform; c = r(c).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, b._.transform || p); var d = a.parsetransformstring(c), e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 1, i = 1, j = b._, k = new bq; j.transform = d || []; if (d) for (var l = 0, m = d.length; l < m; l++) { var n = d[l], o = n.length, q = r(n[0]).tolowercase(), s = n[0] != q, t = s ? k.invert() : 0, u, v, w, x, y; q == "t" && o == 3 ? s ? (u = t.x(0, 0), v = t.y(0, 0), w = t.x(n[1], n[2]), x = t.y(n[1], n[2]), k.translate(w - u, x - v)) : k.translate(n[1], n[2]) : q == "r" ? o == 2 ? (y = y || b.getbbox(1), k.rotate(n[1], y.x + y.width / 2, y.y + y.height / 2), e += n[1]) : o == 4 && (s ? (w = t.x(n[2], n[3]), x = t.y(n[2], n[3]), k.rotate(n[1], w, x)) : k.rotate(n[1], n[2], n[3]), e += n[1]) : q == "s" ? o == 2 || o == 3 ? (y = y || b.getbbox(1), k.scale(n[1], n[o - 1], y.x + y.width / 2, y.y + y.height / 2), h *= n[1], i *= n[o - 1]) : o == 5 && (s ? (w = t.x(n[3], n[4]), x = t.y(n[3], n[4]), k.scale(n[1], n[2], w, x)) : k.scale(n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4]), h *= n[1], i *= n[2]) : q == "m" && o == 7 && k.add(n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5], n[6]), j.dirtyt = 1, b.matrix = k } b.matrix = k, = h, = i, j.deg = e, j.dx = f = k.e, j.dy = g = k.f, h == 1 && i == 1 && !e && j.bbox ? (j.bbox.x += +f, j.bbox.y += +g) : j.dirtyt = 1 }, bo = function (a) { var b = a[0]; switch (b.tolowercase()) { case "t": return [b, 0, 0]; case "m": return [b, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; case "r": return a.length == 4 ? [b, 0, a[2], a[3]] : [b, 0]; case "s": return a.length == 5 ? [b, 1, 1, a[3], a[4]] : a.length == 3 ? [b, 1, 1] : [b, 1] } }, bp = a._equalisetransform = function (b, c) { c = r(c).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, b), b = a.parsetransformstring(b) || [], c = a.parsetransformstring(c) || []; var d = x(b.length, c.length), e = [], f = [], g = 0, h, i, j, k; for (; g < d; g++) { j = b[g] || bo(c[g]), k = c[g] || bo(j); if (j[0] != k[0] || j[0].tolowercase() == "r" && (j[2] != k[2] || j[3] != k[3]) || j[0].tolowercase() == "s" && (j[3] != k[3] || j[4] != k[4])) return; e[g] = [], f[g] = []; for (h = 0, i = x(j.length, k.length) ; h < i; h++) h in j && (e[g][h] = j[h]), h in k && (f[g][h] = k[h]) } return { from: e, to: f } }; a._getcontainer = function (b, c, d, e) { var f; f = e == null && !, "object") ? h.doc.getelementbyid(b) : b; if (f != null) { if (f.tagname) return c == null ? { container: f, width: || f.offsetwidth, height: || f.offsetheight } : { container: f, width: c, height: d }; return { container: 1, x: b, y: c, width: d, height: e } } }, a.pathtorelative = bz, a._engine = {}, a.path2curve = bg, a.matrix = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { return new bq(a, b, c, d, e, f) }, function (b) { function d(a) { var b = w.sqrt(c(a)); a[0] && (a[0] /= b), a[1] && (a[1] /= b) } function c(a) { return a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] } b.add = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = [ [], [], [] ], h = [ [this.a, this.c, this.e], [this.b, this.d, this.f], [0, 0, 1] ], i = [ [a, c, e], [b, d, f], [0, 0, 1] ], j, k, l, m; a && a instanceof bq && (i = [ [a.a, a.c, a.e], [a.b, a.d, a.f], [0, 0, 1] ]); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { m = 0; for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) m += h[j][l] * i[l][k]; g[j][k] = m } this.a = g[0][0], this.b = g[1][0], this.c = g[0][1], this.d = g[1][1], this.e = g[0][2], this.f = g[1][2] }, b.invert = function () { var a = this, b = a.a * a.d - a.b * a.c; return new bq(a.d / b, -a.b / b, -a.c / b, a.a / b, (a.c * a.f - a.d * a.e) / b, (a.b * a.e - a.a * a.f) / b) }, b.clone = function () { return new bq(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f) }, b.translate = function (a, b) { this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, a, b) }, b.scale = function (a, b, c, d) { b == null && (b = a), (c || d) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, c, d), this.add(a, 0, 0, b, 0, 0), (c || d) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -c, -d) }, b.rotate = function (b, c, d) { b = a.rad(b), c = c || 0, d = d || 0; var e = +w.cos(b).tofixed(9), f = +w.sin(b).tofixed(9); this.add(e, f, -f, e, c, d), this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -c, -d) }, b.x = function (a, b) { return a * this.a + b * this.c + this.e }, b.y = function (a, b) { return a * this.b + b * this.d + this.f }, b.get = function (a) { return +this[r.fromcharcode(97 + a)].tofixed(4) }, b.tostring = function () { return a.svg ? "matrix(" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)].join() + ")" : [this.get(0), this.get(2), this.get(1), this.get(3), 0, 0].join() }, b.tofilter = function () { return "" + this.get(0) + ", m12=" + this.get(2) + ", m21=" + this.get(1) + ", m22=" + this.get(3) + ", dx=" + this.get(4) + ", dy=" + this.get(5) + ", sizingmethod='auto expand')" }, b.offset = function () { return [this.e.tofixed(4), this.f.tofixed(4)] }, b.split = function () { var b = {}; b.dx = this.e, b.dy = this.f; var e = [ [this.a, this.c], [this.b, this.d] ]; b.scalex = w.sqrt(c(e[0])), d(e[0]), b.shear = e[0][0] * e[1][0] + e[0][1] * e[1][1], e[1] = [e[1][0] - e[0][0] * b.shear, e[1][1] - e[0][1] * b.shear], b.scaley = w.sqrt(c(e[1])), d(e[1]), b.shear /= b.scaley; var f = -e[0][1], g = e[1][1]; g < 0 ? (b.rotate = a.deg(w.acos(g)), f < 0 && (b.rotate = 360 - b.rotate)) : b.rotate = a.deg(w.asin(f)), b.issimple = !+b.shear.tofixed(9) && (b.scalex.tofixed(9) == b.scaley.tofixed(9) || !b.rotate), b.issupersimple = !+b.shear.tofixed(9) && b.scalex.tofixed(9) == b.scaley.tofixed(9) && !b.rotate, b.norotation = !+b.shear.tofixed(9) && !b.rotate; return b }, b.totransformstring = function (a) { var b = a || this[s](); if (b.issimple) { b.scalex = +b.scalex.tofixed(4), b.scaley = +b.scaley.tofixed(4), b.rotate = +b.rotate.tofixed(4); return (b.dx && b.dy ? "t" + [b.dx, b.dy] : p) + (b.scalex != 1 || b.scaley != 1 ? "s" + [b.scalex, b.scaley, 0, 0] : p) + (b.rotate ? "r" + [b.rotate, 0, 0] : p) } return "m" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)] } }(bq.prototype); var br = navigator.useragent.match(/version\/(.*?)\s/) || navigator.useragent.match(/chrome\/(\d+)/); navigator.vendor == "apple computer, inc." && (br && br[1] < 4 || navigator.platform.slice(0, 2) == "ip") || navigator.vendor == "google inc." && br && br[1] < 8 ? k.safari = function () { var a = this.rect(-99, -99, this.width + 99, this.height + 99).attr({ stroke: "none" }); settimeout(function () { a.remove() }) } : k.safari = bd; var bs = function () { this.returnvalue = !1 }, bt = function () { return this.originalevent.preventdefault() }, bu = function () { this.cancelbubble = !0 }, bv = function () { return this.originalevent.stoppropagation() }, bw = function () { if (h.doc.addeventlistener) return function (a, b, c, d) { var e = o && u[b] ? u[b] : b, f = function (e) { var f = h.doc.documentelement.scrolltop || h.doc.body.scrolltop, i = h.doc.documentelement.scrollleft || h.doc.body.scrollleft, j = e.clientx + i, k = e.clienty + f; if (o && u[g](b)) for (var l = 0, m = e.targettouches && e.targettouches.length; l < m; l++) if (e.targettouches[l].target == a) { var n = e; e = e.targettouches[l], e.originalevent = n, e.preventdefault = bt, e.stoppropagation = bv; break } return, e, j, k) }; a.addeventlistener(e, f, !1); return function () { a.removeeventlistener(e, f, !1); return !0 } }; if (h.doc.attachevent) return function (a, b, c, d) { var e = function (a) { a = a ||; var b = h.doc.documentelement.scrolltop || h.doc.body.scrolltop, e = h.doc.documentelement.scrollleft || h.doc.body.scrollleft, f = a.clientx + e, g = a.clienty + b; a.preventdefault = a.preventdefault || bs, a.stoppropagation = a.stoppropagation || bu; return, a, f, g) }; a.attachevent("on" + b, e); var f = function () { a.detachevent("on" + b, e); return !0 }; return f } }(), bx = [], by = function (a) { var b = a.clientx, c = a.clienty, d = h.doc.documentelement.scrolltop || h.doc.body.scrolltop, e = h.doc.documentelement.scrollleft || h.doc.body.scrollleft, f, g = bx.length; while (g--) { f = bx[g]; if (o) { var i = a.touches.length, j; while (i--) { j = a.touches[i]; if (j.identifier == { b = j.clientx, c = j.clienty, (a.originalevent ? a.originalevent : a).preventdefault(); break } } } else a.preventdefault(); var k = f.el.node, l, m = k.nextsibling, n = k.parentnode, p =; && n.removechild(k), = "none", l = f.el.paper.getelementbypoint(b, c), = p, && (m ? n.insertbefore(k, m) : n.appendchild(k)), l && eve("drag.over." +, f.el, l), b += e, c += d, eve("drag.move." +, f.move_scope || f.el, b - f.el._drag.x, c - f.el._drag.y, b, c, a) } }, bz = function (b) { a.unmousemove(by).unmouseup(bz); var c = bx.length, d; while (c--) d = bx[c], d.el._drag = {}, eve("drag.end." +, d.end_scope || d.start_scope || d.move_scope || d.el, b); bx = [] }, b$ = a.el = {}; for (var b_ = t.length; b_--;) (function (b) { a[b] = b$[b] = function (c, d) {, "function") && ( = || [],{ name: b, f: c, unbind: bw(this.shape || this.node || h.doc, b, c, d || this) })); return this }, a["un" + b] = b$["un" + b] = function (a) { var c =, d = c.length; while (d--) if (c[d].name == b && c[d].f == a) { c[d].unbind(), c.splice(d, 1), !c.length && delete; return this } return this } })(t[b_]); b$.data = function (b, c) { var d = ba[] = ba[] || {}; if (arguments.length == 1) { if (, "object")) { for (var e in b) b[g](e) &&, b[e]); return this } eve("data.get." +, this, d[b], b); return d[b] } d[b] = c, eve("data.set." +, this, c, b); return this }, b$.removedata = function (a) { a == null ? ba[] = {} : ba[] && delete ba[][a]; return this }, b$.hover = function (a, b, c, d) { return this.mouseover(a, c).mouseout(b, d || c) }, b$.unhover = function (a, b) { return this.unmouseover(a).unmouseout(b) }; var ca = []; b$.drag = function (b, c, d, e, f, g) { function i(i) { (i.originalevent || i).preventdefault(); var j = h.doc.documentelement.scrolltop || h.doc.body.scrolltop, k = h.doc.documentelement.scrollleft || h.doc.body.scrollleft; this._drag.x = i.clientx + k, this._drag.y = i.clienty + j, = i.identifier, !bx.length && a.mousemove(by).mouseup(bz), bx.push({ el: this, move_scope: e, start_scope: f, end_scope: g }), c && eve.on("drag.start." +, c), b && eve.on("drag.move." +, b), d && eve.on("drag.end." +, d), eve("drag.start." +, f || e || this, i.clientx + k, i.clienty + j, i) } this._drag = {}, ca.push({ el: this, start: i }), this.mousedown(i); return this }, b$.ondragover = function (a) { a ? eve.on("drag.over." +, a) : eve.unbind("drag.over." + }, b$.undrag = function () { var b = ca.length; while (b--) ca[b].el == this && (this.unmousedown(ca[b].start), ca.splice(b, 1), eve.unbind("drag.*." +; !ca.length && a.unmousemove(by).unmouseup(bz) }, = function (b, c, d) { var e =, b || 0, c || 0, d || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(e); return e }, k.rect = function (b, c, d, e, f) { var g = a._engine.rect(this, b || 0, c || 0, d || 0, e || 0, f || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(g); return g }, k.ellipse = function (b, c, d, e) { var f = a._engine.ellipse(this, b || 0, c || 0, d || 0, e || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(f); return f }, k.path = function (b) { b && !, d) && ![0], e) && (b += p); var c = a._engine.path(a.format[m](a, arguments), this); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(c); return c }, k.image = function (b, c, d, e, f) { var g = a._engine.image(this, b || "about:blank", c || 0, d || 0, e || 0, f || 0); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(g); return g }, k.text = function (b, c, d) { var e = a._engine.text(this, b || 0, c || 0, r(d)); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(e); return e }, k.set = function (b) { !, "array") && (b =, 0, arguments.length)); var c = new cs(b); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(c); return c }, k.setstart = function (a) { this.__set__ = a || this.set() }, k.setfinish = function (a) { var b = this.__set__; delete this.__set__; return b }, k.setsize = function (b, c) { return, b, c) }, k.setviewbox = function (b, c, d, e, f) { return, b, c, d, e, f) }, = k.bottom = null, k.raphael = a; var cb = function (a) { var b = a.getboundingclientrect(), c = a.ownerdocument, d = c.body, e = c.documentelement, f = e.clienttop || d.clienttop || 0, g = e.clientleft || d.clientleft || 0, i = + ( || e.scrolltop || d.scrolltop) - f, j = b.left + ( || e.scrollleft || d.scrollleft) - g; return { y: i, x: j } }; k.getelementbypoint = function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.canvas, e = h.doc.elementfrompoint(a, b); if ( && e.tagname == "svg") { var f = cb(d), g = d.createsvgrect(); g.x = a - f.x, g.y = b - f.y, g.width = g.height = 1; var i = d.getintersectionlist(g, null); i.length && (e = i[i.length - 1]) } if (!e) return null; while (e.parentnode && e != d.parentnode && !e.raphael) e = e.parentnode; e == c.canvas.parentnode && (e = d), e = e && e.raphael ? c.getbyid(e.raphaelid) : null; return e }, k.getbyid = function (a) { var b = this.bottom; while (b) { if ( == a) return b; b = } return null }, k.foreach = function (a, b) { var c = this.bottom; while (c) { if (, c) === !1) return this; c = } return this }, b$.getbbox = function (a) { if (this.removed) return {}; var b = this._; if (a) { if (b.dirty || !b.bboxwt) this.realpath = bh[this.type](this), b.bboxwt = bx(this.realpath), b.bboxwt.tostring = cd, b.dirty = 0; return b.bboxwt } if (b.dirty || b.dirtyt || !b.bbox) { if (b.dirty || !this.realpath) b.bboxwt = 0, this.realpath = bh[this.type](this); b.bbox = bx(bi(this.realpath, this.matrix)), b.bbox.tostring = cd, b.dirty = b.dirtyt = 0 } return b.bbox }, b$.clone = function () { if (this.removed) return null; var a = this.paper[this.type]().attr(this.attr()); this.__set__ && this.__set__.push(a); return a }, b$.glow = function (a) { if (this.type == "text") return null; a = a || {}; var b = { width: (a.width || 10) + (+this.attr("stroke-width") || 1), fill: a.fill || !1, opacity: a.opacity || .5, offsetx: a.offsetx || 0, offsety: a.offsety || 0, color: a.color || "#000" }, c = b.width / 2, d = this.paper, e = d.set(), f = this.realpath || bh[this.type](this); f = this.matrix ? bi(f, this.matrix) : f; for (var g = 1; g < c + 1; g++) e.push(d.path(f).attr({ stroke: b.color, fill: b.fill ? b.color : "none", "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-width": +(b.width / c * g).tofixed(3), opacity: +(b.opacity / c).tofixed(3) })); return e.insertbefore(this).translate(b.offsetx, b.offsety) }; var ce = {}, cf = function (b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { var k = 0, l = 100, m = [b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i].join(), n = ce[m], o, p; !n && (ce[m] = n = { data: [] }), n.timer && cleartimeout(n.timer), n.timer = settimeout(function () { delete ce[m] }, 2e3); if (j != null && !n.precision) { var q = cf(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); n.precision = ~~q * 10, = [] } l = n.precision || l; for (var r = 0; r < l + 1; r++) {[r * l] ? p =[r * l] : (p = a.finddotsatsegment(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, r / l),[r * l] = p), r && (k += a(a(o.x - p.x, 2) + a(o.y - p.y, 2), .5)); if (j != null && k >= j) return p; o = p } if (j == null) return k }, cg = function (b, c) { return function (d, e, f) { d = bg(d); var g, h, i, j, k = "", l = {}, m, n = 0; for (var o = 0, p = d.length; o < p; o++) { i = d[o]; if (i[0] == "m") g = +i[1], h = +i[2]; else { j = cf(g, h, i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6]); if (n + j > e) { if (c && !l.start) { m = cf(g, h, i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], e - n), k += ["c" + m.start.x, m.start.y, m.m.x, m.m.y, m.x, m.y]; if (f) return k; l.start = k, k = ["m" + m.x, m.y + "c" + m.n.x, m.n.y, m.end.x, m.end.y, i[5], i[6]].join(), n += j, g = +i[5], h = +i[6]; continue } if (!b && !c) { m = cf(g, h, i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6], e - n); return { x: m.x, y: m.y, alpha: m.alpha } } } n += j, g = +i[5], h = +i[6] } k += i.shift() + i } l.end = k, m = b ? n : c ? l : a.finddotsatsegment(g, h, i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], 1), m.alpha && (m = { x: m.x, y: m.y, alpha: m.alpha }); return m } }, ch = cg(1), ci = cg(), cj = cg(0, 1); a.gettotallength = ch, a.getpointatlength = ci, a.getsubpath = function (a, b, c) { if (this.gettotallength(a) - c < 1e-6) return cj(a, b).end; var d = cj(a, c, 1); return b ? cj(d, b).end : d }, b$.gettotallength = function () { if (this.type == "path") { if (this.node.gettotallength) return this.node.gettotallength(); return ch(this.attrs.path) } }, b$.getpointatlength = function (a) { if (this.type == "path") return ci(this.attrs.path, a) }, b$.getsubpath = function (b, c) { if (this.type == "path") return a.getsubpath(this.attrs.path, b, c) }; var ck = a.easing_formulas = { linear: function (a) { return a }, "<": function (a) { return a(a, 1.7) }, ">": function (a) { return a(a, .48) }, "<>": function (a) { var b = .48 - a / 1.04, c = w.sqrt(.1734 + b * b), d = c - b, e = a(z(d), 1 / 3) * (d < 0 ? -1 : 1), f = -c - b, g = a(z(f), 1 / 3) * (f < 0 ? -1 : 1), h = e + g + .5; return (1 - h) * 3 * h * h + h * h * h }, backin: function (a) { var b = 1.70158; return a * a * ((b + 1) * a - b) }, backout: function (a) { a = a - 1; var b = 1.70158; return a * a * ((b + 1) * a + b) + 1 }, elastic: function (a) { if (a == !!a) return a; return a(2, -10 * a) * w.sin((a - .075) * 2 * b / .3) + 1 }, bounce: function (a) { var b = 7.5625, c = 2.75, d; a < 1 / c ? d = b * a * a : a < 2 / c ? (a -= 1.5 / c, d = b * a * a + .75) : a < 2.5 / c ? (a -= 2.25 / c, d = b * a * a + .9375) : (a -= 2.625 / c, d = b * a * a + .984375); return d } }; ck.easein = ck["ease-in"] = ck["<"], ck.easeout = ck["ease-out"] = ck[">"], ck.easeinout = ck["ease-in-out"] = ck["<>"], ck["back-in"] = ck.backin, ck["back-out"] = ck.backout; var cl = [], cm = window.requestanimationframe || window.webkitrequestanimationframe || window.mozrequestanimationframe || window.orequestanimationframe || window.msrequestanimationframe || function (a) { settimeout(a, 16) }, cn = function () { var b = +(new date), c = 0; for (; c < cl.length; c++) { var d = cl[c]; if (d.el.removed || d.paused) continue; var e = b - d.start, f =, h = d.easing, i = d.from, j = d.diff, k =, l = d.t, m = d.el, o = {}, p, r = {}, s; d.initstatus ? (e = (d.initstatus * - d.prev) / (d.percent - d.prev) * f, d.status = d.initstatus, delete d.initstatus, d.stop && cl.splice(c--, 1)) : d.status = (d.prev + (d.percent - d.prev) * (e / f)) /; if (e < 0) continue; if (e < f) { var t = h(e / f); for (var u in i) if (i[g](u)) { switch (u[u]) { case c: p = +i[u] + t * f * j[u]; break; case "colour": p = "rgb(" + [co(o(i[u].r + t * f * j[u].r)), co(o(i[u].g + t * f * j[u].g)), co(o(i[u].b + t * f * j[u].b))].join(",") + ")"; break; case "path": p = []; for (var v = 0, w = i[u].length; v < w; v++) { p[v] = [i[u][v][0]]; for (var x = 1, y = i[u][v].length; x < y; x++) p[v][x] = +i[u][v][x] + t * f * j[u][v][x]; p[v] = p[v].join(q) } p = p.join(q); break; case "transform": if (j[u].real) { p = []; for (v = 0, w = i[u].length; v < w; v++) { p[v] = [i[u][v][0]]; for (x = 1, y = i[u][v].length; x < y; x++) p[v][x] = i[u][v][x] + t * f * j[u][v][x] } } else { var z = function (a) { return +i[u][a] + t * f * j[u][a] }; p = [ ["m", z(0), z(1), z(2), z(3), z(4), z(5)] ] } break; case "csv": if (u == "clip-rect") { p = [], v = 4; while (v--) p[v] = +i[u][v] + t * f * j[u][v] } break; default: var a = [][n](i[u]); p = [], v = m.paper.customattributes[u].length; while (v--) p[v] = +a[v] + t * f * j[u][v] } o[u] = p } m.attr(o), function (a, b, c) { settimeout(function () { eve("anim.frame." + a, b, c) }) }(, m, d.anim) } else { (function (b, c, d) { settimeout(function () { eve("anim.frame." +, c, d), eve("anim.finish." +, c, d),, "function") && }) })(d.callback, m, d.anim), m.attr(k), cl.splice(c--, 1); if (d.repeat > 1 && ! { for (s in k) k[g](s) && (r[s] = d.totalorigin[s]); d.el.attr(r), cr(d.anim, d.el, d.anim.percents[0], null, d.totalorigin, d.repeat - 1) } && !d.stop && cr(d.anim, d.el,, null, d.totalorigin, d.repeat) } } a.svg && m && m.paper && m.paper.safari(), cl.length && cm(cn) }, co = function (a) { return a > 255 ? 255 : a < 0 ? 0 : a }; b$.animatewith = function (b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h = d ? a.animation(d, e, f, g) : c, i = b.status(c); return this.animate(h).status(h, i * / }, b$.onanimation = function (a) { a ? eve.on("anim.frame." +, a) : eve.unbind("anim.frame." +; return this }, cq.prototype.delay = function (a) { var b = new cq(this.anim,; b.times = this.times, b.del = +a || 0; return b }, cq.prototype.repeat = function (a) { var b = new cq(this.anim,; b.del = this.del, b.times = w.floor(x(a, 0)) || 1; return b }, a.animation = function (b, c, d, e) { if (b instanceof cq) return b; if (, "function") || !d) e = e || d || null, d = null; b = object(b), c = +c || 0; var f = {}, h, i; for (i in b) b[g](i) && q(i) != i && q(i) + "%" != i && (h = !0, f[i] = b[i]); if (!h) return new cq(b, c); d && (f.easing = d), e && (f.callback = e); return new cq({ 100: f }, c) }, b$.animate = function (b, c, d, e) { var f = this; if (f.removed) { e &&; return f } var g = b instanceof cq ? b : a.animation(b, c, d, e); cr(g, f, g.percents[0], null, f.attr()); return f }, b$.settime = function (a, b) { a && b != null && this.status(a, y(b, /; return this }, b$.status = function (a, b) { var c = [], d = 0, e, f; if (b != null) { cr(a, this, -1, y(b, 1)); return this } e = cl.length; for (; d < e; d++) { f = cl[d]; if ( == && (!a || f.anim == a)) { if (a) return f.status; c.push({ anim: f.anim, status: f.status }) } } if (a) return 0; return c }, b$.pause = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < cl.length; b++) cl[b] == && (!a || cl[b].anim == a) && eve("anim.pause." +, this, cl[b].anim) !== !1 && (cl[b].paused = !0); return this }, b$.resume = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < cl.length; b++) if (cl[b] == && (!a || cl[b].anim == a)) { var c = cl[b]; eve("anim.resume." +, this, c.anim) !== !1 && (delete c.paused, this.status(c.anim, c.status)) } return this }, b$.stop = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < cl.length; b++) cl[b] == && (!a || cl[b].anim == a) && eve("anim.stop." +, this, cl[b].anim) !== !1 && cl.splice(b--, 1); return this }, b$.tostring = function () { return "��s object" }; var cs = function (a) { this.items = [], this.length = 0, this.type = "set"; if (a) for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) a[b] && (a[b].constructor == b$.constructor || a[b].constructor == cs) && (this[this.items.length] = this.items[this.items.length] = a[b], this.length++) }, ct = cs.prototype; ct.push = function () { var a, b; for (var c = 0, d = arguments.length; c < d; c++) a = arguments[c], a && (a.constructor == b$.constructor || a.constructor == cs) && (b = this.items.length, this[b] = this.items[b] = a, this.length++); return this }, ct.pop = function () { this.length && delete this[this.length--]; return this.items.pop() }, ct.foreach = function (a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = this.items.length; c < d; c++) if (, this.items[c], c) === !1) return this; return this }; for (var cu in b$) b$[g](cu) && (ct[cu] = function (a) { return function () { var b = arguments; return this.foreach(function (c) { c[a][m](c, b) }) } }(cu)); ct.attr = function (b, c) { if (b &&, e) &&[0], "object")) for (var d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) this.items[d].attr(b[d]); else for (var f = 0, g = this.items.length; f < g; f++) this.items[f].attr(b, c); return this }, ct.clear = function () { while (this.length) this.pop() }, ct.splice = function (a, b, c) { a = a < 0 ? x(this.length + a, 0) : a, b = x(0, y(this.length - a, b)); var d = [], e = [], f = [], g; for (g = 2; g < arguments.length; g++) f.push(arguments[g]); for (g = 0; g < b; g++) e.push(this[a + g]); for (; g < this.length - a; g++) d.push(this[a + g]); var h = f.length; for (g = 0; g < h + d.length; g++) this.items[a + g] = this[a + g] = g < h ? f[g] : d[g - h]; g = this.items.length = this.length -= b - h; while (this[g]) delete this[g++]; return new cs(e) }, ct.exclude = function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++) if (this[b] == a) { this.splice(b, 1); return !0 } }, ct.animate = function (b, c, d, e) { (, "function") || !d) && (e = d || null); var f = this.items.length, g = f, h, i = this, j; if (!f) return this; e && (j = function () { !--f && }), d =, d) ? d : j; var k = a.animation(b, c, d, j); h = this.items[--g].animate(k); while (g--) this.items[g] && !this.items[g].removed && this.items[g].animatewith(h, k); return this }, ct.insertafter = function (a) { var b = this.items.length; while (b--) this.items[b].insertafter(a); return this }, ct.getbbox = function () { var a = [], b = [], c = [], d = []; for (var e = this.items.length; e--;) if (!this.items[e].removed) { var f = this.items[e].getbbox(); a.push(f.x), b.push(f.y), c.push(f.x + f.width), d.push(f.y + f.height) } a = y[m](0, a), b = y[m](0, b); return { x: a, y: b, width: x[m](0, c) - a, height: x[m](0, d) - b } }, ct.clone = function (a) { a = new cs; for (var b = 0, c = this.items.length; b < c; b++) a.push(this.items[b].clone()); return a }, ct.tostring = function () { return "��s set" }, a.registerfont = function (a) { if (!a.face) return a; this.fonts = this.fonts || {}; var b = { w: a.w, face: {}, glyphs: {} }, c = a.face["font-family"]; for (var d in a.face) a.face[g](d) && (b.face[d] = a.face[d]); this.fonts[c] ? this.fonts[c].push(b) : this.fonts[c] = [b]; if (!a.svg) { b.face["units-per-em"] = r(a.face["units-per-em"], 10); for (var e in a.glyphs) if (a.glyphs[g](e)) { var f = a.glyphs[e]; b.glyphs[e] = { w: f.w, k: {}, d: f.d && "m" + f.d.replace(/[mlcxtrv]/g, function (a) { return { l: "l", c: "c", x: "z", t: "m", r: "l", v: "c" }[a] || "m" }) + "z" }; if (f.k) for (var h in f.k) f[g](h) && (b.glyphs[e].k[h] = f.k[h]) } } return a }, k.getfont = function (b, c, d, e) { e = e || "normal", d = d || "normal", c = +c || { normal: 400, bold: 700, lighter: 300, bolder: 800 }[c] || 400; if (!!a.fonts) { var f = a.fonts[b]; if (!f) { var h = new regexp("(^|\\s)" + b.replace(/[^\w\d\s+!~.:_-]/g, p) + "(\\s|$)", "i"); for (var i in a.fonts) if (a.fonts[g](i) && h.test(i)) { f = a.fonts[i]; break } } var j; if (f) for (var k = 0, l = f.length; k < l; k++) { j = f[k]; if (j.face["font-weight"] == c && (j.face["font-style"] == d || !j.face["font-style"]) && j.face["font-stretch"] == e) break } return j } }, k.print = function (b, d, e, f, g, h, i) { h = h || "middle", i = x(y(i || 0, 1), -1); var j = this.set(), k = r(e)[s](p), l = 0, m = p, n;, e) && (f = this.getfont(f)); if (f) { n = (g || 16) / f.face["units-per-em"]; var o = f.face.bbox[s](c), q = +o[0], t = +o[1] + (h == "baseline" ? o[3] - o[1] + +f.face.descent : (o[3] - o[1]) / 2); for (var u = 0, v = k.length; u < v; u++) { var w = u && f.glyphs[k[u - 1]] || {}, z = f.glyphs[k[u]]; l += u ? (w.w || f.w) + (w.k && w.k[k[u]] || 0) + f.w * i : 0, z && z.d && j.push(this.path(z.d).attr({ fill: "#000", stroke: "none", transform: [ ["t", l * n, 0] ] })) } j.transform(["...s", n, n, q, t, "t", (b - q) / n, (d - t) / n]) } return j }, k.add = function (b) { if (, "array")) { var c = this.set(), e = 0, f = b.length, h; for (; e < f; e++) h = b[e] || {}, d[g](h.type) && c.push(this[h.type]().attr(h)) } return c }, a.format = function (b, c) { var d =, e) ? [0][n](c) : arguments; b &&, d) && d.length - 1 && (b = b.replace(e, function (a, b) { return d[++b] == null ? p : d[b] })); return b || p }, a.fullfill = function () { var a = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g, b = /(?:(?:^|\.)(.+?)(?=\[|\.|$|\()|\[('|")(.+?)\2\])(\(\))?/g, c = function (a, c, d) { var e = d; c.replace(b, function (a, b, c, d, f) { b = b || d, e && (b in e && (e = e[b]), typeof e == "function" && f && (e = e())) }), e = (e == null || e == d ? a : e) + ""; return e }; return function (b, d) { return string(b).replace(a, function (a, b) { return c(a, b, d) }) } }(), = function () { i.was ? = : delete raphael; return a }, = ct, function (b, c, d) { function e() { /in/.test(b.readystate) ? settimeout(e, 9) : a.eve("domload") } b.readystate == null && b.addeventlistener && (b.addeventlistener(c, d = function () { b.removeeventlistener(c, d, !1), b.readystate = "complete" }, !1), b.readystate = "loading"), e() }(document, "domcontentloaded"), i.was ? = a : raphael = a, eve.on("domload", function () { b = !0 }) }(), window.raphael.svg && function (a) { var b = "hasownproperty", c = string, d = parsefloat, e = parseint, f = math, g = f.max, h = f.abs, i = f.pow, j = /[, ]+/, k = a.eve, l = "", m = " ", n = "", o = { block: "m5,0 0,2.5 5,5z", classic: "m5,0 0,2.5 5,5 3.5,3 3.5,2z", diamond: "m2.5,0 5,2.5 2.5,5 0,2.5z", open: "m6,1 1,3.5 6,6", oval: "m2.5,0a2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,5 2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,0z" }, p = {}; a.tostring = function () { return "your browser supports svg.\nyou are running " + this.version }; var q = function (d, e) { if (e) { typeof d == "string" && (d = q(d)); for (var f in e) e[b](f) && (f.substring(0, 6) == "xlink:" ? d.setattributens(n, f.substring(6), c(e[f])) : d.setattribute(f, c(e[f]))) } else d = a._g.doc.createelementns("", d), && ( = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"); return d }, r = function (b, e) { var j = "linear", k = + e, m = .5, n = .5, o = b.node, p = b.paper, r =, s = a._g.doc.getelementbyid(k); if (!s) { e = c(e).replace(a._radial_gradient, function (a, b, c) { j = "radial"; if (b && c) { m = d(b), n = d(c); var e = (n > .5) * 2 - 1; i(m - .5, 2) + i(n - .5, 2) > .25 && (n = f.sqrt(.25 - i(m - .5, 2)) * e + .5) && n != .5 && (n = n.tofixed(5) - 1e-5 * e) } return l }), e = e.split(/\s*\-\s*/); if (j == "linear") { var t = e.shift(); t = -d(t); if (isnan(t)) return null; var u = [0, 0, f.cos(a.rad(t)), f.sin(a.rad(t))], v = 1 / (g(h(u[2]), h(u[3])) || 1); u[2] *= v, u[3] *= v, u[2] < 0 && (u[0] = -u[2], u[2] = 0), u[3] < 0 && (u[1] = -u[3], u[3] = 0) } var w = a._parsedots(e); if (!w) return null; k = k.replace(/[\(\)\s,\xb0#]/g, "_"), b.gradient && k != && (p.defs.removechild(b.gradient), delete b.gradient); if (!b.gradient) { s = q(j + "gradient", { id: k }), b.gradient = s, q(s, j == "radial" ? { fx: m, fy: n } : { x1: u[0], y1: u[1], x2: u[2], y2: u[3], gradienttransform: b.matrix.invert() }), p.defs.appendchild(s); for (var x = 0, y = w.length; x < y; x++) s.appendchild(q("stop", { offset: w[x].offset ? w[x].offset : x ? "100%" : "0%", "stop-color": w[x].color || "#fff" })) } } q(o, { fill: "url(#" + k + ")", opacity: 1, "fill-opacity": 1 }), r.fill = l, r.opacity = 1, r.fillopacity = 1; return 1 }, s = function (a) { var b = a.getbbox(1); q(a.pattern, { patterntransform: a.matrix.invert() + " translate(" + b.x + "," + b.y + ")" }) }, t = function (d, e, f) { if (d.type == "path") { var g = c(e).tolowercase().split("-"), h = d.paper, i = f ? "end" : "start", j = d.node, k = d.attrs, l = k["stroke-width"], n = g.length, r = "classic", s, t, u, v, w, x = 3, y = 3, z = 5; while (n--) switch (g[n]) { case "block": case "classic": case "oval": case "diamond": case "open": case "none": r = g[n]; break; case "wide": y = 5; break; case "narrow": y = 2; break; case "long": x = 5; break; case "short": x = 2 } r == "open" ? (x += 2, y += 2, z += 2, u = 1, v = f ? 4 : 1, w = { fill: "none", stroke: k.stroke }) : (v = u = x / 2, w = { fill: k.stroke, stroke: "none" }), d._.arrows ? f ? (d._.arrows.endpath && p[d._.arrows.endpath]--, d._.arrows.endmarker && p[d._.arrows.endmarker]--) : (d._.arrows.startpath && p[d._.arrows.startpath]--, d._.arrows.startmarker && p[d._.arrows.startmarker]--) : d._.arrows = {}; if (r != "none") { var a = "raphael-marker-" + r, b = "raphael-marker-" + i + r + x + y; a._g.doc.getelementbyid(a) ? p[a]++ : (h.defs.appendchild(q(q("path"), { "stroke-linecap": "round", d: o[r], id: a })), p[a] = 1); var c = a._g.doc.getelementbyid(b), d; c ? (p[b]++, d = c.getelementsbytagname("use")[0]) : (c = q(q("marker"), { id: b, markerheight: y, markerwidth: x, orient: "auto", refx: v, refy: y / 2 }), d = q(q("use"), { "xlink:href": "#" + a, transform: (f ? " rotate(180 " + x / 2 + " " + y / 2 + ") " : m) + "scale(" + x / z + "," + y / z + ")", "stroke-width": 1 / ((x / z + y / z) / 2) }), c.appendchild(d), h.defs.appendchild(c), p[b] = 1), q(d, w); var e = u * (r != "diamond" && r != "oval"); f ? (s = d._.arrows.startdx * l || 0, t = a.gettotallength(k.path) - e * l) : (s = e * l, t = a.gettotallength(k.path) - (d._.arrows.enddx * l || 0)), w = {}, w["marker-" + i] = "url(#" + b + ")"; if (t || s) w.d = raphael.getsubpath(k.path, s, t); q(j, w), d._.arrows[i + "path"] = a, d._.arrows[i + "marker"] = b, d._.arrows[i + "dx"] = e, d._.arrows[i + "type"] = r, d._.arrows[i + "string"] = e } else f ? (s = d._.arrows.startdx * l || 0, t = a.gettotallength(k.path) - s) : (s = 0, t = a.gettotallength(k.path) - (d._.arrows.enddx * l || 0)), d._.arrows[i + "path"] && q(j, { d: raphael.getsubpath(k.path, s, t) }), delete d._.arrows[i + "path"], delete d._.arrows[i + "marker"], delete d._.arrows[i + "dx"], delete d._.arrows[i + "type"], delete d._.arrows[i + "string"]; for (w in p) if (p[b](w) && !p[w]) { var f = a._g.doc.getelementbyid(w); f && f.parentnode.removechild(f) } } }, u = { "": [0], none: [0], "-": [3, 1], ".": [1, 1], "-.": [3, 1, 1, 1], "-..": [3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], ". ": [1, 3], "- ": [4, 3], "--": [8, 3], "- .": [4, 3, 1, 3], "--.": [8, 3, 1, 3], "--..": [8, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3] }, v = function (a, b, d) { b = u[c(b).tolowercase()]; if (b) { var e = a.attrs["stroke-width"] || "1", f = { round: e, square: e, butt: 0 }[a.attrs["stroke-linecap"] || d["stroke-linecap"]] || 0, g = [], h = b.length; while (h--) g[h] = b[h] * e + (h % 2 ? 1 : -1) * f; q(a.node, { "stroke-dasharray": g.join(",") }) } }, w = function (d, f) { var i = d.node, k = d.attrs, m =; = "hidden"; for (var o in f) if (f[b](o)) { if (!a._availableattrs[b](o)) continue; var p = f[o]; k[o] = p; switch (o) { case "blur": d.blur(p); break; case "href": case "title": case "target": var u = i.parentnode; if (u.tagname.tolowercase() != "a") { var w = q("a"); u.insertbefore(w, i), w.appendchild(i), u = w } o == "target" && p == "blank" ? u.setattributens(n, "show", "new") : u.setattributens(n, o, p); break; case "cursor": = p; break; case "transform": d.transform(p); break; case "arrow-start": t(d, p); break; case "arrow-end": t(d, p, 1); break; case "clip-rect": var x = c(p).split(j); if (x.length == 4) { d.clip && d.clip.parentnode.parentnode.removechild(d.clip.parentnode); var z = q("clippath"), a = q("rect"); = a.createuuid(), q(a, { x: x[0], y: x[1], width: x[2], height: x[3] }), z.appendchild(a), d.paper.defs.appendchild(z), q(i, { "clip-path": "url(#" + + ")" }), d.clip = a } if (!p) { var b = i.getattribute("clip-path"); if (b) { var c = a._g.doc.getelementbyid(b.replace(/(^url\(#|\)$)/g, l)); c && c.parentnode.removechild(c), q(i, { "clip-path": l }), delete d.clip } } break; case "path": d.type == "path" && (q(i, { d: p ? k.path = a._pathtoabsolute(p) : "m0,0" }), d._.dirty = 1, d._.arrows && ("startstring" in d._.arrows && t(d, d._.arrows.startstring), "endstring" in d._.arrows && t(d, d._.arrows.endstring, 1))); break; case "width": i.setattribute(o, p), d._.dirty = 1; if (k.fx) o = "x", p = k.x; else break; case "x": k.fx && (p = -k.x - (k.width || 0)); case "rx": if (o == "rx" && d.type == "rect") break; case "cx": i.setattribute(o, p), d.pattern && s(d), d._.dirty = 1; break; case "height": i.setattribute(o, p), d._.dirty = 1; if (k.fy) o = "y", p = k.y; else break; case "y": k.fy && (p = -k.y - (k.height || 0)); case "ry": if (o == "ry" && d.type == "rect") break; case "cy": i.setattribute(o, p), d.pattern && s(d), d._.dirty = 1; break; case "r": d.type == "rect" ? q(i, { rx: p, ry: p }) : i.setattribute(o, p), d._.dirty = 1; break; case "src": d.type == "image" && i.setattributens(n, "href", p); break; case "stroke-width": if ( != 1 || != 1) p /= g(h(, h( || 1; d.paper._vbsize && (p *= d.paper._vbsize), i.setattribute(o, p), k["stroke-dasharray"] && v(d, k["stroke-dasharray"], f), d._.arrows && ("startstring" in d._.arrows && t(d, d._.arrows.startstring), "endstring" in d._.arrows && t(d, d._.arrows.endstring, 1)); break; case "stroke-dasharray": v(d, p, f); break; case "fill": var d = c(p).match(a._isurl); if (d) { z = q("pattern"); var f = q("image"); = a.createuuid(), q(z, { x: 0, y: 0, patternunits: "userspaceonuse", height: 1, width: 1 }), q(f, { x: 0, y: 0, "xlink:href": d[1] }), z.appendchild(f), function (b) { a._preload(d[1], function () { var a = this.offsetwidth, c = this.offsetheight; q(b, { width: a, height: c }), q(f, { width: a, height: c }), d.paper.safari() }) }(z), d.paper.defs.appendchild(z), = "url(#" + + ")", q(i, { fill: "url(#" + + ")" }), d.pattern = z, d.pattern && s(d); break } var g = a.getrgb(p); if (!g.error) delete f.gradient, delete k.gradient, !, "undefined") &&, "undefined") && q(i, { opacity: k.opacity }), !["fill-opacity"], "undefined") &&["fill-opacity"], "undefined") && q(i, { "fill-opacity": k["fill-opacity"] }); else if ((d.type == "circle" || d.type == "ellipse" || c(p).charat() != "r") && r(d, p)) { if ("opacity" in k || "fill-opacity" in k) { var h = a._g.doc.getelementbyid(i.getattribute("fill").replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, l)); if (h) { var i = h.getelementsbytagname("stop"); q(i[i.length - 1], { "stop-opacity": ("opacity" in k ? k.opacity : 1) * ("fill-opacity" in k ? k["fill-opacity"] : 1) }) } } k.gradient = p, k.fill = "none"; break } g[b]("opacity") && q(i, { "fill-opacity": g.opacity > 1 ? g.opacity / 100 : g.opacity }); case "stroke": g = a.getrgb(p), i.setattribute(o, g.hex), o == "stroke" && g[b]("opacity") && q(i, { "stroke-opacity": g.opacity > 1 ? g.opacity / 100 : g.opacity }), o == "stroke" && d._.arrows && ("startstring" in d._.arrows && t(d, d._.arrows.startstring), "endstring" in d._.arrows && t(d, d._.arrows.endstring, 1)); break; case "gradient": (d.type == "circle" || d.type == "ellipse" || c(p).charat() != "r") && r(d, p); break; case "opacity": k.gradient && !k[b]("stroke-opacity") && q(i, { "stroke-opacity": p > 1 ? p / 100 : p }); case "fill-opacity": if (k.gradient) { h = a._g.doc.getelementbyid(i.getattribute("fill").replace(/^url\(#|\)$/g, l)), h && (i = h.getelementsbytagname("stop"), q(i[i.length - 1], { "stop-opacity": p })); break }; default: o == "font-size" && (p = e(p, 10) + "px"); var j = o.replace(/(\-.)/g, function (a) { return a.substring(1).touppercase() });[j] = p, d._.dirty = 1, i.setattribute(o, p) } } y(d, f), = m }, x = 1.6, y = function (d, f) { if (d.type == "text" && !!(f[b]("text") || f[b]("font") || f[b]("font-size") || f[b]("x") || f[b]("y"))) { var g = d.attrs, h = d.node, i = h.firstchild ? e(a._g.doc.defaultview.getcomputedstyle(h.firstchild, l).getpropertyvalue("font-size"), 10) : 10; if (f[b]("text")) { g.text = f.text; while (h.firstchild) h.removechild(h.firstchild); var j = c(f.text).split("\n"), k = [], m; for (var n = 0, o = j.length; n < o; n++) m = q("tspan"), n && q(m, { dy: i * x, x: g.x }), m.appendchild(a._g.doc.createtextnode(j[n])), h.appendchild(m), k[n] = m } else { k = h.getelementsbytagname("tspan"); for (n = 0, o = k.length; n < o; n++) n ? q(k[n], { dy: i * x, x: g.x }) : q(k[0], { dy: 0 }) } q(h, { x: g.x, y: g.y }), d._.dirty = 1; var p = d._getbbox(), r = g.y - (p.y + p.height / 2); r &&, "finite") && q(k[0], { dy: r }) } }, z = function (b, c) { var d = 0, e = 0; this[0] = this.node = b, b.raphael = !0, = a._oid++, b.raphaelid =, this.matrix = a.matrix(), this.realpath = null, this.paper = c, this.attrs = this.attrs || {}, this._ = { transform: [], sx: 1, sy: 1, deg: 0, dx: 0, dy: 0, dirty: 1 }, !c.bottom && (c.bottom = this), this.prev =, && ( = this), = this, = null }, a = a.el; z.prototype = a, a.constructor = z, a._engine.path = function (a, b) { var c = q("path"); b.canvas && b.canvas.appendchild(c); var d = new z(c, b); d.type = "path", w(d, { fill: "none", stroke: "#000", path: a }); return d }, a.rotate = function (a, b, e) { if (this.removed) return this; a = c(a).split(j), a.length - 1 && (b = d(a[1]), e = d(a[2])), a = d(a[0]), e == null && (b = e); if (b == null || e == null) { var f = this.getbbox(1); b = f.x + f.width / 2, e = f.y + f.height / 2 } this.transform(this._.transform.concat([ ["r", a, b, e] ])); return this }, a.scale = function (a, b, e, f) { if (this.removed) return this; a = c(a).split(j), a.length - 1 && (b = d(a[1]), e = d(a[2]), f = d(a[3])), a = d(a[0]), b == null && (b = a), f == null && (e = f); if (e == null || f == null) var g = this.getbbox(1); e = e == null ? g.x + g.width / 2 : e, f = f == null ? g.y + g.height / 2 : f, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([ ["s", a, b, e, f] ])); return this }, a.translate = function (a, b) { if (this.removed) return this; a = c(a).split(j), a.length - 1 && (b = d(a[1])), a = d(a[0]) || 0, b = +b || 0, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([ ["t", a, b] ])); return this }, a.transform = function (c) { var d = this._; if (c == null) return d.transform; a._extracttransform(this, c), this.clip && q(this.clip, { transform: this.matrix.invert() }), this.pattern && s(this), this.node && q(this.node, { transform: this.matrix }); if ( != 1 || != 1) { var e = this.attrs[b]("stroke-width") ? this.attrs["stroke-width"] : 1; this.attr({ "stroke-width": e }) } return this }, a.hide = function () { !this.removed && this.paper.safari( = "none"); return this }, = function () { !this.removed && this.paper.safari( = ""); return this }, a.remove = function () { if (!this.removed) { var b = this.paper; b.__set__ && b.__set__.exclude(this), k.unbind("*.*." +, this.gradient && b.defs.removechild(this.gradient), a._tear(this, b), this.node.parentnode.removechild(this.node); for (var c in this) this[c] = typeof this[c] == "function" ? a._removedfactory(c) : null; this.removed = !0 } }, a._getbbox = function () { if ( == "none") {; var a = !0 } var b = {}; try { b = this.node.getbbox() } catch (c) { } finally { b = b || {} } a && this.hide(); return b }, a.attr = function (c, d) { if (this.removed) return this; if (c == null) { var e = {}; for (var f in this.attrs) this.attrs[b](f) && (e[f] = this.attrs[f]); e.gradient && e.fill == "none" && (e.fill = e.gradient) && delete e.gradient, e.transform = this._.transform; return e } if (d == null &&, "string")) { if (c == "fill" && this.attrs.fill == "none" && this.attrs.gradient) return this.attrs.gradient; if (c == "transform") return this._.transform; var g = c.split(j), h = {}; for (var i = 0, l = g.length; i < l; i++) c = g[i], c in this.attrs ? h[c] = this.attrs[c] :[c], "function") ? h[c] = this.paper.customattributes[c].def : h[c] = a._availableattrs[c]; return l - 1 ? h : h[g[0]] } if (d == null &&, "array")) { h = {}; for (i = 0, l = c.length; i < l; i++) h[c[i]] = this.attr(c[i]); return h } if (d != null) { var m = {}; m[c] = d } else c != null &&, "object") && (m = c); for (var n in m) k("attr." + n + "." +, this, m[n]); for (n in this.paper.customattributes) if (this.paper.customattributes[b](n) && m[b](n) &&[n], "function")) { var o = this.paper.customattributes[n].apply(this, [].concat(m[n])); this.attrs[n] = m[n]; for (var p in o) o[b](p) && (m[p] = o[p]) } w(this, m); return this }, a.tofront = function () { if (this.removed) return this; this.node.parentnode.tagname.tolowercase() == "a" ? this.node.parentnode.parentnode.appendchild(this.node.parentnode) : this.node.parentnode.appendchild(this.node); var b = this.paper; != this && a._tofront(this, b); return this }, a.toback = function () { if (this.removed) return this; var b = this.node.parentnode; b.tagname.tolowercase() == "a" ? b.parentnode.insertbefore(this.node.parentnode, this.node.parentnode.parentnode.firstchild) : b.firstchild != this.node && b.insertbefore(this.node, this.node.parentnode.firstchild), a._toback(this, this.paper); var c = this.paper; return this }, a.insertafter = function (b) { if (this.removed) return this; var c = b.node || b[b.length - 1].node; c.nextsibling ? c.parentnode.insertbefore(this.node, c.nextsibling) : c.parentnode.appendchild(this.node), a._insertafter(this, b, this.paper); return this }, a.insertbefore = function (b) { if (this.removed) return this; var c = b.node || b[0].node; c.parentnode.insertbefore(this.node, c), a._insertbefore(this, b, this.paper); return this }, a.blur = function (b) { var c = this; if (+b !== 0) { var d = q("filter"), e = q("fegaussianblur"); c.attrs.blur = b, = a.createuuid(), q(e, { stddeviation: +b || 1.5 }), d.appendchild(e), c.paper.defs.appendchild(d), c._blur = d, q(c.node, { filter: "url(#" + + ")" }) } else c._blur && (c._blur.parentnode.removechild(c._blur), delete c._blur, delete c.attrs.blur), c.node.removeattribute("filter") }, = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = q("circle"); a.canvas && a.canvas.appendchild(e); var f = new z(e, a); f.attrs = { cx: b, cy: c, r: d, fill: "none", stroke: "#000" }, f.type = "circle", q(e, f.attrs); return f }, a._engine.rect = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = q("rect"); a.canvas && a.canvas.appendchild(g); var h = new z(g, a); h.attrs = { x: b, y: c, width: d, height: e, r: f || 0, rx: f || 0, ry: f || 0, fill: "none", stroke: "#000" }, h.type = "rect", q(g, h.attrs); return h }, a._engine.ellipse = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = q("ellipse"); a.canvas && a.canvas.appendchild(f); var g = new z(f, a); g.attrs = { cx: b, cy: c, rx: d, ry: e, fill: "none", stroke: "#000" }, g.type = "ellipse", q(f, g.attrs); return g }, a._engine.image = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = q("image"); q(g, { x: c, y: d, width: e, height: f, preserveaspectratio: "none" }), g.setattributens(n, "href", b), a.canvas && a.canvas.appendchild(g); var h = new z(g, a); h.attrs = { x: c, y: d, width: e, height: f, src: b }, h.type = "image"; return h }, a._engine.text = function (b, c, d, e) { var f = q("text"); b.canvas && b.canvas.appendchild(f); var g = new z(f, b); g.attrs = { x: c, y: d, "text-anchor": "start", text: e, font: a._availableattrs.font, stroke: "none", fill: "#000" }, g.type = "text", w(g, g.attrs); return g }, a._engine.setsize = function (a, b) { this.width = a || this.width, this.height = b || this.height, this.canvas.setattribute("width", this.width), this.canvas.setattribute("height", this.height), this._viewbox && this.setviewbox.apply(this, this._viewbox); return this }, a._engine.create = function () { var b = a._getcontainer.apply(0, arguments), c = b && b.container, d = b.x, e = b.y, f = b.width, g = b.height; if (!c) throw new error("svg container not found."); var h = q("svg"), i = "overflow:hidden;", j; d = d || 0, e = e || 0, f = f || 512, g = g || 342, q(h, { height: g, version: 1.1, width: f, xmlns: "" }), c == 1 ? ( = i + "position:absolute;left:" + d + "px;top:" + e + "px", a._g.doc.body.appendchild(h), j = 1) : ( = i + "position:relative", c.firstchild ? c.insertbefore(h, c.firstchild) : c.appendchild(h)), c = new a._paper, c.width = f, c.height = g, c.canvas = h, c.clear(), c._left = c._top = 0, j && (c.renderfix = function () { }), c.renderfix(); return c }, a._engine.setviewbox = function (a, b, c, d, e) { k("setviewbox", this, this._viewbox, [a, b, c, d, e]); var f = g(c / this.width, d / this.height), h =, i = e ? "meet" : "xminymin", j, l; a == null ? (this._vbsize && (f = 1), delete this._vbsize, j = "0 0 " + this.width + m + this.height) : (this._vbsize = f, j = a + m + b + m + c + m + d), q(this.canvas, { viewbox: j, preserveaspectratio: i }); while (f && h) l = "stroke-width" in h.attrs ? h.attrs["stroke-width"] : 1, h.attr({ "stroke-width": l }), h._.dirty = 1, h._.dirtyt = 1, h = h.prev; this._viewbox = [a, b, c, d, !!e]; return this }, a.prototype.renderfix = function () { var a = this.canvas, b =, c = a.getscreenctm() || a.createsvgmatrix(), d = -c.e % 1, e = -c.f % 1; if (d || e) d && (this._left = (this._left + d) % 1, b.left = this._left + "px"), e && (this._top = (this._top + e) % 1, = this._top + "px") }, a.prototype.clear = function () { a.eve("clear", this); var b = this.canvas; while (b.firstchild) b.removechild(b.firstchild); this.bottom = = null, (this.desc = q("desc")).appendchild(a._g.doc.createtextnode("created with " + a.version)), b.appendchild(this.desc), b.appendchild(this.defs = q("defs")) }, a.prototype.remove = function () { k("remove", this), this.canvas.parentnode && this.canvas.parentnode.removechild(this.canvas); for (var b in this) this[b] = typeof this[b] == "function" ? a._removedfactory(b) : null }; var b =; for (var c in a) a[b](c) && !b[b](c) && (b[c] = function (a) { return function () { var b = arguments; return this.foreach(function (c) { c[a].apply(c, b) }) } }(c)) }(window.raphael), window.raphael.vml && function (a) { var b = "hasownproperty", c = string, d = parsefloat, e = math, f = e.round, g = e.max, h = e.min, i = e.abs, j = "fill", k = /[, ]+/, l = a.eve, m = "", n = " ", o = "", p = { m: "m", l: "l", c: "c", z: "x", m: "t", l: "r", c: "v", z: "x" }, q = /([clmz]),?([^clmz]*)/gi, r = / progid:\s+blur\([^\)]+\)/g, s = /-?[^,\s-]+/g, t = "position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1px;height:1px", u = 21600, v = { path: 1, rect: 1, image: 1 }, w = { circle: 1, ellipse: 1 }, x = function (b) { var d = /[ahqstv]/ig, e = a._pathtoabsolute; c(b).match(d) && (e = a._path2curve), d = /[clmz]/g; if (e == a._pathtoabsolute && !c(b).match(d)) { var g = c(b).replace(q, function (a, b, c) { var d = [], e = b.tolowercase() == "m", g = p[b]; c.replace(s, function (a) { e && d.length == 2 && (g += d + p[b == "m" ? "l" : "l"], d = []), d.push(f(a * u)) }); return g + d }); return g } var h = e(b), i, j; g = []; for (var k = 0, l = h.length; k < l; k++) { i = h[k], j = h[k][0].tolowercase(), j == "z" && (j = "x"); for (var m = 1, r = i.length; m < r; m++) j += f(i[m] * u) + (m != r - 1 ? "," : o); g.push(j) } return g.join(n) }, y = function (b, c, d) { var e = a.matrix(); e.rotate(-b, .5, .5); return { dx: e.x(c, d), dy: e.y(c, d) } }, z = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = a._, h = a.matrix, k = g.fillpos, l = a.node, m =, o = 1, p = "", q, r = u / b, s = u / c; m.visibility = "hidden"; if (!!b && !!c) { l.coordsize = i(r) + n + i(s), m.rotation = f * (b * c < 0 ? -1 : 1); if (f) { var t = y(f, d, e); d = t.dx, e = t.dy } b < 0 && (p += "x"), c < 0 && (p += " y") && (o = -1), m.flip = p, l.coordorigin = d * -r + n + e * -s; if (k || g.fillsize) { var v = l.getelementsbytagname(j); v = v && v[0], l.removechild(v), k && (t = y(f, h.x(k[0], k[1]), h.y(k[0], k[1])), v.position = t.dx * o + n + t.dy * o), g.fillsize && (v.size = g.fillsize[0] * i(b) + n + g.fillsize[1] * i(c)), l.appendchild(v) } m.visibility = "visible" } }; a.tostring = function () { return "your browser doesn��t support svg. falling down to vml.\nyou are running " + this.version }; var a = function (a, b, d) { var e = c(b).tolowercase().split("-"), f = d ? "end" : "start", g = e.length, h = "classic", i = "medium", j = "medium"; while (g--) switch (e[g]) { case "block": case "classic": case "oval": case "diamond": case "open": case "none": h = e[g]; break; case "wide": case "narrow": j = e[g]; break; case "long": case "short": i = e[g] } var k = a.node.getelementsbytagname("stroke")[0]; k[f + "arrow"] = h, k[f + "arrowlength"] = i, k[f + "arrowwidth"] = j }, b = function (e, i) { e.attrs = e.attrs || {}; var l = e.node, m = e.attrs, p =, q, r = v[e.type] && (i.x != m.x || i.y != m.y || i.width != m.width || i.height != m.height || != || != || i.rx != m.rx || i.ry != m.ry || i.r != m.r), s = w[e.type] && ( != || != || m.r != i.r || m.rx != i.rx || m.ry != i.ry), t = e; for (var y in i) i[b](y) && (m[y] = i[y]); r && (m.path = a._getpath[e.type](e), e._.dirty = 1), i.href && (l.href = i.href), i.title && (l.title = i.title), && ( =, i.cursor && (p.cursor = i.cursor), "blur" in i && e.blur(i.blur); if (i.path && e.type == "path" || r) l.path = x(~c(m.path).tolowercase().indexof("r") ? a._pathtoabsolute(m.path) : m.path), e.type == "image" && (e._.fillpos = [m.x, m.y], e._.fillsize = [m.width, m.height], z(e, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); "transform" in i && e.transform(i.transform); if (s) { var b =, d =, e = +m.rx || +m.r || 0, g = +m.ry || +m.r || 0; l.path = a.format("ar{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{1},{4},{1}x", f((b - e) * u), f((d - g) * u), f((b + e) * u), f((d + g) * u), f(b * u)) } if ("clip-rect" in i) { var h = c(i["clip-rect"]).split(k); if (h.length == 4) { h[2] = +h[2] + +h[0], h[3] = +h[3] + +h[1]; var i = l.cliprect || a._g.doc.createelement("div"), j =; j.clip = a.format("rect({1}px {2}px {3}px {0}px)", h), l.cliprect || (j.position = "absolute", = 0, j.left = 0, j.width = e.paper.width + "px", j.height = e.paper.height + "px", l.parentnode.insertbefore(i, l), i.appendchild(l), l.cliprect = i) } i["clip-rect"] || l.cliprect && ( = "auto") } if (e.textpath) { var k =; i.font && (k.font = i.font), i["font-family"] && (k.fontfamily = '"' + i["font-family"].split(",")[0].replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, o) + '"'), i["font-size"] && (k.fontsize = i["font-size"]), i["font-weight"] && (k.fontweight = i["font-weight"]), i["font-style"] && (k.fontstyle = i["font-style"]) } "arrow-start" in i && a(t, i["arrow-start"]), "arrow-end" in i && a(t, i["arrow-end"], 1); if (i.opacity != null || i["stroke-width"] != null || i.fill != null || i.src != null || i.stroke != null || i["stroke-width"] != null || i["stroke-opacity"] != null || i["fill-opacity"] != null || i["stroke-dasharray"] != null || i["stroke-miterlimit"] != null || i["stroke-linejoin"] != null || i["stroke-linecap"] != null) { var l = l.getelementsbytagname(j), m = !1; l = l && l[0], !l && (m = l = f(j)), e.type == "image" && i.src && (l.src = i.src), i.fill && (l.on = !0); if (l.on == null || i.fill == "none" || i.fill === null) l.on = !1; if (l.on && i.fill) { var n = c(i.fill).match(a._isurl); if (n) { l.parentnode == l && l.removechild(l), l.rotate = !0, l.src = n[1], l.type = "tile"; var o = e.getbbox(1); l.position = o.x + n + o.y, e._.fillpos = [o.x, o.y], a._preload(n[1], function () { e._.fillsize = [this.offsetwidth, this.offsetheight] }) } else l.color = a.getrgb(i.fill).hex, l.src = o, l.type = "solid", a.getrgb(i.fill).error && (t.type in { circle: 1, ellipse: 1 } || c(i.fill).charat() != "r") && c(t, i.fill, l) && (m.fill = "none", m.gradient = i.fill, l.rotate = !1) } if ("fill-opacity" in i || "opacity" in i) { var p = ((+m["fill-opacity"] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+m.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+a.getrgb(i.fill).o + 1 || 2) - 1); p = h(g(p, 0), 1), l.opacity = p, l.src && (l.color = "none") } l.appendchild(l); var q = l.getelementsbytagname("stroke") && l.getelementsbytagname("stroke")[0], t = !1; !q && (t = q = f("stroke")); if (i.stroke && i.stroke != "none" || i["stroke-width"] || i["stroke-opacity"] != null || i["stroke-dasharray"] || i["stroke-miterlimit"] || i["stroke-linejoin"] || i["stroke-linecap"]) q.on = !0; (i.stroke == "none" || i.stroke === null || q.on == null || i.stroke == 0 || i["stroke-width"] == 0) && (q.on = !1); var u = a.getrgb(i.stroke); q.on && i.stroke && (q.color = u.hex), p = ((+m["stroke-opacity"] + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+m.opacity + 1 || 2) - 1) * ((+u.o + 1 || 2) - 1); var v = (d(i["stroke-width"]) || 1) * .75; p = h(g(p, 0), 1), i["stroke-width"] == null && (v = m["stroke-width"]), i["stroke-width"] && (q.weight = v), v && v < 1 && (p *= v) && (q.weight = 1), q.opacity = p, i["stroke-linejoin"] && (q.joinstyle = i["stroke-linejoin"] || "miter"), q.miterlimit = i["stroke-miterlimit"] || 8, i["stroke-linecap"] && (q.endcap = i["stroke-linecap"] == "butt" ? "flat" : i["stroke-linecap"] == "square" ? "square" : "round"); if (i["stroke-dasharray"]) { var w = { "-": "shortdash", ".": "shortdot", "-.": "shortdashdot", "-..": "shortdashdotdot", ". ": "dot", "- ": "dash", "--": "longdash", "- .": "dashdot", "--.": "longdashdot", "--..": "longdashdotdot" }; q.dashstyle = w[b](i["stroke-dasharray"]) ? w[i["stroke-dasharray"]] : o } t && l.appendchild(q) } if (t.type == "text") { = o; var x = t.paper.span, y = 100, z = m.font && m.font.match(/\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?=px)/); p =, m.font && (p.font = m.font), m["font-family"] && (p.fontfamily = m["font-family"]), m["font-weight"] && (p.fontweight = m["font-weight"]), m["font-style"] && (p.fontstyle = m["font-style"]), z = d(m["font-size"] || z && z[0]) || 10, p.fontsize = z * y + "px", t.textpath.string && (x.innerhtml = c(t.textpath.string).replace(/")); var $ = x.getboundingclientrect(); t.w = m.w = ($.right - $.left) / y, t.h = m.h = ($.bottom - $.top) / y, t.x = m.x, t.y = m.y + t.h / 2, ("x" in i || "y" in i) && (t.path.v = a.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", f(m.x * u), f(m.y * u), f(m.x * u) + 1)); var _ = ["x", "y", "text", "font", "font-family", "font-weight", "font-style", "font-size"]; for (var ba = 0, bb = _.length; ba < bb; ba++) if (_[ba] in i) { t._.dirty = 1; break } switch (m["text-anchor"]) { case "start":["v-text-align"] = "left", t.bbx = t.w / 2; break; case "end":["v-text-align"] = "left", t.bbx = -t.w / 2; break; default:["v-text-align"] = "left", t.bbx = 0 }["v-text-kern"] = !0 } }, c = function (b, f, g) { b.attrs = b.attrs || {}; var h = b.attrs, i = math.pow, j, k, l = "linear", m = ".5 .5"; b.attrs.gradient = f, f = c(f).replace(a._radial_gradient, function (a, b, c) { l = "radial", b && c && (b = d(b), c = d(c), i(b - .5, 2) + i(c - .5, 2) > .25 && (c = e.sqrt(.25 - i(b - .5, 2)) * ((c > .5) * 2 - 1) + .5), m = b + n + c); return o }), f = f.split(/\s*\-\s*/); if (l == "linear") { var p = f.shift(); p = -d(p); if (isnan(p)) return null } var q = a._parsedots(f); if (!q) return null; b = b.shape || b.node; if (q.length) { b.removechild(g), g.on = !0, g.method = "none", g.color = q[0].color, g.color2 = q[q.length - 1].color; var r = []; for (var s = 0, t = q.length; s < t; s++) q[s].offset && r.push(q[s].offset + n + q[s].color); g.colors = r.length ? r.join() : "0% " + g.color, l == "radial" ? (g.type = "gradienttitle", g.focus = "100%", g.focussize = "0 0", g.focusposition = m, g.angle = 0) : (g.type = "gradient", g.angle = (270 - p) % 360), b.appendchild(g) } return 1 }, d = function (b, c) { this[0] = this.node = b, b.raphael = !0, = a._oid++, b.raphaelid =, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.attrs = {}, this.paper = c, this.matrix = a.matrix(), this._ = { transform: [], sx: 1, sy: 1, dx: 0, dy: 0, deg: 0, dirty: 1, dirtyt: 1 }, !c.bottom && (c.bottom = this), this.prev =, && ( = this), = this, = null }, e = a.el; d.prototype = e, e.constructor = d, e.transform = function (b) { if (b == null) return this._.transform; var d = this.paper._viewboxshift, e = d ? "s" + [d.scale, d.scale] + "-1-1t" + [d.dx, d.dy] : o, f; d && (f = b = c(b).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, this._.transform || o)), a._extracttransform(this, e + b); var g = this.matrix.clone(), h = this.skew, i = this.node, j, k = ~c(this.attrs.fill).indexof("-"), l = !c(this.attrs.fill).indexof("url("); g.translate(-0.5, -0.5); if (l || k || this.type == "image") { h.matrix = "1 0 0 1", h.offset = "0 0", j = g.split(); if (k && j.norotation || !j.issimple) { = g.tofilter(); var m = this.getbbox(), p = this.getbbox(1), q = m.x - p.x, r = m.y - p.y; i.coordorigin = q * -u + n + r * -u, z(this, 1, 1, q, r, 0) } else = o, z(this, j.scalex, j.scaley, j.dx, j.dy, j.rotate) } else = o, h.matrix = c(g), h.offset = g.offset(); f && (this._.transform = f); return this }, e.rotate = function (a, b, e) { if (this.removed) return this; if (a != null) { a = c(a).split(k), a.length - 1 && (b = d(a[1]), e = d(a[2])), a = d(a[0]), e == null && (b = e); if (b == null || e == null) { var f = this.getbbox(1); b = f.x + f.width / 2, e = f.y + f.height / 2 } this._.dirtyt = 1, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([ ["r", a, b, e] ])); return this } }, e.translate = function (a, b) { if (this.removed) return this; a = c(a).split(k), a.length - 1 && (b = d(a[1])), a = d(a[0]) || 0, b = +b || 0, this._.bbox && (this._.bbox.x += a, this._.bbox.y += b), this.transform(this._.transform.concat([ ["t", a, b] ])); return this }, e.scale = function (a, b, e, f) { if (this.removed) return this; a = c(a).split(k), a.length - 1 && (b = d(a[1]), e = d(a[2]), f = d(a[3]), isnan(e) && (e = null), isnan(f) && (f = null)), a = d(a[0]), b == null && (b = a), f == null && (e = f); if (e == null || f == null) var g = this.getbbox(1); e = e == null ? g.x + g.width / 2 : e, f = f == null ? g.y + g.height / 2 : f, this.transform(this._.transform.concat([ ["s", a, b, e, f] ])), this._.dirtyt = 1; return this }, e.hide = function () { !this.removed && ( = "none"); return this }, = function () { !this.removed && ( = o); return this }, e._getbbox = function () { if (this.removed) return {}; return { x: this.x + (this.bbx || 0) - this.w / 2, y: this.y - this.h, width: this.w, height: this.h } }, e.remove = function () { if (!this.removed) { this.paper.__set__ && this.paper.__set__.exclude(this), a.eve.unbind("*.*." +, a._tear(this, this.paper), this.node.parentnode.removechild(this.node), this.shape && this.shape.parentnode.removechild(this.shape); for (var b in this) this[b] = typeof this[b] == "function" ? a._removedfactory(b) : null; this.removed = !0 } }, e.attr = function (c, d) { if (this.removed) return this; if (c == null) { var e = {}; for (var f in this.attrs) this.attrs[b](f) && (e[f] = this.attrs[f]); e.gradient && e.fill == "none" && (e.fill = e.gradient) && delete e.gradient, e.transform = this._.transform; return e } if (d == null &&, "string")) { if (c == j && this.attrs.fill == "none" && this.attrs.gradient) return this.attrs.gradient; var g = c.split(k), h = {}; for (var i = 0, m = g.length; i < m; i++) c = g[i], c in this.attrs ? h[c] = this.attrs[c] :[c], "function") ? h[c] = this.paper.customattributes[c].def : h[c] = a._availableattrs[c]; return m - 1 ? h : h[g[0]] } if (this.attrs && d == null &&, "array")) { h = {}; for (i = 0, m = c.length; i < m; i++) h[c[i]] = this.attr(c[i]); return h } var n; d != null && (n = {}, n[c] = d), d == null &&, "object") && (n = c); for (var o in n) l("attr." + o + "." +, this, n[o]); if (n) { for (o in this.paper.customattributes) if (this.paper.customattributes[b](o) && n[b](o) &&[o], "function")) { var p = this.paper.customattributes[o].apply(this, [].concat(n[o])); this.attrs[o] = n[o]; for (var q in p) p[b](q) && (n[q] = p[q]) } n.text && this.type == "text" && (this.textpath.string = n.text), b(this, n) } return this }, e.tofront = function () { !this.removed && this.node.parentnode.appendchild(this.node), this.paper && != this && a._tofront(this, this.paper); return this }, e.toback = function () { if (this.removed) return this; this.node.parentnode.firstchild != this.node && (this.node.parentnode.insertbefore(this.node, this.node.parentnode.firstchild), a._toback(this, this.paper)); return this }, e.insertafter = function (b) { if (this.removed) return this; b.constructor == && (b = b[b.length - 1]), b.node.nextsibling ? b.node.parentnode.insertbefore(this.node, b.node.nextsibling) : b.node.parentnode.appendchild(this.node), a._insertafter(this, b, this.paper); return this }, e.insertbefore = function (b) { if (this.removed) return this; b.constructor == && (b = b[0]), b.node.parentnode.insertbefore(this.node, b.node), a._insertbefore(this, b, this.paper); return this }, e.blur = function (b) { var c = this.node.runtimestyle, d = c.filter; d = d.replace(r, o), +b !== 0 ? (this.attrs.blur = b, c.filter = d + n + m + ".blur(pixelradius=" + (+b || 1.5) + ")", c.margin = a.format("-{0}px 0 0 -{0}px", f(+b || 1.5))) : (c.filter = d, c.margin = 0, delete this.attrs.blur) }, a._engine.path = function (a, b) { var c = f("shape"); = t, c.coordsize = u + n + u, c.coordorigin = b.coordorigin; var d = new d(c, b), e = { fill: "none", stroke: "#000" }; a && (e.path = a), d.type = "path", d.path = [], d.path = o, b(d, e), b.canvas.appendchild(c); var f = f("skew"); f.on = !0, c.appendchild(f), d.skew = f, d.transform(o); return d }, a._engine.rect = function (b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h = a._rectpath(c, d, e, f, g), i = b.path(h), j = i.attrs; i.x = j.x = c, i.y = j.y = d, i.w = j.width = e, i.h = j.height = f, j.r = g, j.path = h, i.type = "rect"; return i }, a._engine.ellipse = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = a.path(), g = f.attrs; f.x = b - d, f.y = c - e, f.w = d * 2, f.h = e * 2, f.type = "ellipse", b(f, { cx: b, cy: c, rx: d, ry: e }); return f }, = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = a.path(), f = e.attrs; e.x = b - d, e.y = c - d, e.w = e.h = d * 2, e.type = "circle", b(e, { cx: b, cy: c, r: d }); return e }, a._engine.image = function (b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h = a._rectpath(d, e, f, g), i = b.path(h).attr({ stroke: "none" }), k = i.attrs, l = i.node, m = l.getelementsbytagname(j)[0]; k.src = c, i.x = k.x = d, i.y = k.y = e, i.w = k.width = f, i.h = k.height = g, k.path = h, i.type = "image", m.parentnode == l && l.removechild(m), m.rotate = !0, m.src = c, m.type = "tile", i._.fillpos = [d, e], i._.fillsize = [f, g], l.appendchild(m), z(i, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); return i }, a._engine.text = function (b, d, e, g) { var h = f("shape"), i = f("path"), j = f("textpath"); d = d || 0, e = e || 0, g = g || "", i.v = a.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", f(d * u), f(e * u), f(d * u) + 1), i.textpathok = !0, j.string = c(g), j.on = !0, = t, h.coordsize = u + n + u, h.coordorigin = "0 0"; var k = new d(h, b), l = { fill: "#000", stroke: "none", font: a._availableattrs.font, text: g }; k.shape = h, k.path = i, k.textpath = j, k.type = "text", k.attrs.text = c(g), k.attrs.x = d, k.attrs.y = e, k.attrs.w = 1, k.attrs.h = 1, b(k, l), h.appendchild(j), h.appendchild(i), b.canvas.appendchild(h); var m = f("skew"); m.on = !0, h.appendchild(m), k.skew = m, k.transform(o); return k }, a._engine.setsize = function (b, c) { var d =; this.width = b, this.height = c, b == +b && (b += "px"), c == +c && (c += "px"), d.width = b, d.height = c, d.clip = "rect(0 " + b + " " + c + " 0)", this._viewbox && a._engine.setviewbox.apply(this, this._viewbox); return this }, a._engine.setviewbox = function (b, c, d, e, f) { a.eve("setviewbox", this, this._viewbox, [b, c, d, e, f]); var h = this.width, i = this.height, j = 1 / g(d / h, e / i), k, l; f && (k = i / e, l = h / d, d * k < h && (b -= (h - d * k) / 2 / k), e * l < i && (c -= (i - e * l) / 2 / l)), this._viewbox = [b, c, d, e, !!f], this._viewboxshift = { dx: -b, dy: -c, scale: j }, this.foreach(function (a) { a.transform("...") }); return this }; var f; a._engine.initwin = function (a) { var b = a.document; b.createstylesheet().addrule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#vml)"); try { !b.namespaces.rvml && b.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"), f = function (a) { return b.createelement("') } } catch (c) { f = function (a) { return b.createelement("<" + a + ' xmlns="" class="rvml">') } } }, a._engine.initwin(, a._engine.create = function () { var b = a._getcontainer.apply(0, arguments), c = b.container, d = b.height, e, f = b.width, g = b.x, h = b.y; if (!c) throw new error("vml container not found."); var i = new a._paper, j = i.canvas = a._g.doc.createelement("div"), k =; g = g || 0, h = h || 0, f = f || 512, d = d || 342, i.width = f, i.height = d, f == +f && (f += "px"), d == +d && (d += "px"), i.coordsize = u * 1e3 + n + u * 1e3, i.coordorigin = "0 0", i.span = a._g.doc.createelement("span"), = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;", j.appendchild(i.span), k.csstext = a.format("top:0;left:0;width:{0};height:{1};display:inline-block;position:relative;clip:rect(0 {0} {1} 0);overflow:hidden", f, d), c == 1 ? (a._g.doc.body.appendchild(j), k.left = g + "px", = h + "px", k.position = "absolute") : c.firstchild ? c.insertbefore(j, c.firstchild) : c.appendchild(j), i.renderfix = function () { }; return i }, a.prototype.clear = function () { a.eve("clear", this), this.canvas.innerhtml = o, this.span = a._g.doc.createelement("span"), = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1;display:inline;", this.canvas.appendchild(this.span), this.bottom = = null }, a.prototype.remove = function () { a.eve("remove", this), this.canvas.parentnode.removechild(this.canvas); for (var b in this) this[b] = typeof this[b] == "function" ? a._removedfactory(b) : null; return !0 }; var g =; for (var h in e) e[b](h) && !g[b](h) && (g[h] = function (a) { return function () { var b = arguments; return this.foreach(function (c) { c[a].apply(c, b) }) } }(h)) }(window.raphael) // raphaeljs end $(function () { var c = raphael("map_container", 1200, 950); var o = { fill: "#ff8432", stroke: "#fff", "stroke-width": 0, cursor: "pointer" }; var m = { fill: "#fff", stroke: "#fff", "stroke-width": 0, "font-size": "14px", "font-family": "microsoft yahei", opacity: 1, cursor: "pointer" }; var mm = { fill: "#6a6a6a", "font-size": "14px", "font-family": "microsoft yahei", opacity: 1, cursor: "pointer" }; var h = { fill: "#fff", "font-size": "12px", "font-family": "microsoft yahei", opacity: 1, cursor: "pointer" }; var f = ["#ff8432"]; var a = []; var l, e, d, b, k, j, p; p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 89.918101,431.92822 88.5,431.03063 82.826725,431.01531 77.153451,431 74.076725,428.41111 71,425.82221 l 0,0.8114 c 0,0.44627 -0.7334,-0.23567 -1.629778,-1.51543 l -1.629779,-2.32684 -0.247795,-4.64567 c 67.356361,415.59055 67.121834,413.275 66.971476,413 c -0.150358,-0.275 -0.327187,-1.625 -0.392955,-3 l -0.119577,-2.5 0.916245,-0.64908 0.916246,-0.64907 -0.614333,-1.60093 l 67.06277,403 l -2.056349,0 -2.056349,0 -6.907975,-3.4788 -6.907975,-3.4788 -2.68575,-3.5212 -2.68575,-3.5212 -2.283486,0 -2.283486,0 -1.089568,-3.12554 -1.089569,-3.12554 0.611951,-3.82693 0.611951,-3.82693 -0.665053,-3.54504 -0.665054,-3.54504 -2.837984,-1.46758 -2.837984,-1.46758 -0.616228,-2.45525 -0.616228,-2.45525 -3.250942,-0.68753 c 22.99131,358.67667 17,355.2645 17,353.91844 l 17,353 l 3.75,-0.0137 c 2.0625,-0.008 4.725793,-0.2754 5.918428,-0.5953 l 2.168428,-0.58165 0.432377,-11.6547 c 29.507041,333.74462 29.996684,327.6 30.35733,326.5 l 0.655719,-2 -5.238314,-3.16113 -5.238314,-3.16114 -1.788877,0.95738 -1.788878,0.95738 -0.979333,-0.60526 l 15,318.88197 15,315.44098 15,312 l 1.113544,0 1.113544,0 -0.657512,-4.3846 -0.657512,-4.38461 1.615396,-1.61539 c 18.415929,300.72693 19.737569,300 20.46444,300 l 1.321582,0 0.606989,-1.58179 c 22.726855,297.54823 23,295.81797 23,294.5732 l 0,-2.26322 1.964959,-1.77827 1.964959,-1.77826 2.681637,0.51263 2.681637,0.51262 4.603404,-1.5488 c 2.531872,-0.85185 4.89258,-1.98792 5.246017,-2.52461 l 0.642612,-0.97581 2.86257,0.9979 2.862569,0.99789 2.416472,-0.89391 2.416472,-0.89391 0.813033,1.28128 c 0.447169,0.7047 0.819924,2.08289 0.828346,3.06265 l 55,291.06277 l 1.25,0.38367 c 0.6875,0.21102 3.429429,0.64404 6.093176,0.96226 l 4.843176,0.57858 6.156824,-5.85286 6.156824,-5.85285 3.5,1.46751 c 1.925,0.80714 6.164784,1.84553 9.421743,2.30754 l 5.921743,0.84003 4.755984,-3.78677 4.75598,-3.78678 8.82228,-2.2257 c 4.85225,-1.22414 10.62227,-2.73811 12.82227,-3.36438 2.2,-0.62627 5.1113,-1.1599 6.46957,-1.18585 l 2.46956,-0.0472 1.38742,-7.17299 1.38742,-7.173 2.89302,-1.19833 2.89301,-1.19832 0,-1.85963 0,-1.85963 2.36786,-0.59429 2.36787,-0.5943 0.54277,-5.25897 0.54277,-5.25898 -1.30145,-6.23657 -1.30145,-6.23657 1.24652,-4.72534 c 0.68559,-2.59893 1.74431,-5.65545 2.35271,-6.79226 l 1.10618,-2.06692 -3.46827,-1.86779 -3.46828,-1.8678 0.33562,-1.01915 0.33562,-1.01916 8.92077,-0.61753 c 4.90642,-0.33964 10.974,-0.95176 13.48351,-1.36026 l 4.56274,-0.74273 1.71031,2.61026 1.71031,2.61026 3.04268,0 3.04269,0 1.8999,1.01679 1.89989,1.0168 1.61281,-3.11884 1.61282,-3.11884 -2.15297,-2.29172 -2.15297,-2.29173 2.18309,-4.35623 c 1.2007,-2.39593 5.05923,-9.3415 8.57452,-15.4346 c 202.12386,175.32853 205,169.77473 205,169.07986 l 0,-1.2634 6.51823,3.58287 6.51822,3.58286 4.09579,0.65495 4.0958,0.65494 2.57922,2.21855 2.57922,2.21855 4.05676,-1.84263 4.05676,-1.84263 2.27475,-0.022 2.27475,-0.022 1.05053,-2.75 1.05053,-2.75 -0.45254,-5 -0.45254,-5 2.62726,-6.78641 2.62726,-6.7864 3.6505,0.60749 3.65049,0.60749 3.90245,-1.99087 3.90244,-1.99088 1.19706,-2.62726 c 267.46132,141.08816 268,139.03564 268,137.972 l 0,-1.9339 2.57374,-0.64596 2.57374,-0.64597 2.54117,1.15783 2.54117,1.15783 1.80093,-0.57159 1.80094,-0.57159 0.6304,1.02001 0.6304,1.02001 -1.11732,2.08772 -1.11731,2.08773 1.57107,2.39775 c 0.86409,1.31877 1.57664,3.2011 1.58345,4.18295 l 0.0124,1.78518 3.39744,2.20008 3.39744,2.20007 2.85039,5.29993 2.85039,5.29992 4.14954,0 4.14953,0 2.40471,2.25 2.4047,2.25 1.43555,0.0124 1.43555,0.0124 2.2314,3.44523 2.23141,3.44522 0.63884,4.2924 0.63884,4.29239 2.87976,5.42759 2.87975,5.42758 -0.0318,2.57242 -0.0318,2.57241 -1.39136,1.83605 -1.39136,1.83606 0.54599,3.36456 0.546,3.36456 -3.12283,4.24639 -3.12283,4.24639 0,4.18055 0,4.18055 1.25559,1.04205 c 0.69058,0.57313 2.60308,1.36122 4.25,1.75132 1.64693,0.39009 4.56941,1.55272 6.49441,2.58363 l 3.5,1.87436 13.24258,1.91311 13.24259,1.9131 5.25741,4.426 c 2.89158,2.4343 7.78217,6.26479 10.86797,8.51219 l 5.61055,4.08618 3.63945,0.68277 3.63945,0.68276 0,2.33902 0,2.33902 1.49739,0.83798 1.49738,0.83798 2.65679,8.96171 2.65678,8.96171 3.87738,5.25 3.87737,5.25 -0.95399,0 -0.954,0 -1.16871,3.54124 -1.16872,3.54124 0.51893,1.35231 0.51893,1.3523 -2.189,2.05646 -2.18899,2.05645 -4.48877,0.68652 c -2.46882,0.37759 -4.93877,1.0281 -5.48877,1.44559 -0.55,0.4175 -3.91098,1.97822 -7.46884,3.46828 l -6.46885,2.7092 -3.53115,3.35922 c -1.94214,1.84757 -6.11866,5.69069 -9.28116,8.54026 l -5.75,5.18104 0,1.23994 0,1.23993 -2.46482,1.61501 -2.46481,1.61501 -3.91019,0 -3.91018,0 -0.71223,3.25 c -0.39172,1.7875 -1.04274,7.62591 -1.44671,12.97426 l -0.73449,9.72425 -1.76356,1.94871 -1.76356,1.94872 -3.16473,-0.0651 -3.16472,-0.0651 -4.41486,1.69405 -4.41487,1.69404 -10.08513,0.61305 -10.08514,0.61306 -4.83114,2.97077 -4.83115,2.97077 0.56749,2.11429 c 0.31212,1.16287 0.57364,4.20738 0.58115,6.7656 l 0.0136,4.65129 6.97747,5.32124 6.97747,5.32123 -0.97747,0.97747 l 302,404.4 l 0,2.32144 0,2.32144 -2.75,1.17192 c -1.5125,0.64456 -3.5375,1.82965 -4.5,2.63355 l -1.75,1.46163 0,2.26322 c 0,1.24477 0.27314,2.97503 0.60699,3.84501 l 0.60699,1.58179 2.39301,0 2.39301,0 0,1 0,1 -1.96607,0 c -1.08134,0 -3.56291,0.76148 -5.5146,1.69217 l -3.54853,1.69218 -4.51215,-2.19218 l 278.9465,423 272.72325,422.97776 266.5,422.95553 264,421 c -1.375,-1.07554 -3.00582,-1.96553 -3.62405,-1.97776 -0.61822,-0.0122 -3.25007,-1.2105 -5.84854,-2.66281 l -4.72449,-2.64057 -6.7483,-0.48284 -6.7483,-0.48284 -2.48486,1.62815 -2.48487,1.62815 -6.41829,-0.16476 -6.4183,-0.16476 -2.5,0.77677 c -1.375,0.42723 -5.13011,2.3577 -8.34468,4.28994 l -5.84468,3.51317 -3.80051,-1.13866 -3.8005,-1.13866 -9.31949,2.49406 -9.3195,2.49406 -0.98532,-0.98532 l 173.6,425 l -3.11291,0 -3.11291,0 -2.79896,-2.92149 -2.79896,-2.92148 -4.82603,-1.57852 c 154.29592,416.71033 151.06126,416 149.7621,416 l -2.3621,0 -1.10794,-1.10794 -1.10793,-1.10793 -3.54982,1.17154 -3.54982,1.17155 -2.09189,3.38476 -2.0919,3.38476 -2.07386,0.65822 -2.07385,0.65821 -2.40621,-2.59499 -2.40622,-2.59499 -2.51685,-0.63169 -2.51685,-0.63169 -0.57522,0.57522 -0.57523,0.57523 -4.62821,-2.46405 c -2.54551,-1.35523 -5.36784,-2.99004 -6.27184,-3.63292 l -1.64363,-1.16888 -1.55875,1.55875 c -0.85731,0.85731 -1.35695,1.76054 -1.1103,2.00718 0.24664,0.24664 -0.67479,1.50366 -2.04762,2.79336 l 99,420.34863 l 0,1.32568 0,1.32569 -1.5,0 -1.5,0 0,3.38499 0,3.38499 -2.331899,1.52792 -2.331899,1.52792 -1.418101,-0.8976 z").attr(o); b = 180; k = 300; j = "\u65b0\u7586\u7ef4\u543e\u5c14\u81ea\u6cbb\u533a"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 313,637.34536 c -1.1,-0.29672 -2.38303,-0.90134 -2.85118,-1.3436 l -0.85117,-0.80411 -3.14223,0.90117 c -1.72822,0.49565 -4.04519,0.89767 -5.14882,0.89338 l -2.0066,-0.008 -1.21649,-2.62056 -1.21649,-2.62055 1.04349,-1.94979 1.0435,-1.94978 -0.51795,-1.34974 -0.51794,-1.34974 -2.7082,-0.32212 -2.7082,-0.32212 -0.99811,-1.59522 -0.99812,-1.59523 0.67184,-2.6768 0.67183,-2.67681 1.90968,1.02203 c 1.05032,0.56212 2.95176,1.00098 4.22542,0.97526 l 2.31574,-0.0468 -4.56457,-1.78619 c -2.51051,-0.98241 -5.89586,-2.77046 -7.523,-3.97346 l -2.95843,-2.18726 -5.40112,-0.63968 -5.40113,-0.63969 -3.57587,-3.13153 c -1.96674,-1.72234 -4.82892,-3.67281 -6.36042,-4.33438 l -2.78453,-1.20285 -6.21547,2.864 -6.21546,2.86401 -5.7933,5.86924 -5.7933,5.86925 -0.80811,-1.30755 -0.80811,-1.30754 1.52816,-4.24962 1.52815,-4.24962 -0.63392,-1.65199 -0.63393,-1.65199 -2.66887,-0.66985 -2.66887,-0.66984 -8.83396,1.98004 -8.83395,1.98004 -1.04411,-1.04411 -1.0441,-1.0441 -3.52686,0.23752 -3.52686,0.23752 -4.94132,-4.16658 -4.94131,-4.16658 -2.46918,1.61787 -2.46917,1.61786 -2.90166,-2.44158 -2.90165,-2.44158 -1.18964,1.18964 -1.18964,1.18964 -0.51906,-1.98276 -0.51906,-1.98275 -3.48289,-2.28194 -3.48288,-2.28194 -2.9653,-0.59306 -2.9653,-0.59284 -0.11515,-2.125 c -0.0633,-1.16875 -0.035,-2.9125 0.0628,-3.875 l 0.17802,-1.75 -3.23288,0 -3.23288,0 -5.86681,-3.75 -5.8668,-3.75 0.61972,-4.67045 0.61972,-4.67045 -2.26939,-1.21454 -2.26939,-1.21455 -2.11857,2.65695 -2.11857,2.65694 -2.08697,-2.27195 -2.08697,-2.27195 -0.7227,-3.41061 -0.72269,-3.4106 -7.65256,-7.5894 -7.65256,-7.58939 -5.23826,-3.5 -5.23826,-3.5 -0.59289,-2.21028 -0.59289,-2.21027 -5.15156,3.48923 -5.15156,3.48923 -1,-1.76152 c -0.55,-0.96884 -3.94597,-4.91937 -7.5466,-8.77896 -3.60058,-3.85958 -7.785981,-8.70493 -9.300841,-10.76743 l -2.754292,-3.75 -1.914312,0 -1.914313,0 -3.543708,-3.11142 -3.543708,-3.11141 l 67.88268,500.38858 67.283184,498 l -1.922977,0 -1.922977,0 -0.486448,-1.26766 -0.486449,-1.26767 0.926245,-6.48233 0.926245,-6.48234 -1.581735,-4.57714 -1.581734,-4.57713 0.641938,-1.67287 l 62.43723,470 l 2.012333,0 2.012333,0 0.655259,2.61076 0.65526,2.61076 5.09502,-0.67587 5.095019,-0.67588 0.75346,-1.18489 0.75346,-1.18488 0.01531,-6.6788 0.01531,-6.6788 -3.494521,-3.70527 -3.494522,-3.70527 0.638121,-6.86593 0.638121,-6.86593 2.239769,0 2.239769,0 0.523012,-2 0.523012,-2 4.546566,0 4.546567,0 2.668921,1.21604 2.668922,1.21604 2.373164,-2.96604 2.373165,-2.96604 0.005,-2.28139 0.005,-2.28138 1.5,-0.5756 1.5,-0.57561 0,-1.19684 0,-1.19685 3.33468,-3.23209 3.33467,-3.23209 4.41533,2.52388 4.41532,2.52388 3.34879,0.012 3.34879,0.012 2.67205,2.86044 2.67205,2.86044 2.99602,-0.43972 2.99601,-0.43972 2.267,-3.45834 2.267,-3.45835 2.71615,-1.03905 2.71614,-1.03905 1.73643,1.07667 c 0.95504,0.59218 2.75504,1.08346 4,1.09174 3.57683,0.0238 9.1551,2.28346 13.13976,5.32271 l 3.66371,2.79445 3.50433,0.56867 c 1.92739,0.31277 3.71575,0.91075 3.97415,1.32885 l 0.46981,0.76017 9.75591,-2.47781 9.7559,-2.47781 3.75505,1.12451 3.75506,1.12451 6.98873,-4.15193 6.98873,-4.15193 8.75621,-0.53092 8.75622,-0.53093 1.70629,-1.17234 1.70629,-1.17233 7.1288,0.76171 7.1288,0.76171 1.16491,0.94929 c 0.6407,0.52211 4.35125,2.58716 8.24567,4.58901 l 7.08075,3.63971 4.41925,-0.28718 l 277,424.5 l 0,1.28315 0,1.28315 -2.5,1.24638 -2.5,1.24639 0,1.47046 0,1.47047 2.31115,0.32756 2.31115,0.32757 0.47868,1.24741 0.47867,1.24742 -3.07399,7.67692 -3.07399,7.67693 0.96439,1.80198 0.96439,1.80197 -0.68023,1.09531 -0.68022,1.0953 -2.5,0.35081 -2.5,0.35082 0.3241,5.94296 0.32411,5.94297 1.43861,2.55703 c 0.79124,1.40637 1.85132,3.23204 2.35574,4.05704 1.18924,1.94506 7.68048,16.00427 8.38014,18.15034 l 0.53804,1.65034 4.31963,0.67896 c 2.3758,0.37342 6.79463,1.49848 9.81963,2.50014 3.025,1.00165 6.74885,2.10238 8.27521,2.44608 l 2.77521,0.6249 3.72479,3.26606 c 2.04864,1.79634 4.8786,3.76214 6.28882,4.36845 l 2.56403,1.10238 1.84711,-1.03369 1.84711,-1.0337 1.1991,1.63987 1.19911,1.63987 3.43975,0 3.43976,0 1.08301,1.08301 1.083,1.083 9.867,0.88132 c 5.42684,0.48473 10.87688,0.89737 12.11118,0.917 l 2.2442,0.0357 4.49173,4.42815 4.49174,4.42814 1.90918,0.60595 1.90917,0.60595 0.60436,3.22151 0.60436,3.22151 5.11492,2.34652 5.11492,2.34652 3.04933,-0.60987 3.04932,-0.60986 2.21886,1.45385 2.21886,1.45385 1.44408,-1.19611 c 1.98464,-1.64385 6.94842,-8.37902 9.68926,-13.14702 l 2.27115,-3.95092 -0.55981,-2.79908 l 404.55,515 l 1.725,0.0173 1.725,0.0173 2.25082,2.37452 2.25082,2.37452 2.74918,0.67593 c 1.51205,0.37176 3.76168,1.33082 4.99918,2.13126 l 2.25,1.45533 0,1.8545 0,1.8545 1.5,1.24489 1.5,1.24489 0,3.19756 0,3.19755 3.59799,4.20345 3.59799,4.20344 -0.5666,1.47656 -0.56661,1.47655 -1.53139,0 c 429.18912,548 428.5,548.21114 428.5,548.46921 c 0,0.42949 2.97808,6.76539 5.0016,10.64097 l 0.84071,1.61018 0.67238,15.21119 0.67237,15.21118 -1.50917,1.17864 -1.50917,1.17863 -0.3402,2 -0.3402,2 -2.24416,0.98713 -2.24416,0.98713 -0.1797,3.01287 c -0.0988,1.65708 -0.0874,4.41079 0.0254,6.11936 l 0.20508,3.1065 -1.46146,1.2129 -1.46146,1.2129 -1.95891,-1.04838 -1.95892,-1.04838 -1.16841,1.40785 -1.16841,1.40785 -3.4366,-2.02764 c 413.04647,611.71489 411.5,610.3969 411.5,609.90122 l 0,-0.90122 -2.32569,0 -2.32568,0 -2.37632,2.52947 -2.37632,2.52948 -1.54799,-0.53193 -1.548,-0.53193 1.82464,1.41728 1.82464,1.41727 -0.32464,2.73628 -0.32464,2.73629 -2.62027,1.94729 -2.62027,1.94729 -5.37973,-3.75755 c -2.95885,-2.06665 -5.52973,-4.13592 -5.71306,-4.59839 l 385.33333,616 l -1.85765,0 -1.85765,0 -0.64317,-1.04068 -0.64317,-1.04067 -1.81047,0.57462 -1.81048,0.57462 -1.5926,-1.59261 -1.5926,-1.5926 -5.64877,1.80866 -5.64876,1.80866 -0.45108,1.63699 -0.45109,1.63699 -6.35323,2.70016 -6.35323,2.70016 -3.91082,0.52455 -3.91081,0.52455 -4.39888,4.23427 c -2.41938,2.32884 -4.86571,5.04002 -5.43629,6.02484 l -1.03742,1.79058 -7.46258,0.30587 c 318.35816,637.7472 314.1,637.64206 313,637.34536 z").attr(o); b = 190; k = 520; j = "\u897f\u85cf\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u533a"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 389.23333,535.14515 -2.73765,-1.65684 -1.86818,1.1667 -1.86818,1.1667 -5.14417,-2.54582 -5.14417,-2.54582 0,-2.39724 0,-2.39724 -4.51194,-2.72531 -4.51193,-2.72531 -0.55894,-1.76104 -0.55893,-1.76103 -2.89368,-1.49639 -2.89368,-1.49638 -10.78545,-0.61104 -10.78545,-0.61104 -2.21482,-1.38161 -2.21481,-1.38161 -2.67494,0 -2.67495,0 -1.25069,-1.71043 -1.2507,-1.71043 -2.35954,1.07503 -2.35955,1.07503 -2.35496,-0.8712 -2.35495,-0.8712 -2.74275,-2.93613 -2.74275,-2.93612 -2.9023,-0.64997 c -1.59626,-0.35748 -5.83684,-1.73326 -9.4235,-3.05727 l -6.52121,-2.40731 -3.12264,0 -3.12264,0 -4.21766,-8.75 c -2.31971,-4.8125 -4.61176,-9.425 -5.09343,-10.25 -0.48167,-0.825 -1.61874,-2.83552 -2.52681,-4.46781 l -1.65103,-2.96782 -0.32682,-4.66416 -0.32681,-4.66416 3.09663,-0.61932 3.09662,-0.61933 -0.52199,-3.89169 -0.52198,-3.8917 2.38586,-5.857 2.38586,-5.85701 0.005,-2.71806 0.005,-2.71807 -2.64665,-1.38672 -2.64666,-1.38672 2.64666,-0.66427 2.64665,-0.66426 0,-1.98095 0,-1.98095 1.25,0.0318 c 0.6875,0.0175 2.12351,0.69249 3.19113,1.5 l 1.94113,1.4682 3.05887,-0.004 3.05887,-0.004 5,-1.79342 5,-1.79341 0,-1.95255 0,-1.95262 -2.75,-0.31642 -2.75,-0.31642 0,-2.92571 0,-2.92571 3.75,-1.76177 3.75,-1.76177 0.34718,-2.45692 0.34717,-2.45691 1.61508,-1.18097 1.61508,-1.18098 -1.35625,-1.63417 c -0.74593,-0.89879 -4.21644,-3.73428 -7.71225,-6.30108 l -6.35601,-4.66691 0,-5.79458 0,-5.79459 3.98013,-2.51255 3.98013,-2.51254 4.57831,0 c 2.51808,0 7.81452,-0.47006 11.76988,-1.04457 l 7.19155,-1.04457 3.51835,-1.50285 3.51836,-1.50284 5.57672,2.46629 5.57672,2.46629 1.25197,3.02252 1.25197,3.02251 4.7954,-0.56794 4.7954,-0.56795 0.67494,2.12656 0.67494,2.12655 3.41229,0 3.41229,0 2.04065,4 c 1.12236,2.2 2.19508,4 2.38383,4 0.18876,0 2.67184,-0.44162 5.51797,-0.98138 l 5.17477,-0.98137 5.21172,1.98087 5.21171,1.98087 3.31574,5.1e-4 3.31574,5e-4 1.93844,1.03742 1.93843,1.03742 3.893,-1.04828 3.893,-1.04827 0.60283,-1.57093 c 0.33155,-0.86402 0.60282,-2.25216 0.60282,-3.08478 0,-0.83261 0.95259,-2.85162 2.11686,-4.48669 l 2.11686,-2.97285 -0.60407,-3.77764 -0.60407,-3.77764 0.57114,-0.57114 0.57114,-0.57115 5.51833,1.89859 5.51833,1.89858 3.09027,3.02132 3.09027,3.02131 2.60978,-2.50033 2.60978,-2.50032 1.17748,1.17748 1.17749,1.17749 2.30856,-1.23551 2.30857,-1.23551 2.65084,1.00785 2.65084,1.00784 1.09598,2.04787 1.09599,2.04787 1.27409,0 1.27409,0 4.74835,5.5 4.74836,5.5 1.39268,0 1.39268,0 0.93511,-1.67095 0.93511,-1.67095 3.24031,2.42095 c 1.78217,1.33152 5.46856,4.56852 8.19197,7.19332 l 4.95166,4.77237 4.77955,2.42198 4.77955,2.42198 2.14306,-1.50105 2.14306,-1.50106 0,1.40172 0,1.40171 2.08255,1.88469 2.08256,1.88468 1.41744,3.39243 c 0.7796,1.86584 1.41745,4.18237 1.41745,5.14786 l 0,1.75543 1.5,1.24489 1.5,1.24489 0,2.90894 0,2.90894 1.53726,0.5899 1.53725,0.5899 1.51064,3.61547 1.51065,3.61548 -0.67568,4.01324 -0.67568,4.01324 -1.62222,2.02884 -1.62222,2.02883 -1.75,-0.35216 -1.75,-0.35216 0,0.9273 c 0,0.51002 -1.12717,2.14354 -2.50482,3.63005 l -2.50483,2.70275 1.08453,2.02646 1.08453,2.02646 -1.6533,1.82688 -1.6533,1.82688 -2.42641,0.60898 -2.4264,0.60899 0,6.94577 0,6.94576 -1.76403,0.94408 -1.76403,0.94408 -2.98636,-1.25566 c -1.64249,-0.69062 -3.60378,-1.99963 -4.35841,-2.9089 l -1.37206,-1.65323 -2.26815,0 -2.26815,0 -0.47026,3.75 -0.47027,3.75 0.87174,1.11557 0.87173,1.11556 4.52945,0.62083 c 2.49119,0.34146 5.43284,1.10432 6.53699,1.69524 l 2.00755,1.0744 0.92738,2.4392 0.92738,2.4392 3.85577,0 3.85577,0 1.31109,2.4498 1.3111,2.4498 -1.26344,3.0502 c -1.29972,3.13781 -2.4387,3.80105 -3.52079,2.0502 l -0.61803,-1 -1.786,0 -1.78599,0 -1.85246,2.04694 -1.85245,2.04693 -1.33447,-2.54693 -1.33447,-2.54694 -1.88703,0 c -1.03786,0 -3.26407,0.7875 -4.94713,1.75 l -3.0601,1.75 -1.11726,2.68964 -1.11725,2.68965 0.53034,0.8581 0.53033,0.8581 -0.80189,1.29749 -0.80189,1.29748 -3.41249,0.0967 -3.4125,0.0967 -4.96963,-5.30037 c -2.7333,-2.9152 -5.29263,-6.15159 -5.68741,-7.19196 l -0.71777,-1.89153 -2.30972,0 -2.30972,0 -2.27433,1.593 -2.27433,1.59301 -5.19818,-2.50627 -5.19817,-2.50627 -9.2147,-0.0109 -9.21469,-0.0109 -3.28531,2.24822 -3.2853,2.24822 0.24323,3.09794 0.24323,3.09794 -2.92413,0.64225 -2.92413,0.64225 -1.11216,1.34007 -1.11216,1.34006 0.62409,2.48656 0.62408,2.48656 -1.08102,0.66811 c -0.59457,0.36753 -1.08103,1.31059 -1.08103,2.09574 l 0,1.42756 -4.25,5.95951 c -2.3375,3.27773 -4.475,5.94263 -4.75,5.922 -0.275,-0.0206 -1.73194,-0.78309 -3.23765,-1.69434 z").attr(o); b = 390; k = 450; j = "\u9752\u6d77"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 546.38388,517.63945 -4.6107,-1.13121 -1.6393,-1.37244 -1.63931,-1.37245 0,-2.25543 c 0,-1.24049 -0.68104,-3.88539 -1.51342,-5.87756 l -1.51342,-3.62212 -1.02176,0 c -0.56197,0 -2.18615,0.76293 -3.60928,1.6954 l -2.5875,1.6954 -3.89569,-4.4454 c -5.09035,-5.80865 -6.38852,-7.17633 -8.31952,-8.76496 l -1.60394,-1.31957 0.62484,-3.33065 0.62483,-3.33065 -3.06429,-0.67303 -3.06428,-0.67303 -2.77829,1.42139 c -1.52805,0.78177 -4.50106,2.25459 -6.60668,3.27294 l -3.82841,1.85155 0.43973,2.3003 0.43974,2.30031 -2.95495,0 -2.95495,0 -0.53348,-2.04005 -0.53349,-2.04005 -2.82323,-1.45995 -2.82324,-1.45995 -2.96787,0 c -1.63233,0 -3.67968,-0.27314 -4.54966,-0.60699 l -1.58179,-0.60699 0,-2.89301 0,-2.89301 0.95559,0 c 0.52558,0 2.61337,1.125 4.63955,2.5 l 3.68395,2.5 3.19994,0 3.19994,0 1.18236,-2.59499 1.18235,-2.59499 -0.63718,-4.80336 -0.63719,-4.80335 3.64992,-1.73201 3.64992,-1.732 1.00061,-1.86965 1.00061,-1.86965 -0.94119,-1.75862 -0.94118,-1.75862 2.34964,-2.73162 2.34964,-2.73162 1.30636,0.4918 1.30636,0.4918 1.96702,-3.25156 1.96701,-3.25156 0.76675,-4.5 0.76676,-4.5 -1.73377,-3.5 c -0.95357,-1.925 -2.29627,-3.85986 -2.98377,-4.29969 l -1.25,-0.79969 0,-2.32787 0,-2.32786 -1.5,-1.24489 -1.5,-1.24489 0,-1.75044 c 0,-0.96274 -0.93289,-3.85938 -2.07308,-6.43698 l -2.07309,-4.68655 -1.42691,-0.54756 -1.42692,-0.54756 0,-1.42439 0,-1.4244 -1.43926,-0.5523 -1.43926,-0.55229 -1.7737,0.99261 -1.7737,0.99261 -4.53704,-2.30711 -4.53704,-2.3071 -2.28875,-3.11374 -2.28874,-3.11374 -4.08737,-2.73809 c -2.24805,-1.50594 -5.38061,-3.567 -6.96125,-4.58013 l -2.87389,-1.84205 0,1.53303 c 0,0.84317 -0.4368,1.80299 -0.97066,2.13293 l -0.97065,0.5999 -7.4654,-7.39307 -7.4654,-7.39308 -3.17873,-1.31667 -3.17872,-1.31667 -1.75689,1.0972 -1.75689,1.09719 -1.11509,-1.11509 -1.11508,-1.11508 -2.3277,2.18675 c -2.97958,2.79918 -4.1089,2.75214 -6.48621,-0.27012 l -1.93258,-2.45688 -6.05393,-1.68314 -6.05392,-1.68314 -1.64846,0.63258 -1.64847,0.63257 0.66803,4.45472 0.66802,4.45472 -2.10563,2.9571 -2.10564,2.95709 0,2.35094 0,2.35094 -3.39063,1.06125 -3.39063,1.06125 -1.8005,-1.31656 -1.8005,-1.31656 -3.68314,0 -3.68315,0 -4.37572,-1.58201 -4.37573,-1.58202 -5.73813,0.56544 -5.73813,0.56544 -2.0322,-3.98342 -2.03219,-3.98343 -3.41229,0 -3.41229,0 -0.66049,-2.08103 -0.66049,-2.08103 -4.75534,0.65402 -4.75534,0.65403 -1.25488,-3.02954 -1.25487,-3.02954 -3.39668,-1.12101 -3.39668,-1.121 0,-0.95384 c 0,-0.52461 0.64021,-1.1995 1.42268,-1.49976 2.16896,-0.83231 2.70896,-2.99088 3.60021,-14.3913 0.45148,-5.775 1.11613,-11.25351 1.477,-12.17447 l 0.65612,-1.67447 3.36276,0.5457 3.36276,0.5457 2.54281,-2.87123 c 5.44521,-6.14851 11.44905,-12.07603 16.95828,-16.74269 l 5.751,-4.87146 5.18319,-1.96708 c 2.85075,-1.0819 5.65552,-2.3575 6.2328,-2.83468 0.57729,-0.47718 3.05229,-1.18289 5.5,-1.56823 l 4.45039,-0.70064 3.10917,-2.3545 3.10918,-2.3545 -0.47725,-2.49656 -0.47725,-2.49656 1.18658,-2.86465 1.18658,-2.86466 6.68149,1.68193 6.6815,1.68193 0.76688,5.94056 c 1.00224,7.76378 1.02058,9.07823 0.20243,14.50781 l -0.68822,4.56725 2.74152,5.43275 c 2.50764,4.96927 5.11231,8.55964 10.65178,14.68275 l 2.03553,2.25 1.89216,0 1.89216,0 3.87408,-3.5 3.87408,-3.5 9.43767,0 9.43767,0 1.56347,1.25 1.56347,1.25 0.58313,2.43773 0.58314,2.43774 -5.95548,5.6669 -5.95547,5.6669 0,1.0693 0,1.06931 3.09442,2.32606 c 1.70193,1.27933 4.43655,3.56356 6.07692,5.07606 l 2.98251,2.75 3.49046,0 3.49047,0 -0.65769,2.07217 -0.65768,2.07217 0.58181,2.31809 0.5818,2.31809 6.51901,2.60974 6.51901,2.60974 5.46924,0 5.46925,0 4.27023,-1.64384 4.27024,-1.64383 4.5,-4.28406 4.5,-4.28406 3.75778,-0.68486 3.75779,-0.68485 3.49221,2.66364 3.49222,2.66364 0,2.78245 c 0,1.53034 -0.3375,3.12002 -0.75,3.53261 l -0.75,0.75018 0,4.16649 0,4.16649 -3.16184,0.93199 -3.16184,0.93199 -0.62653,3.56801 c -0.34459,1.96241 -0.88044,5.24412 -1.19078,7.29269 l -0.56425,3.72468 2.85262,1.275 c 1.56894,0.70126 3.58389,2.15481 4.47767,3.23013 l 1.62506,1.95513 4.87494,0.168 4.87495,0.16801 0.98713,2.12718 c 0.54292,1.16996 1.3299,2.12719 1.74885,2.12719 0.41895,0 2.4921,1.6875 4.60699,3.75 l 3.84525,3.75 0.57115,4.32762 0.57114,4.32761 1.58474,1.75113 1.58475,1.75112 0,1.68483 c 0,0.92666 -0.54457,2.55682 -1.21016,3.6226 l -1.21015,1.93776 0.96205,2.73559 0.96206,2.73559 3.31624,0.85932 3.31624,0.85933 1.02969,2.95375 1.02968,2.95375 2.70218,0 2.70217,0 1.09378,1.09378 1.09378,1.09378 1.85622,-0.35346 1.85622,-0.35346 0.5,-3.98444 0.5,-3.98444 2.9118,-0.50588 2.9118,-0.50588 1.17833,-3.5 1.17833,-3.5 -0.42733,-1.63745 -0.42733,-1.63744 -3.83354,-1.72869 -3.83354,-1.72869 -0.64114,-2.55452 -0.64115,-2.55453 1.95512,-2.64443 1.95511,-2.64444 -0.89859,-1.6057 -0.8986,-1.6057 1.04253,-2.74204 1.04252,-2.74205 1.16284,1.16284 1.16284,1.16284 3.18337,0 3.18337,0 0.49197,1.88131 0.49197,1.8813 3.87466,1.22616 c 2.13106,0.67438 5.57031,2.36964 7.64277,3.76724 l 3.76812,2.5411 0.59166,-0.59166 0.59166,-0.59166 3.55931,1.90767 c 4.21615,2.25973 5.18529,3.58263 5.20583,7.1061 l 0.0153,2.62755 -1.5,1.24489 -1.5,1.24489 0,3.17755 0,3.17756 1.12678,1.12678 1.12679,1.12679 -0.64584,2.57321 -0.64583,2.57322 -4.23095,0.1508 c -2.32702,0.0829 -5.46845,0.0541 -6.98095,-0.064 l -2.75,-0.21477 0,3.5027 0,3.50269 -4.53929,0.68071 -4.53928,0.68071 -1.93827,-1.75411 -1.93828,-1.75412 -4.10503,0.5506 c -5.0409,0.67613 -5.26767,0.89364 -5.15256,4.94237 l 0.0925,3.25178 -1.56116,1.72506 -1.56115,1.72506 0.58989,1.53724 0.5899,1.53725 2.06277,0 2.06277,0 0.5384,1.40305 0.5384,1.40305 -1.92688,3.84695 -1.92687,3.84695 0.46649,3.75 0.4665,3.75 -1.8594,0.14806 c -1.02268,0.0814 -2.53441,0.20511 -3.35941,0.27484 -0.825,0.0697 -2.40111,0.44807 -3.50248,0.84076 l -2.00247,0.71399 -1.21947,1.95269 -1.21948,1.95269 1.87957,0.59655 1.87957,0.59655 0.63793,1.66244 0.63794,1.66243 -1.87052,2.50536 -1.87052,2.50535 -3.17503,0.82274 -3.17504,0.82273 0,2.43623 0,2.43622 -1.93426,1.03519 c -2.19765,1.17614 -1.98791,1.1847 -8.17643,-0.33361 z").attr(o); b = 520; k = 470; j = "\u7518\u8083"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); l = c.path("m 529.71021,410.3801 -1.25,-0.50439 0,-1.19743 0,-1.19742 -3.13363,-1.18282 -3.13364,-1.18281 0.75722,-4.28643 c 0.41646,-2.35753 0.73176,-5.04479 0.70065,-5.97169 l -0.0566,-1.68526 2.94129,-0.64602 2.94129,-0.64601 0.99567,-1.86043 0.99567,-1.86042 -0.0325,-3.30829 c -0.0179,-1.81957 0.21527,-5.1083 0.51812,-7.3083 l 0.55063,-4 -3.68312,-2.75 -3.68313,-2.75 -4.63076,0 -4.63076,0 -4.32797,4.40988 -4.32797,4.40988 -4.48964,1.71461 -4.48963,1.7146 -7.14061,-0.45894 -7.14058,-0.45894 -2.5,-1.32097 c -1.375,-0.72653 -3.175,-1.64313 -4,-2.03689 l -1.5,-0.71592 -0.1219,-3.37865 c -0.067,-1.85826 -0.17954,-3.94116 -0.25,-4.62866 l -0.1281,-1.25 -4.03138,0 -4.03139,0 -0.59195,-1.5426 -0.59195,-1.54259 -3.80882,-1.94312 c -2.09484,-1.06871 -4.08494,-2.3899 -4.42244,-2.93598 l -0.61362,-0.99286 2.28103,-3.08526 2.28103,-3.08526 3.26474,-2.01773 3.26475,-2.01772 0,-3.46389 0,-3.4639 -2.45454,-2.45454 -2.45455,-2.45455 -10.04257,0 -10.04258,0 -3.87408,3.5 -3.87408,3.5 -1.47226,0 -1.47227,0 -4.09518,-4.85664 -4.09518,-4.85664 -3.27859,-6.64865 -3.2786,-6.64865 1.35405,-3.24471 c 1.4194,-3.4013 1.43088,-3.71503 0.4785,-13.08477 l -0.59361,-5.84007 6.84777,0.69451 c 3.76627,0.38199 10.22277,1.33314 14.34777,2.11367 l 7.5,1.41915 8.55341,-1.18704 8.5534,-1.18704 13.30851,2.12629 13.3085,2.12629 3.13809,3.49938 3.13809,3.49938 15.47521,3.90337 15.47522,3.90338 2.99298,-0.85838 2.99299,-0.85838 2.0318,2.3695 c 1.11749,1.30323 2.8617,2.65212 3.87602,2.99755 l 1.84423,0.62805 9.65577,-5.86362 c 12.32365,-7.48371 18.76353,-10.71561 23.15578,-11.62088 1.925,-0.39675 4.4928,-1.34966 5.70622,-2.11758 l 2.20622,-1.3962 4.79378,0.12764 c 2.63658,0.0702 10.22105,-0.51932 16.85439,-1.31004 l 12.0606,-1.43768 7.47086,-3.84585 7.47086,-3.84584 5.46853,-7.44671 5.46854,-7.4467 3.5,-1.81542 3.5,-1.81541 3.42497,-3.56577 3.42498,-3.56576 -3.93379,-4.77186 c -2.16358,-2.62453 -4.48214,-5.48071 -5.15234,-6.34706 l -1.21856,-1.5752 2.84589,-7.4248 2.8459,-7.42481 4.23368,-0.31249 4.23368,-0.31249 1.74839,1.58227 1.7484,1.58227 8.20984,0.6331 8.20984,0.6331 5.04115,-4.90288 c 2.77264,-2.69658 6.091,-6.5348 7.37414,-8.52938 l 2.33299,-3.62649 6.81542,-0.70527 6.81542,-0.70526 4.75,-4.63065 4.75,-4.63065 0,-2.31971 c 0,-1.27584 0.61381,-3.78877 1.36403,-5.58428 l 1.36402,-3.26457 3.2127,-2.70331 3.2127,-2.70331 2.85589,0 2.85588,0 0.63478,-2 0.63478,-2 2.25082,0 2.25083,0 4.14861,-3.1885 4.14861,-3.18851 10.00553,-0.0615 10.00552,-0.0615 2.21495,-2.21507 2.21494,-2.21508 -2.39569,-5.1149 -2.39569,-5.1149 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-2.57497,-4.263151 -6.52035,-4.28174 l -3.25,-0.01531 0,-1.95031 0,-1.95031 1.39366,-0.79969 c 0.76651,-0.439829 2.67901,-2.985601 4.25,-5.657271 l 2.85634,-4.85758 4.32267,-1.454554 4.32267,-1.454554 1.3886,1.15244 c 0.76374,0.633841 1.66685,2.029095 2.00692,3.100564 l 0.61831,1.948126 -3.20823,4.999592 c -1.76453,2.749775 -3.03784,5.15205 -2.82958,5.338388 0.20825,0.186338 2.98419,1.560446 6.16875,3.053574 l 5.79011,2.714778 1.45989,-0.560211 1.45989,-0.560212 0,-2.031385 0,-2.031385 1.53138,0 1.53139,0 0.561,1.461933 0.56099,1.461933 1.66072,0.52709 1.66071,0.527091 1.24691,3.995227 c 0.68579,2.197376 1.2469,4.683626 1.2469,5.525001 0,0.841376 1.0125,3.080324 2.25,4.97544 l 2.25,3.445667 2,1.053326 c 1.1,0.57933 3.93329,1.231715 6.2962,1.449746 l 4.29619,0.39642 2.61674,-2.425111 2.61674,-2.425111 1.75291,0.556351 1.75291,0.556352 0.64317,-1.040678 0.64317,-1.040677 2.35863,0 2.35862,0 1.83236,-3.974202 1.83236,-3.974201 2.04705,-0.0258 2.04705,-0.0258 3.9059,4 3.9059,4 1.19006,0 1.19006,0 0.61023,1.590226 0.61023,1.590226 -1.73097,2.930296 -1.73097,2.930297 1.30243,2.085516 1.30242,2.085516 -2.07469,2.208413 -2.0747,2.208412 0,2.126532 0,2.126532 -1.11448,0.688789 -1.11449,0.688789 0.68524,6.056713 0.68524,6.056713 1.42924,2.76386 c 0.78609,1.52012 1.42925,3.69734 1.42925,4.83826 l 0,2.07442 -2.43109,0.92429 -2.43108,0.9243 -0.68694,4.58085 -0.68695,4.58086 0.44032,6.0873 0.44032,6.0873 -1.28623,-1.75901 c -0.70742,-0.96746 -1.4696,-2.25771 -1.69372,-2.86721 l -0.40749,-1.10819 -1.87857,1.10762 -1.87857,1.10762 -3.17807,5.39238 c -1.74795,2.96581 -3.82842,6.06738 -4.62329,6.89238 -0.79486,0.825 -1.76593,2.53891 -2.15794,3.80869 l -0.71273,2.30869 -4.41399,4.06867 -4.41398,4.06867 0,2.69833 0,2.69832 2.31445,2.17432 c 1.27295,1.19587 2.67604,2.17431 3.11799,2.17431 0.44194,0 2.3411,1.35 4.22034,3 l 3.41681,3 2.71521,0.0902 2.7152,0.0902 -3.25,0.9384 -3.25,0.9384 0,4.11117 0,4.11116 1.68694,1.23353 1.68694,1.23352 -2.29832,0.72946 -2.29832,0.72946 0.6232,3.89726 0.6232,3.89726 -0.76182,-0.0318 c -0.419,-0.0175 -1.61148,-0.67506 -2.64996,-1.46126 l -1.88814,-1.42945 -1.80117,0.96396 -1.80117,0.96396 -0.61971,-1.00271 -0.6197,-1.0027 -2.83158,0 -2.83158,0 -0.39584,3.39069 c -0.21772,1.86488 -0.22945,3.88988 -0.0261,4.5 l 0.36977,1.10931 1.94805,0 1.94805,0 0.561,1.46193 0.56099,1.46194 1.81527,0.57611 1.81524,0.57613 0.61649,1.60655 0.61649,1.60656 -1.63543,1.80712 -1.63542,1.80713 1.18609,4.94419 1.18609,4.94419 2.38656,2.24205 2.38656,2.24206 -0.92056,1.72007 -0.92055,1.72008 2.45311,1.11771 2.45311,1.11772 5.12229,-4.54931 5.12228,-4.54932 2.09706,3.32354 c 1.15339,1.82794 2.66351,4.22353 3.35582,5.32353 0.69232,1.1 1.91389,3.35 2.7146,5 l 1.45584,3 -0.92783,0.95 c -0.51031,0.5225 -0.92784,1.48041 -0.92784,2.12868 l 0,1.17868 3,1.24264 3,1.24264 0,1.94583 0,1.94583 -3.25,3.33437 c -1.7875,1.83391 -4.12045,4.28269 -5.18432,5.44174 l -1.93433,2.10736 -2.06567,-0.68205 c -1.13613,-0.37513 -2.96568,-0.71663 -4.06568,-0.75889 l -2,-0.0768 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0.25856,5.02934 0.25857,5.02933 -3.63263,0 -3.63262,0 -1.94612,1.75 -1.94611,1.75 -2.88691,0 -2.88691,0 -4.70733,4.63654 -4.70733,4.63655 -1.57702,-0.60516 -1.57702,-0.60516 0,-3.59713 0,-3.59712 -1.03518,-1.93426 -1.03519,-1.93426 -2.86979,0 -2.8698,0 -2.59502,4.42807 -2.59502,4.42807 0,1.94949 0,1.94948 -1.38926,1.15298 -1.38926,1.15299 -0.45971,2.40481 -0.45971,2.40482 0.79177,1.28111 0.79177,1.2811 -1.02698,1.23743 -1.02697,1.23743 3.11702,3.87872 3.11703,3.87872 -0.64054,1.66923 -0.64054,1.66922 -4.56422,3.08035 -4.56422,3.08035 -2.37514,-1.08218 c -3.20868,-1.46198 -3.08745,-1.50094 -6.41571,2.06198 l -2.93709,3.14416 -2.21412,-0.9545 -2.21412,-0.95451 -1.61989,0.35861 -1.61989,0.35861 -1.58979,3.70173 c -0.87439,2.03595 -2.25998,5.38923 -3.07909,7.45173 l -1.48929,3.75 -3.07577,0 -3.07578,0 -0.91357,2.40286 c -0.50246,1.32157 -1.42126,2.71664 -2.04178,3.10014 l -1.12822,0.69728 -1.36354,-1.85014 -1.36355,-1.85014 -3.31992,3.09843 -3.31992,3.09843 -2.5505,-0.16611 c -1.40277,-0.0914 -3.09027,-0.49972 -3.75,-0.90745 l -1.1995,-0.74133 -1,0.61803 c -0.55,0.33992 -1,1.18804 -1,1.8847 l 0,1.26667 -2.6003,2.42432 -2.6003,2.42431 0.54521,4.68264 0.54521,4.68265 -2.94491,0.64681 -2.94491,0.64681 0,0.97918 c 0,1.03421 -5.65731,8.63531 -7.70465,10.35188 -0.66255,0.55552 -2.10906,3.14753 -3.21446,5.76003 l -2.00982,4.75 -2.48584,0 -2.48585,0 -0.90338,-1.61424 -0.90337,-1.61425 -5.19554,1.11425 c -2.85754,0.61283 -5.62338,1.11424 -6.14631,1.11424 l -0.95078,0 0,-1.81144 0,-1.81144 -2.03896,-2.18856 -2.03895,-2.18856 -1.71105,-0.11848 c -0.94107,-0.0652 -2.2524,-0.0503 -2.91406,0.0331 -0.66166,0.0833 -2.80295,-0.51696 -4.75841,-1.33401 l -3.55538,-1.48553 2.37919,-5.29751 c 1.30856,-2.91364 2.95874,-6.53319 3.66707,-8.04346 l 1.28788,-2.74594 -1.65867,-1.8328 -1.65866,-1.8328 0,-2.17126 0,-2.17126 -1.95295,0 c -2.82416,0 -6.87844,2.04008 -10.17604,5.1205 l -2.87101,2.68187 0,1.90766 0,1.90766 -1.4682,1.94113 -1.46819,1.94113 -0.0318,5.5962 -0.0318,5.59621 -4.25,4.05444 c -2.3375,2.22995 -5.43567,5.44916 -6.88483,7.1538 l -2.63483,3.09935 -3.55616,0 -3.55616,0 -0.61803,1 -0.61803,1 -3.19099,-0.079 c -1.75504,-0.0434 -3.75348,-0.30592 -4.44098,-0.58333 z").attr(o); b = 560; k = 340; j = "\u5185\u8499\u53e4\u81ea\u6cbb\u533a"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 487.73849,661.05809 -2.25,-1.87703 0,-2.48271 0,-2.48272 -1.48314,-0.56914 -1.48314,-0.56913 0.59404,-1.54806 0.59405,-1.54806 -2.6109,-3.42307 -2.61091,-3.42308 0,-2.3924 0,-2.39241 -2.5,-2.34863 -2.5,-2.34863 0,-1.3228 0,-1.32281 -3.40636,-3.77043 -3.40635,-3.77043 -4.46077,-1.19307 -4.46077,-1.19308 -0.60788,-3.03937 -0.60787,-3.03938 0.62024,-3.10122 0.62025,-3.10122 -1.39525,-0.87595 -1.39524,-0.87595 -2,0.58951 c -1.1,0.32424 -3.125,1.55146 -4.5,2.72717 -1.375,1.17571 -3.47413,2.68001 -4.66472,3.34288 l -2.16472,1.20521 -1.23675,-1.49018 -1.23674,-1.49018 -0.82608,-9.71504 c -0.45434,-5.34326 -1.08856,-16.91503 -1.40938,-25.71503 l -0.58331,-16 -1.43915,-2.21482 c -0.79153,-1.21815 -1.43915,-2.85055 -1.43915,-3.62755 l 0,-1.41274 -1.5,-1.24489 c -2.03548,-1.68929 -1.88494,-2.74305 0.5,-3.5 l 2,-0.63478 0,-1.52364 0,-1.52365 -3.5,-4.08896 -3.5,-4.08897 0,-3.19755 0,-3.19756 -1.5,-1.24489 -1.5,-1.24489 0,-1.78866 0,-1.78866 -3.07673,-2.5889 -3.07672,-2.58889 -1.78842,0 -1.78841,0 -2.63422,-2.07207 -2.63421,-2.07208 1.55164,-1.55163 1.55164,-1.55164 -0.61857,-2.81633 -0.61857,-2.81633 3.24993,-1.68061 3.24992,-1.6806 8.80069,0.1604 8.80069,0.16039 4.91438,2.54967 4.91438,2.54967 2.55212,-1.67221 2.55212,-1.67222 1.36826,0.3328 1.36825,0.33279 5.49075,6.5 5.49075,6.5 4.84342,0.31105 4.84341,0.31105 0.83144,-1.31105 c 0.45729,-0.72108 0.83832,-2.57004 0.84675,-4.1088 l 0.0153,-2.79775 2.64602,-2.45225 2.64602,-2.45225 1.77058,0 1.77057,0 1.86754,2.56372 1.86754,2.56372 2.8349,-2.22993 2.83489,-2.22993 1.8674,1.16621 c 1.02707,0.64141 2.45027,1.16621 3.16266,1.16621 l 1.29525,0 1.37158,-4.64525 1.37158,-4.64525 -1.16052,-1.60475 c -0.63829,-0.88261 -1.69541,-2.6522 -2.34917,-3.93241 l -1.18864,-2.32766 0.95859,-1.51967 0.95859,-1.51968 3.98731,-1.50863 c 2.19302,-0.82974 5.11231,-1.57344 6.48731,-1.65266 l 2.5,-0.14404 0.5,4 0.5,4 2.25912,0.99106 2.25912,0.99105 0.57481,1.81107 c 0.57032,1.79693 6.22103,7.43461 9.06765,9.04674 l 1.48309,0.83993 1.93424,-1.75046 c 2.20387,-1.99448 2.09516,-2.05449 4.36715,2.41087 l 1.69953,3.34025 -0.49691,1.29493 -0.49691,1.29493 2.67455,2.44812 2.67456,2.44812 5.29589,1.15968 5.29589,1.15968 2.39452,-1.56895 2.39451,-1.56894 0.30959,-2.17404 0.3096,-2.17404 2.87083,-0.32808 c 1.57896,-0.18045 3.94146,-0.0594 5.25,0.26905 l 2.37917,0.59713 0,1.35851 c 0,0.74717 0.64822,1.89648 1.4405,2.55401 l 1.4405,1.19551 6.14027,-1.57307 c 3.37714,-0.86518 6.70669,-1.57306 7.39898,-1.57306 l 1.25872,0 1.13908,2.5 1.13907,2.5 2.96242,0 2.96243,0 0.61803,1 0.61803,1 1.62654,0 1.62653,0 2.33487,2.1935 2.33488,2.1935 3.30057,-1.1935 c 1.81532,-0.65642 4.47313,-1.1935 5.90625,-1.1935 l 2.60568,0 0.39695,1.75 0.39695,1.75 -1.56494,1.84539 -1.56493,1.84539 2.24131,1.8149 c 1.23272,0.9982 2.24131,2.3194 2.24131,2.936 l 0,1.12109 -1.50402,0.57715 -1.50403,0.57715 -4.02132,8.46417 -4.02133,8.46417 -2.72465,-0.17867 c -1.49856,-0.0983 -3.23707,-0.13098 -3.86336,-0.0727 l -1.13871,0.10597 -0.68826,3.75 -0.68826,3.75 -3.02727,4.75 -3.02728,4.75 -2.57293,0 -2.57293,0 -2.61824,-3.13624 -2.61825,-3.13623 -2.15704,1.34709 -2.15704,1.3471 -4.08946,-2.29841 -4.08946,-2.2984 -2.38223,1.5609 -2.38224,1.56091 -0.62877,1.98106 -0.62876,1.98105 1.53623,2.34459 1.53623,2.34459 -4.98331,3.72039 -4.98331,3.72038 0.0316,1.23061 c 0.0174,0.67684 1.07681,2.41697 2.35429,3.86698 l 2.32269,2.63636 2.07621,0.65897 2.07621,0.65896 0.64916,2.95559 0.64915,2.95559 3.90147,0.62387 3.90146,0.62387 0.89649,1.12521 c 0.49307,0.61887 1.2308,2.21303 1.63939,3.54258 l 0.7429,2.41738 -2.75537,-2.16738 c -3.48024,-2.73756 -3.64426,-2.72522 -7.38282,0.55531 l -3.10283,2.72269 0,2.67688 0,2.67689 5.09394,1.83176 5.09395,1.83175 1.47979,2.86161 c 0.81389,1.57388 1.33411,2.95134 1.15606,3.06101 -0.17806,0.10968 -2.34874,0.7055 -4.82374,1.32405 l -4.5,1.12464 -4.75,-0.54703 -4.75,-0.54703 0,-2.16995 0,-2.16995 -1.2,-1.2 c -0.66,-0.66 -1.95825,-1.2 -2.88499,-1.2 l -1.68499,0 -1.63806,2.5 -1.63807,2.5 -2.91793,0 -2.91793,0 -0.77217,-1.2494 -0.77217,-1.2494 0.28877,-2.75297 0.28877,-2.75297 -1.63884,-0.62888 -1.63885,-0.62888 0.31323,-3.61875 0.31323,-3.61875 -5.29079,-0.0116 -5.2908,-0.0116 -0.53389,2.12721 c -0.29364,1.16997 -0.38779,2.97517 -0.20921,4.01156 l 0.32469,1.88443 -2.70223,0.31181 -2.70223,0.31182 -0.71585,2.18818 c -0.39371,1.20351 -0.62919,3.60488 -0.5233,5.33639 l 0.19255,3.14821 -5.38767,4.85179 -5.38767,4.8518 -0.67479,5.27672 -0.67479,5.27672 1.53799,2.19579 1.53799,2.19578 0,3.06189 0,3.06188 -2.93888,1.73604 -2.93887,1.73604 -0.90642,-1.61968 -0.90642,-1.61968 -4.08686,2.08496 c -2.24777,1.14673 -4.36894,2.54139 -4.71372,3.09925 l -0.62686,1.01429 -2.69099,-0.0333 -2.69098,-0.0333 -2.25,-1.87702 z").attr(o); b = 510; k = 560; j = "\u56db\u5ddd"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 569.00645,456.03025 -0.65225,-1.05537 -2.34316,0 -2.34316,0 -1.04581,-3 -1.0458,-3 -1.94124,0 -1.94123,0 -2.23488,-1.80969 -2.23487,-1.80969 1.62409,-3.14065 c 2.00936,-3.88569 2.03113,-5.13271 0.12635,-7.23748 l -1.49775,-1.65498 -0.89062,-4.76727 -0.89062,-4.76727 -3.45253,-3.65648 c -1.8989,-2.01107 -4.44529,-4.77655 -5.65866,-6.14552 l -2.20612,-2.48903 3.25332,-0.84302 3.25331,-0.84302 7.2937,-7.58328 7.29371,-7.58329 0.0318,-5.58467 0.0318,-5.58466 1.46819,-1.94113 c 0.80751,-1.06762 1.4682,-2.67397 1.4682,-3.56966 l 0,-1.62854 2.32456,-1.93033 c 2.97345,-2.4692 6.36508,-4.43034 7.66187,-4.43034 l 1.01357,0 0,1.63976 0,1.63975 1.68966,1.23551 1.68966,1.23551 -3.18966,7.13354 c -1.75431,3.92344 -3.18966,7.77905 -3.18966,8.56803 l 0,1.43449 2.22251,1.55671 2.2225,1.5567 3.66671,0 3.66671,0 2.05061,1.75 2.05061,1.75 0.27422,2 0.27422,2 -1.71024,2.56866 -1.71024,2.56867 -0.13912,2.43133 c -0.0765,1.33724 0.22209,3.28965 0.66357,4.33869 l 0.80268,1.90735 -5.63743,-0.66256 -5.63742,-0.66257 -0.88333,3.25521 -0.88333,3.25522 0.83507,1.65004 0.83507,1.65004 -1.48168,0.56857 -1.48169,0.56858 0.0153,4.28138 0.0153,4.28139 0.73469,1 c 0.40407,0.55 2.42218,1.78022 4.48468,2.73382 l 3.75,1.73382 -0.0147,1.26618 c -0.008,0.6964 -0.57949,2.38235 -1.26974,3.74655 l -1.25501,2.48038 -2.48025,0.0196 -2.48025,0.0196 -0.5,3.99032 -0.5,3.99031 -1.65676,0.31506 -1.65677,0.31505 -0.65225,-1.05537 z").attr(o); b = 552; k = 410; j = "\u5b81\u590f"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 627.78975,530.0303 -0.52301,-2 -2.65124,0 -2.65123,0 -3.67908,-2.5 -3.67908,-2.5 -2.23206,0 c -1.22763,0 -3.71731,0.53708 -5.53263,1.1935 l -3.30057,1.19351 -2.33488,-2.19351 -2.33487,-2.1935 -1.71694,0 -1.71693,0 -0.56858,-1.48169 -0.56857,-1.48168 -1.92071,1.02793 -1.9207,1.02793 -0.97934,-0.60526 -0.97933,-0.60526 0,-1.92193 0,-1.92194 -2.51941,-0.63233 -2.51941,-0.63233 -2.73059,1.07266 c -1.50183,0.58996 -4.3595,1.35503 -6.35038,1.70014 l -3.61979,0.62749 -0.64926,-2.58687 -0.64926,-2.58686 -2.63594,0 -2.63594,0 1.51396,-1.75 c 0.83268,-0.9625 1.7589,-2.75715 2.05826,-3.98811 l 0.5443,-2.23811 -1.93487,-2.4598 -1.93487,-2.45979 1.99109,-1.0656 c 1.0951,-0.58608 2.34682,-1.00623 2.7816,-0.93367 0.43478,0.0726 2.27882,0.0786 4.09786,0.0135 l 3.30736,-0.11842 -0.25449,-5.25 -0.2545,-5.25 1.69714,-3.20034 c 0.93343,-1.76019 1.69714,-3.6793 1.69714,-4.2647 l 0,-1.06436 -3.02674,-1.84066 -3.02673,-1.84067 1.58541,-1.31578 1.58541,-1.31577 -0.30867,-3.57886 l 576,464.5303 l 3.84809,-0.31621 3.8481,-0.31622 1.83943,1.66467 1.83944,1.66466 4.31247,-0.71458 c 2.37186,-0.39302 5.10569,-1.13121 6.07518,-1.64044 l 1.76272,-0.92585 -1.01272,-1.89228 c 597.95572,461.0133 597.5,459.85842 597.5,459.48763 l 0,-0.67415 2.43871,0.61208 2.43872,0.61208 0.68842,-1.11388 0.68841,-1.11388 3.31094,0.53729 3.31095,0.53729 0.91749,-1.17708 c 0.50462,-0.64739 1.17054,-2.20937 1.47981,-3.47106 l 0.56231,-2.29398 -1.41172,-2.70602 c -1.84166,-3.53014 -1.78767,-4.56696 0.33797,-6.49064 l 1.76201,-1.5946 -0.35396,-4.45046 -0.35396,-4.45047 -4.61096,-2.35993 c -2.53603,-1.29795 -5.03128,-2.22688 -5.545,-2.06427 l -0.93405,0.29565 -2.11304,-1.97436 -2.11305,-1.97437 -4.76147,-1.19289 -4.76147,-1.19288 -0.60863,-2.42497 -0.60862,-2.42497 0.58491,-0.58491 0.58491,-0.58492 -0.98778,-1.84568 -0.98777,-1.84568 1.41029,-3.3753 1.41029,-3.3753 3.23767,-0.64754 c 1.78072,-0.35614 4.30642,-0.64753 5.61267,-0.64753 l 2.375,0 0.0333,-1.25 0.0333,-1.25 1.87702,2.25 1.87703,2.25 2.39857,0 2.39858,0 1.56328,-1.25 1.56328,-1.25 0.99148,-3.00804 0.99149,-3.00805 4.88637,-6.72809 4.88636,-6.7281 2.20898,-0.61197 c 1.21494,-0.33659 2.72779,-1.2371 3.36188,-2.00113 l 1.15289,-1.38915 -0.76056,-1.76273 c -0.41831,-0.96951 -0.64813,-2.87688 -0.51071,-4.23861 l 0.24985,-2.47587 2.1875,-2.5997 2.1875,-2.5997 4.62005,0.19468 4.62005,0.19467 2.16594,-2.92959 2.16594,-2.92959 1.42535,1.18293 1.42534,1.18293 0,2.65505 0,2.65505 -1.36491,1.9725 -1.36491,1.97251 -0.6983,5.68002 -0.69831,5.68001 -1.50272,1.24715 c -1.91488,1.58921 -4.37085,6.31016 -4.37085,8.4018 l 0,1.6083 2.99438,3.72611 2.99439,3.72611 -1.13619,3.46525 c -0.62491,1.90589 -1.80507,5.12911 -2.62257,7.16272 l -1.48638,3.69747 0.56639,5.30253 c 0.31151,2.91639 0.99219,8.27244 1.51261,11.90232 l 0.94622,6.59979 1.11558,2.08447 c 0.61356,1.14646 1.11557,3.18991 1.11557,4.54101 l 0,2.45653 -1.97804,4.35921 -1.97804,4.3592 -0.022,4.72036 -0.022,4.72037 2.47619,5.41351 2.4762,5.41351 1.5238,0.58474 1.52381,0.58474 0.0317,2.78139 0.0317,2.78138 3.46825,3.45186 3.46825,3.45187 0,3.17569 0,3.17569 -1.33205,1.1055 -1.33204,1.1055 -1.91796,-1.40672 -1.91795,-1.40673 -1.72742,1.55822 -1.72741,1.55822 -6.0019,-1.1808 -6.0019,-1.18081 -2.08102,1.11373 -2.08101,1.11372 0.32054,1.68253 0.32055,1.68253 2.13785,0.30619 2.13784,0.3062 0.46866,1.79215 0.46866,1.79215 3.13328,0.62665 3.13328,0.62666 0,0.89167 0,0.89168 -4.89917,2.036 -4.89917,2.03601 -0.68921,3.13796 -0.68921,3.13796 1.58838,2.42418 1.58838,2.42417 0,1.91856 0,1.91855 -2.25,0.60297 c -1.2375,0.33164 -2.85463,0.60913 -3.59362,0.61664 l -1.34362,0.0136 -0.52301,-2 z").attr(o); b = 600; k = 490; j = "\u9655\u897f"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 644.51385,463.21871 0,-5.76481 2,-3.73156 c 2.49029,-4.64634 2.49029,-6.00067 0,-13.23882 l -2,-5.8131 0,-4.78443 0,-4.78444 -0.90482,-0.5592 -0.90482,-0.55921 0.54258,-4.24981 c 0.29842,-2.3374 1.13076,-5.41694 1.84963,-6.84343 0.71888,-1.42649 1.59998,-4.80179 1.958,-7.50066 l 0.65094,-4.90703 -2.59576,-2.80087 -2.59575,-2.80086 0,-2.14376 0,-2.14376 2.33231,-2.55472 2.33231,-2.55472 1.16769,-4.11602 c 0.64223,-2.26381 1.16769,-5.02487 1.16769,-6.13569 0,-1.11082 0.67223,-3.30861 1.49384,-4.88398 0.82161,-1.57537 1.49661,-3.85445 1.5,-5.06462 l 0.006,-2.20031 1.32541,-0.79969 c 0.72898,-0.43983 1.61485,-1.58719 1.96862,-2.54969 l 0.6432,-1.75 2.3764,0 2.3764,0 1.5367,-1.75 c 0.84519,-0.9625 1.87268,-2.875 2.2833,-4.25 0.41063,-1.375 1.61704,-4.22483 2.68092,-6.33295 l 1.93433,-3.83295 1.18736,0.44572 c 0.65305,0.24515 2.19805,0.76223 3.43335,1.14907 l 2.24598,0.70334 2.88888,-3.16292 2.88888,-3.16292 2.08269,1.11463 2.0827,1.11462 5.02636,-2.76782 5.02636,-2.76782 0.57347,-1.75 c 0.31541,-0.9625 0.98457,-1.75 1.48703,-1.75 l 0.91356,0 0.63066,2.51277 0.63067,2.51277 1.4797,0.82809 1.4797,0.82808 -3.05806,1.26669 -3.05806,1.26669 -0.61587,1.94044 -0.61588,1.94045 1.20507,1.45201 1.20506,1.45201 2.12756,0.0258 2.12755,0.0258 1.77951,3.86358 1.7795,3.86357 -0.65134,4.07329 -0.65134,4.07328 -3.62817,1.16766 c -1.99549,0.64222 -4.22945,1.64632 -4.96436,2.23133 l -1.3362,1.06367 0.53878,2.69393 0.53879,2.69394 -1.95258,1.76706 -1.95259,1.76706 0,2.87343 0,2.87342 3.0441,3.22159 c 4.46915,4.72972 8.9559,10.82566 8.9559,12.16796 0,0.64426 -0.65478,2.04488 -1.45508,3.1125 l -1.45507,1.94113 -0.68162,5.81651 -0.68161,5.81651 -2.36331,1.5485 -2.36331,1.5485 0,1.30826 c 0,0.71955 1.14361,2.66737 2.54135,4.3285 l 2.54136,3.02023 -0.29136,8.25346 -0.29135,8.25346 -5.5,4.2883 -5.5,4.2883 -2.18871,-0.48893 -2.18872,-0.48894 -0.6203,1.00367 -0.6203,1.00367 -3.44099,0 -3.44098,0 -1.90128,1.90128 c -1.0457,1.0457 -2.76442,2.17523 -3.81938,2.51006 l -1.9181,0.60878 -2.21056,2.98994 -2.21055,2.98994 -1.92301,0 c -2.5459,0 -7.05932,2.07297 -9.25341,4.25 l -1.76371,1.75 -3.5,0 -3.5,0 0,-5.76481 z").attr(o); b = 660; k = 400; j = "\u5c71\u897f"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 715.5,427.094 c -0.825,-0.46485 -3.75,-1.1518 -6.5,-1.52655 -2.75,-0.37475 -5.74724,-0.89829 -6.66054,-1.1634 l -1.66054,-0.48204 -1.58319,-2.41625 -1.58319,-2.41625 2.5502,-2.75171 2.55019,-2.7517 -0.55805,-2.22347 -0.55806,-2.22347 2.61024,-6.0187 2.61024,-6.0187 -3.85865,-5.95279 -3.85865,-5.9528 -2.25,-1.07664 -2.25,-1.07665 0,-3.47175 0,-3.47175 1.75,-0.97935 1.75,-0.97935 0,-3.21135 0,-3.21136 1.5,-0.69745 c 0.825,-0.3836 2.84869,-1.34917 4.49708,-2.1457 l 2.99709,-1.44824 0.86896,-4.75632 0.86895,-4.75633 -1.5128,-1.70697 c 706.38724,351.26813 705.54658,349.6 705.35115,348.5 l -0.35532,-2 -3.24791,-0.9568 -3.24792,-0.95679 0,-1.19443 0,-1.19443 3.63253,-2.14325 3.63254,-2.14324 -2.13254,-2.26998 c -1.17289,-1.24849 -2.13447,-2.69098 -2.13683,-3.20553 -0.002,-0.51455 -1.83721,-3.35321 -4.07742,-6.30813 l -4.07312,-5.37258 1.00009,-1.00009 1.00009,-1.00009 -1.08769,-2.38722 -1.08769,-2.38722 2.16502,-2.30456 2.16502,-2.30456 0,-2.14445 0,-2.14445 1.75,-3.55122 1.75,-3.55122 2.5,0.26012 2.5,0.26012 0.27421,3 c 0.15081,1.65 0.49688,4.0125 0.76905,5.25 l 0.49484,2.25 2.96339,0 2.96339,0 4.67508,-4.47952 4.67509,-4.47951 2.22904,0.55945 2.22905,0.55946 2.06351,-2.21492 2.06352,-2.21493 2.92668,0.58534 2.92668,0.58534 1.76065,-1.28742 1.76065,-1.28742 -0.48815,-2.91293 c -0.26848,-1.60212 -0.66782,-3.54654 -0.88741,-4.32094 l 739,286.684 l 3,-1.50353 c 1.65,-0.82694 3.675,-1.88371 4.5,-2.34837 0.825,-0.46465 2.13341,-1.14232 2.90758,-1.50592 l 1.40758,-0.6611 2.3071,2.91746 c 1.26891,1.6046 3.4986,4.38715 4.95487,6.18344 l 2.64777,3.26598 -0.52572,2.01037 -0.52572,2.01036 2.41327,2.86801 c 1.3273,1.57741 2.41327,3.34972 2.41327,3.93847 l 0,1.07046 2.15703,1.15441 2.15704,1.15441 5.52524,-0.64938 5.52525,-0.64939 -1.724,1.905 c -0.9482,1.04775 -1.63378,2.29882 -1.52352,2.78016 0.11026,0.48134 -0.15054,1.67942 -0.57956,2.6624 l -0.78004,1.78725 1.77627,1.96275 c 0.97694,1.07952 2.30117,1.96276 2.94272,1.96276 0.64154,0 2.86924,0.82825 4.95043,1.84056 l 3.78398,1.84055 2.89703,4.31358 2.89703,4.31357 -2.00245,1.40258 -2.00245,1.40257 0,1.3363 0,1.33631 -1.54207,0.59175 -1.54207,0.59175 -1.93597,4.26524 c -1.06478,2.34588 -1.94585,5.22959 -1.95793,6.40825 l -0.022,2.14301 -1.58179,0.60699 c 781.04823,351.72685 779.62116,352 778.74695,352 l -1.58947,0 -1.71115,1.54857 -1.71114,1.54856 -2.6176,-0.65697 -2.61759,-0.65698 0,-2.48521 0,-2.48521 -2,-0.52301 -2,-0.52301 0,-1.3288 0,-1.32881 -2.75,-1.34299 -2.75,-1.343 0.29052,-4.62064 0.29053,-4.62065 -3.49275,-1.15271 -3.49274,-1.15271 -0.67033,-2.11202 -0.67033,-2.11202 1.40895,-1.07619 1.40895,-1.0762 -0.34759,-1.68701 -0.3476,-1.687 -4.08416,0.49228 -4.08417,0.49229 -3.27811,-3.17727 -3.2781,-3.17727 -2.51593,2.51593 -2.51593,2.51593 -0.5606,-0.56061 -0.56061,-0.5606 0,2.66666 0,2.66667 -1.04364,0 c -0.57401,0 -2.25713,1.1252 -3.74027,2.50045 l -2.69662,2.50045 1.24026,1.98598 c 0.68215,1.09229 1.24027,2.41176 1.24027,2.93216 l 0,0.94618 -1.84824,0.58661 -1.84825,0.58661 -1.15175,2.52784 c -0.63347,1.3903 -1.15176,3.78691 -1.15176,5.32578 l 0,2.79796 2.0605,1.86473 2.06049,1.86472 7.18951,0.12616 7.1895,0.12616 1.78895,-1.8359 c 742.77288,348.82615 743.95313,348 744.41173,348 l 0.83381,0 0.51508,5.25 0.51508,5.25 -0.93318,1.76896 -0.93319,1.76897 1.69424,2.86811 1.69424,2.86812 5.10109,0.65043 c 2.80561,0.35774 6.0011,0.66367 7.1011,0.67985 l 2,0.0294 2.29939,3.5768 2.29939,3.5768 -2.54939,2.66099 c -1.40216,1.46354 -2.54939,3.14089 -2.54939,3.72744 l 0,1.06645 -4.88417,0.64791 -4.88417,0.6479 -2.36583,3.47409 -2.36583,3.47409 -1.72432,0.007 -1.72432,0.007 -1.48869,2.87882 -1.4887,2.87882 -1.39682,0.53601 -1.39683,0.53601 -1.15911,4.60327 -1.15912,4.60327 -3.48105,3.8531 -3.48104,3.85277 0,2.26077 0,2.26076 2.04746,3.31287 2.04747,3.31286 -3.42034,-0.55504 -3.42033,-0.55504 -0.71616,1.15877 -0.71615,1.15877 -1.34706,-1.11796 -1.34705,-1.11795 -1.99818,1.0694 c -2.34115,1.25294 -2.20549,1.24757 -4.12966,0.16339 z").attr(o); b = 720; k = 380; j = "\u6cb3\u5317"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 478.61022,771.64127 c -0.42492,-1.14332 -1.38353,-3.79019 -2.13026,-5.88193 l -1.35769,-3.80317 -2.52988,0.63102 c -1.39144,0.34707 -3.88162,1.6594 -5.53373,2.9163 l -3.00384,2.28528 -2.37506,-0.8786 -2.37507,-0.87859 -1.3711,1.1379 -1.37109,1.13791 -0.004,-0.87245 c -0.002,-0.47984 -1.0019,-2.44744 -2.22184,-4.37244 l -2.21806,-3.5 -0.0282,-2.42662 -0.0282,-2.42662 -5,-1.30409 c -2.75,-0.71725 -5.98594,-1.31277 -7.19098,-1.32338 l -2.19099,-0.0193 -0.63837,-1.03291 -0.63838,-1.03291 2.11138,-3.57852 2.11138,-3.57852 -0.58816,-1.85313 -0.58816,-1.85313 2.09974,-2.84004 2.09973,-2.84005 -0.65058,-1.69539 -0.65059,-1.6954 -4.23802,0 -4.23803,0 -1.54721,-1.75 -1.54722,-1.75 -0.69097,-5.17265 -0.69097,-5.17266 -1.32134,-1.80704 -1.32134,-1.80703 1.87587,-2.63442 1.87587,-2.63441 -5.22133,-0.6272 c -2.87173,-0.34496 -6.85373,-0.63112 -8.84889,-0.6359 l -3.62755,-0.009 -1.33135,1.60418 c -1.43762,1.73223 -5.90133,3.74136 -6.64966,2.99303 -0.25231,-0.25231 0.32239,-1.7811 1.27711,-3.39732 l 1.73586,-2.93857 -1.63843,-3.2843 -1.63842,-3.2843 0,-2.28965 0,-2.28966 1.84785,-1.30671 1.84785,-1.3067 0.70525,-3.7915 0.70525,-3.7915 3.47806,-1.65857 3.47807,-1.65858 0.57724,-2.29992 0.57725,-2.29993 1.42492,0 1.42493,0 3.56603,-3.56603 3.56603,-3.56603 -0.54581,-2.08719 -0.54582,-2.08719 1.48049,-2.86294 1.48048,-2.86294 0.14337,-13.61753 0.14337,-13.61754 -1.9274,-1.41419 -1.92741,-1.41419 -1.67551,0.43479 -1.67551,0.43478 -2.19031,-5.09151 -2.19031,-5.09151 0.97577,-1.54539 0.97577,-1.54539 2.89008,-0.0365 c 1.58955,-0.0201 3.38891,-0.34479 3.99859,-0.72159 l 1.1085,-0.68509 0.55529,-6.1238 0.55528,-6.12379 2.07408,-1.9323 2.07407,-1.93229 0.62051,-2.47232 c 0.34129,-1.35978 0.96042,-2.47233 1.37585,-2.47233 l 0.75533,0 0.49127,9.392 0.49126,9.392 2.25352,3.16478 2.25351,3.16477 1.72022,-1.55677 c 0.94612,-0.85623 2.1631,-1.55678 2.70439,-1.55678 0.54129,0 2.27755,-1.35 3.85835,-3 1.5808,-1.65 3.38999,-3 4.02042,-3 l 1.14625,0 0,6 c 0,3.3 0.23599,6.23599 0.52443,6.52443 0.28844,0.28844 2.94032,1.37522 5.89308,2.41507 l 5.36864,1.89063 2.26862,2.83494 2.26863,2.83493 0.005,1.57569 0.005,1.57568 2.5,2.34863 2.5,2.34863 0,2.85707 0,2.85707 1.40844,0.54047 1.40845,0.54047 1.17497,3.17815 c 0.64623,1.74797 1.53021,3.86791 1.9644,4.71096 0.43419,0.84306 1.1074,2.98056 1.49604,4.75 l 0.70661,3.21718 1.31356,0 1.31355,0 0.57561,1.5 0.5756,1.5 2.98125,0 2.98126,0 4.60902,-3.11059 4.60902,-3.11059 1.30076,1.77889 1.30076,1.77889 3.54113,-2.18854 3.54112,-2.18853 0.59923,-1.56155 c 0.32957,-0.85886 0.59922,-2.56374 0.59922,-3.78864 l 0,-2.22708 -1.4682,-1.94113 -1.46819,-1.94113 -0.0318,-2.625 c -0.0175,-1.44375 0.24945,-4.03125 0.5932,-5.75 l 0.62499,-3.125 1.24764,0 1.24764,0 4.2417,-4.6017 4.2417,-4.6017 -0.48054,-3.1483 c -0.2643,-1.73156 -0.27825,-3.7108 -0.031,-4.3983 l 0.44954,-1.25 1.66666,-0.0153 c 0.91667,-0.008 2.32303,-0.43048 3.12524,-0.93792 l 1.45857,-0.92261 -0.22417,-3.3286 -0.22417,-3.3286 3.82285,-0.10024 3.82285,-0.10024 -0.42827,2.91802 -0.42828,2.91803 1.76849,1.29314 1.76848,1.29315 -0.65885,2.62507 -0.65886,2.62508 2.52308,1.65318 2.52307,1.65318 3.23832,-0.64238 3.23832,-0.64238 1.69601,-2.23028 1.69601,-2.23029 1.21508,1.21109 1.21508,1.21109 0.31481,2.78891 0.31481,2.78891 -1.01477,3.13278 -1.01476,3.13277 -3.08613,0.61723 c -1.69739,0.33947 -4.40948,0.61722 -6.02689,0.61722 l -2.94074,0 -2.05093,-1.09762 -2.05092,-1.09762 -1.52046,1.52046 -1.52046,1.52046 -1.83503,-1.146 -1.83503,-1.14599 -3.52784,3.41932 -3.52785,3.41932 0,1.25415 0,1.25414 1.75,0.98741 1.75,0.98741 -1.08868,1.10096 -1.08869,1.10097 1.08869,3.50269 1.08868,3.5027 2.29029,0.57714 2.2903,0.57714 1.7097,-1.52734 1.70971,-1.52735 2.5,-0.34216 2.5,-0.34215 1.91621,2.37001 1.91621,2.37001 -1.16621,1.8674 c -0.64142,1.02707 -1.16621,2.79143 -1.16621,3.92081 l 0,2.05341 -2.04631,4.01109 -2.04631,4.0111 1.17739,3.25602 1.1774,3.25603 2.86891,1.64653 2.86892,1.64653 0,2.51572 0,2.51571 -2.10599,4.04043 -2.10599,4.04043 0.60749,2.42044 c 0.33412,1.33124 1.32949,3.14244 2.21194,4.02488 l 1.60444,1.60444 1.14406,-0.9373 1.14405,-0.9373 3.49542,0.18302 3.49541,0.18303 0.50459,2.80854 0.50458,2.80855 3.14319,1.31803 3.14318,1.31803 0.94398,-0.94398 0.94397,-0.94397 2.73224,1.03879 2.73224,1.0388 2.33383,-0.58576 2.33384,-0.58575 0.87513,1.56377 0.87513,1.56378 -0.3834,4.02034 -0.3834,4.02035 -2.85233,0 -2.85234,0 -2.71405,3.40142 -2.71406,3.40142 -1.72093,-1.07474 -1.72093,-1.07474 -5.10764,3.27756 -5.10765,3.27757 0,2.15364 0,2.15363 -4.70712,1.69267 -4.70712,1.69267 -1.31164,-1.08856 -1.31164,-1.08856 -1.95571,1.76989 c -1.07564,0.97344 -2.23682,2.65558 -2.58039,3.73808 l -0.62468,1.96819 -3.30855,-3.20678 -3.30856,-3.20678 -1.14918,2.14725 -1.14917,2.14725 -1.6954,-2.09373 -1.6954,-2.09373 -3.44389,3.55319 -3.44388,3.55319 -1.30384,0 -1.30383,0 0,-0.97968 0,-0.97967 -4.12042,-2.10208 -4.12041,-2.10208 -3.00728,3.64834 -3.00727,3.64834 -5.5429,-0.25676 -5.54289,-0.25676 -1.48404,3.13359 -1.48404,3.13358 2.15463,5.90926 2.15462,5.90926 -0.0153,3.89733 -0.0153,3.89733 -0.73469,1 -0.73468,1 -3.83986,0.0788 -3.83985,0.0788 -0.77257,-2.07877 z").attr(o); b = 490; k = 700; j = "\u4e91\u5357"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 625.48272,609.3125 -0.0173,-1.75 -2.37367,-2.25 -2.37367,-2.25 -1.60906,0 -1.60905,0 0,-1.95295 c 0,-1.07412 -0.54407,-3.14704 -1.20904,-4.60649 l -1.20903,-2.65354 -4.50306,0.50756 -4.50307,0.50756 -1.0379,-1.3876 -1.0379,-1.3876 -3.40253,-0.66897 -3.40252,-0.66898 0.56603,4.22008 0.56603,4.22008 -1.33536,0.51243 -1.33537,0.51243 -1.97127,-1.05499 -1.97126,-1.05499 -2.60688,2.05056 -2.60687,2.05057 0,1.80498 0,1.80497 -1.48343,1.23114 -1.48342,1.23113 -0.9124,-2.39979 c -0.50182,-1.31988 -1.70892,-3.05629 -2.68245,-3.85869 l -1.77005,-1.4589 0.62427,2.50831 0.62426,2.5083 -0.94308,1.4917 -0.94307,1.49169 -0.0471,-3 -0.0471,-3 -1.44022,-1.90287 -1.44022,-1.90287 -3.7162,-0.60405 -3.7162,-0.60405 -0.84037,-3.24308 -0.84036,-3.24308 -1.89883,0 -1.89883,0 -2.17002,-2.75 -2.17003,-2.75 4.59744,-4.05411 4.59745,-4.0541 0,-1.4959 c 0,-0.82274 -0.4947,-1.99059 -1.09934,-2.59523 l -1.09933,-1.09933 0.6374,-2.00829 0.6374,-2.00828 1.56278,-0.59969 1.56277,-0.59969 3.95008,2.22007 3.95009,2.22007 1.69907,-1.08282 1.69908,-1.08282 3.2848,2.87006 3.28479,2.87006 2.43366,0 2.43366,0 3.95753,-5.35711 3.95753,-5.35711 0.32401,-3.39289 0.32402,-3.39289 3,-0.004 c 1.65,-0.002 3.59516,-0.38635 4.32258,-0.85388 l 1.32259,-0.85005 3.34249,-7.33461 3.34249,-7.33461 2.08493,-1.30206 2.08492,-1.30208 0,-1.70275 0,-1.70275 -2.01581,-1.41193 -2.01581,-1.41193 1.31257,-2.52997 1.31257,-2.52998 1.89437,1.3852 1.89437,1.3852 2.30887,0 2.30887,0 0,1.41667 0,1.41666 1.25,0.43317 c 0.6875,0.23824 4.0625,0.21413 7.5,-0.0536 l 6.25,-0.48674 0,1.74255 0,1.74256 2.46635,2.93109 2.46635,2.93109 -0.41901,4.71327 c -0.23045,2.59229 -0.44031,5.07312 -0.46635,5.51295 l -0.0473,0.79969 -1.75,-0.99108 -1.75,-0.99107 -3.7221,3.61709 -3.72209,3.61708 -4.77791,0.74092 c -6.96946,1.08077 -12.13472,2.54396 -13.76921,3.90047 l -1.43462,1.19062 1.59948,2.44112 1.59948,2.44111 -0.57278,5.54971 -0.57278,5.54971 1.49087,-0.5721 1.49086,-0.5721 2.9454,2.17763 2.9454,2.17763 0,1.91194 0,1.91194 3.37401,3.37402 3.37402,3.37401 0.47124,5.68254 0.47124,5.68254 -1.4185,2.84345 -1.41849,2.84344 -2.42676,0 -2.42676,0 -0.0173,-1.75 z").attr(o); b = 585; k = 582; j = "\u91cd\u5e86"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 545.5,693.05181 c 0,-0.48713 0.67223,-2.17463 1.49384,-3.75 0.82161,-1.57537 1.49661,-3.79808 1.5,-4.93934 l 0.006,-2.07504 -1.75,-1.72093 c -0.9625,-0.9465 -2.59834,-2.30119 -3.63519,-3.0104 l -1.8852,-1.28948 0.0128,-2.91456 0.0128,-2.91456 1.714,-5 c 0.9427,-2.75 2.18949,-5.99506 2.77064,-7.21125 l 1.05664,-2.21126 -2.57521,-3.37627 -2.57521,-3.37627 -3.04087,0.4463 -3.04087,0.44631 -1.15461,1.39122 -1.15461,1.39122 -1.65832,0 -1.65831,0 -1.08268,-2.86833 -1.08267,-2.86834 0.87633,-1.56592 0.87634,-1.56593 -1.99406,-1.3967 -1.99406,-1.39669 3.01494,-2.8885 3.01494,-2.88849 2.06201,1.28774 2.06201,1.28775 1.88545,-1.7063 1.88546,-1.70631 1.26875,1.03017 1.26876,1.03018 4.22989,0.0449 4.22989,0.0449 0.57913,-0.93705 0.57912,-0.93704 1.94908,0 1.94908,0 1.56961,-3.92283 1.5696,-3.92283 1.43415,-0.55033 1.43415,-0.55034 2.48815,1.13368 2.48815,1.13368 2.54705,-1.16051 2.54706,-1.16052 2.89393,0 2.89393,0 0.67172,-1.08687 0.67172,-1.08686 -1.73992,-3.85845 -1.73992,-3.85845 -4.87278,-1.75223 -4.87279,-1.75223 0,-2.30245 0,-2.30246 1.45031,0 1.45031,0 0.94889,-1.69557 0.94889,-1.69558 3.64573,2.78074 3.64572,2.78073 1.39115,-1.15456 1.39116,-1.15455 2.08458,1.11564 2.08459,1.11564 0.99449,-0.61463 c 0.54697,-0.33804 1.68012,-2.25558 2.51812,-4.2612 0.838,-2.00561 2.04443,-3.96844 2.68097,-4.36184 l 1.15733,-0.71527 1.87094,1.0013 1.87094,1.00129 2.40676,-1.57697 2.40676,-1.57697 -0.63239,-3.16194 -0.63239,-3.16193 1.74036,0.66783 c 0.95719,0.36731 2.15355,0.66784 2.65857,0.66784 l 0.91821,0 0,1.5 0,1.5 1.94098,0 1.94099,0 0.56001,-0.90612 0.56001,-0.90612 2.24901,0.5684 c 2.72791,0.68945 3.71345,2.01327 3.73369,5.01528 l 0.0153,2.27144 2.5,1.13907 2.5,1.13908 0,2.3138 0,2.31381 2.95034,1.52568 2.95034,1.52568 2.30911,0 2.30912,0 1.27325,-2.0388 1.27325,-2.03881 0.9673,0.59782 0.96729,0.59782 0.006,4.69099 0.006,4.69098 1.52656,2.92737 1.52656,2.92737 -6.28272,5.73596 -6.28272,5.73595 1.69002,1.74098 1.69003,1.74099 2.38313,-1.56149 c 1.31073,-0.85882 3.25022,-1.70453 4.30998,-1.87935 l 1.92684,-0.31786 1.25,0.78405 1.25,0.78406 0,2.08074 0,2.08074 -1.75,1.29934 -1.75,1.29934 1.3321,2.1788 1.3321,2.17881 -1.0821,1.0821 -1.08178,1.0821 0,2.17755 0,2.17756 1.5,1.24489 1.5,1.24489 0,1.65505 c 0,0.91027 -0.70579,2.6627 -1.56842,3.89428 l -1.56842,2.23924 -0.94053,-0.58128 -0.94053,-0.58128 -2.07579,0.65884 -2.0758,0.65883 0.6038,2.40571 0.60379,2.40572 -2.51057,0 -2.51058,0 -1.18939,1.90451 -1.18939,1.90452 -2.16574,-1.41905 -2.16575,-1.41906 -2.59423,2.04063 -2.59423,2.04062 -0.59223,1.86594 -0.59223,1.86595 -2.18,0.57008 -2.18001,0.57009 -1.68891,-1.52845 -1.68892,-1.52845 -1.59336,0.31634 -1.59337,0.31633 -2.41598,-3 -2.41598,-3 -2.57143,2.40817 c -1.41428,1.32449 -2.83004,3.22298 -3.14612,4.21887 l -0.5747,1.81071 -3.41379,0.94259 c -1.87758,0.51843 -4.73367,1.88243 -6.34686,3.03113 -1.61319,1.14869 -3.62121,2.08853 -4.46228,2.08853 l -1.52921,0 -0.31642,2.74145 -0.31642,2.74145 -1.91597,0.36383 -1.91596,0.36384 -4.08404,-1.32227 c 565.83782,691.09855 563.55,689.97833 563,689.33641 l -1,-1.16713 -2.71358,-0.47026 -2.71358,-0.47025 -3.66211,3.35436 -3.66212,3.35437 -1.8743,0 -1.87431,0 0,-0.88569 z").attr(o); b = 580; k = 650; j = "\u8d35\u5dde"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 642.93657,761.69531 -0.58028,-1.5122 -2.86779,-1.18787 -2.86779,-1.18788 -1.11272,0.6877 -1.11273,0.68771 -1.16687,-3.09139 -1.16687,-3.09138 -1.78076,0 -1.78076,0 0,3 0,3 -1.5,0 -1.5,0 0,0.8865 0,0.8865 -3.25,0.47753 -3.25,0.47753 -2.17205,-0.98903 -2.17205,-0.98903 -2.89812,1.01029 -2.89812,1.01029 -3.27632,-1.37759 c -1.80197,-0.75767 -4.61743,-2.50605 -6.25656,-3.88529 l 596.34655,754 l -1.87796,0 -1.87796,0 -0.65868,-3.51104 c -0.36227,-1.93108 -1.05766,-3.75764 -1.54531,-4.05902 l -0.88664,-0.54797 0,-1.93251 0,-1.93251 2,-1.24902 2,-1.24902 0,-1.80773 0,-1.80773 -3.20679,-1.34835 -3.20679,-1.34836 -2.21575,0.84243 -2.21575,0.84243 -1.2368,-1.49026 -1.2368,-1.49026 -2.75964,0.60612 -2.75963,0.60612 -4.08103,-2.08199 c -2.24456,-1.14508 -4.08102,-2.43456 -4.08102,-2.86549 0,-0.43093 1.49209,-2.22969 3.31575,-3.99726 l 3.31575,-3.21375 0.60889,0.60889 0.60889,0.60889 1.97756,-0.62765 1.97755,-0.62765 0.43357,-4.71366 0.43356,-4.71365 -2.4579,-2.6822 -2.45789,-2.6822 -1.81615,1.13421 -1.81616,1.1342 -2.58191,-1.3818 -2.58192,-1.3818 -1.10247,1.10247 -1.10246,1.10246 -2.37733,-1.08319 -2.37733,-1.08318 0,-1.6845 0,-1.6845 -1.9755,-1.7878 -1.9755,-1.7878 -4.46713,0.50351 -4.46713,0.50351 -0.55737,-1.45248 c 544.75082,697.49004 544.5,696.46536 544.5,696.01183 l 0,-0.82459 1.99823,0.52255 1.99823,0.52255 2.75177,-1.78625 c 1.51347,-0.98244 3.34108,-2.61156 4.06134,-3.62027 l 1.30958,-1.83402 2.69042,0.65501 2.69043,0.655 0.79969,1.34909 0.79969,1.3491 2.20031,0.0147 c 1.21017,0.008 3.32531,0.61187 4.70031,1.3417 l 2.5,1.32695 2.75,-1.5573 2.75,-1.5573 0,-1.57311 0,-1.5731 5.2986,-3.21129 c 586.71283,684.44508 589.78751,683 590.63123,683 l 1.53404,0 3.3383,-4.15407 3.3383,-4.15406 0.78577,2.12415 0.78578,2.12414 2.79329,0.66423 c 1.53631,0.36533 3.55257,1.323 4.48059,2.12816 l 1.6873,1.46394 3.5627,-1.1758 3.5627,-1.17579 0,-1.42245 0,-1.42245 2.06948,-2.06948 2.06949,-2.06949 2.51728,1.64939 c 1.3845,0.90716 2.64228,1.50093 2.79506,1.31948 0.15278,-0.18144 0.78856,-1.31249 1.41285,-2.51344 l 1.13507,-2.18354 2.75039,-0.31646 l 634,671.5 l -0.25918,-2.36833 -0.25917,-2.36833 2.53198,0.48402 2.53198,0.48401 1.66246,-2.81432 1.66246,-2.81432 3.56474,0.19863 l 649,662.5 l 1.43918,-3.27027 1.43918,-3.27028 1.06082,0.3486 1.06082,0.34861 0.31955,2.17167 0.31955,2.17167 2.18045,-0.0463 2.18045,-0.0463 3,-3.89585 3,-3.89584 1.79799,0.52477 1.79799,0.52477 1.35635,-1.12568 1.35636,-1.12568 2.68712,0.67442 2.68712,0.67443 -0.49855,2.60799 -0.49855,2.60799 0.92234,1.72341 0.92234,1.7234 1.60014,-0.61403 1.60015,-0.61403 -0.52246,1.90127 c -0.28735,1.0457 -0.80723,3.17616 -1.1553,4.73436 -0.34807,1.55819 -1.73989,4.58675 -3.09295,6.73012 l -2.46009,3.89705 0,1.96085 0,1.96086 1.07403,0.66378 1.07403,0.66379 2.24042,-2.10477 c 679.12071,679.94715 680.63483,679 681.25318,679 l 1.12427,0 0.67666,4.5123 c 0.37217,2.48176 1.02375,4.7268 1.44797,4.98899 l 0.77131,0.47669 1.23575,-1.48899 1.23575,-1.48899 2.71927,0 2.71926,0 1.23529,4.12301 1.23528,4.123 -1.077,1.07699 -1.07699,1.077 0,3.29153 0,3.29152 -2.0701,1.25848 -2.0701,1.25847 -2.53622,5.32124 -2.53623,5.32124 0.66254,5.30272 0.66253,5.30273 -4.27939,3.663 -4.27939,3.663 -2.27682,0.57144 -2.27682,0.57145 -0.11069,1.64159 c -0.0609,0.90287 -0.0314,2.63357 0.0656,3.846 l 0.17628,2.20441 -3.31559,0.8532 -3.31559,0.8532 -0.30896,3.13343 -0.30896,3.13343 -3.18409,0.30896 -3.18408,0.30896 -1.25011,2.62188 c -0.68757,1.44203 -1.94727,3.20046 -2.79934,3.90762 l -1.54922,1.28574 -1.15762,-1.15762 c 651.62093,757.52093 650.74,757 650.3,757 l -0.8,0 0,2.5 0,2.5 -1.41821,0 c -0.78002,0 -2.12623,0.27169 -2.99157,0.60375 l -1.57336,0.60376 -0.58029,-1.5122 z").attr(o); b = 630; k = 710; j = "\u5e7f\u897f"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 684.5318,683.5125 -0.0318,-4.05 -1.2,-1.2 c -1.66302,-1.66302 -3.81181,-1.49929 -5.97126,0.45499 l -1.82874,1.65499 0,-1.07395 c 0,-1.52298 3.35025,-7.22212 4.25,-7.22971 l 0.75,-0.006 0,-3.01357 0,-3.01357 1.15782,-1.85396 1.15782,-1.85397 -0.62643,-1.63246 -0.62644,-1.63247 -2.14079,0 -2.14079,0 0.40436,-3.46361 0.40435,-3.46362 -2.90973,-1.20525 -2.90973,-1.20525 -1.8973,1.18488 -1.89731,1.18489 -2.30807,-0.57929 -2.30807,-0.57929 -2.81584,4.06327 -2.81585,4.06327 -1.29445,0 -1.29445,0 -0.31955,-2.25 -0.31955,-2.25 -1.96165,0 -1.96166,0 -1.53834,3 c -0.84609,1.65 -1.59775,3.1344 -1.67035,3.29867 -0.0726,0.16427 -1.23002,0.0231 -2.57205,-0.31375 l -2.44005,-0.61241 -1.57225,-2.68626 -1.57225,-2.68625 0.20771,-4.67271 0.20771,-4.67271 1.32554,-1.59718 1.32555,-1.59719 -0.95047,-3.2301 -0.95047,-3.23011 -4.27303,0.19772 -4.27303,0.19772 -1.43962,1.19478 -1.43962,1.19478 -0.65293,-0.65293 -0.65294,-0.65293 2.86419,-2.98957 c 1.57531,-1.64426 3.35499,-2.98957 3.95486,-2.98957 1.25911,0 3.8793,-2.8485 4.78054,-5.19708 l 0.61724,-1.60852 -1.39951,-1.8472 -1.39951,-1.8472 -0.0318,-4.63569 -0.0318,-4.6357 -1.49384,-2.8643 -1.49384,-2.86431 -0.006,-8.09636 -0.006,-8.09636 1.58359,-3.1744 1.5836,-3.17439 3.64854,-2.47924 3.64854,-2.47925 1.76786,0 1.76787,0 0,1 0,1 2.95295,0 2.95294,0 2.54706,-1.16052 2.54705,-1.16051 0,-2.2325 0,-2.23249 -1.75,-0.67931 -1.75,-0.6793 2.5,-1.39225 2.5,-1.39225 2.78212,-0.0354 2.78212,-0.0354 3.59,1.5 3.59001,1.5 3.70185,0 3.70186,0 4.89547,3.48055 4.89547,3.48055 0.98055,-0.98055 c 0.5393,-0.5393 1.64262,-0.98055 2.45181,-0.98055 0.80919,0 2.18169,-0.63956 3.05,-1.42125 0.86831,-0.78168 2.23272,-1.56918 3.03203,-1.75 l 1.4533,-0.32875 0.14439,1.5 c 0.0794,0.825 0.21293,2.0625 0.29671,2.75 l 0.15231,1.25 2.3711,0 2.3711,0 2.3789,-3.48434 c 1.30839,-1.91639 2.93454,-3.69963 3.61365,-3.96276 l 1.23474,-0.47842 1.03946,1.94224 1.03945,1.94224 -0.63452,2.52815 -0.63453,2.52814 1.61254,3.39818 1.61254,3.39817 1.95504,-0.51125 1.95505,-0.51126 2.51114,2.85546 2.51114,2.85545 0.0316,2.55 0.0316,2.55 1.18483,1.18483 1.18483,1.18483 -2.22821,4.46155 -2.2282,4.46155 -1.95663,0.62101 -1.95662,0.621 0,1.8736 0,1.8736 -1,0.61803 -1,0.61803 0,2.87589 c 0,1.58173 0.45035,4.06039 1.00078,5.50812 l 1.00077,2.63224 1.99923,-0.63453 1.99922,-0.63453 0,0.86739 c 0,0.47707 -0.53404,1.40143 -1.18676,2.05415 l -1.18675,1.18675 2.12044,2.26325 2.12044,2.26324 -1.00263,1.78439 -1.00262,1.7844 3.10446,2.89999 3.10446,2.9 -0.66327,2.64266 -0.66326,2.64265 1.31577,2.45854 1.31576,2.45853 -1.19497,3.30465 -1.19498,3.30465 0.59316,2.96578 0.59316,2.96579 -1.57243,1.305 -1.57243,1.305 -3.26378,-0.50675 c -1.79507,-0.27871 -4.22534,-0.81783 -5.40059,-1.19805 l -2.13681,-0.6913 -3.36319,3.02017 -3.36318,3.02017 1.25,1.26687 1.25,1.26686 0,2.3 0,2.3 -1.34501,0 -1.34502,0 -1.80997,-2 -1.80998,-2 -4.82596,0 -4.82596,0 -0.61319,2.44316 -0.6132,2.44317 0.68024,1.10064 0.68023,1.10064 -1.20853,1.45619 -1.20854,1.4562 -4.01731,0 -4.01731,0 -1.32844,1.75 -1.32844,1.75 -0.0318,-4.05 z").attr(o); b = 670; k = 620; j = "\u6e56\u5357"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 628.55031,587.56947 c -1.14486,-1.85242 -2.08156,-4.10242 -2.08156,-5 l 0,-1.63197 -0.95953,0 c -0.52774,0 -2.10274,-1.2329 -3.5,-2.73978 l -2.54047,-2.73978 0,-4.13778 0,-4.13777 -1.52183,-1.26301 -1.52183,-1.263 1.94058,-1.35923 1.94058,-1.35924 1.4801,0.56797 1.4801,0.56797 0.66017,-1.06818 0.66016,-1.06817 4.19099,-0.004 4.19098,-0.004 3.18618,-1.94275 3.18618,-1.94275 1.10581,-2.06623 1.1058,-2.06622 2.04366,1.09373 2.04366,1.09374 0.59549,-0.59549 c 0.32752,-0.32752 0.90354,-2.95148 1.28004,-5.83102 l 0.68455,-5.23561 -0.91271,-2.43879 -0.91271,-2.43879 -1.95298,-1.36791 -1.95297,-1.36792 0,-2.44329 0,-2.4433 -3.07946,0 -3.07945,0 0.62391,-2.84066 0.62392,-2.84066 -1.54446,-1.28178 -1.54446,-1.28179 0,-1.79577 c 0,-0.98767 0.27314,-2.50757 0.60699,-3.37755 l 0.60699,-1.58179 1.40658,0 c 0.77362,0 2.18797,-0.41715 3.14301,-0.927 0.95504,-0.50985 2.52393,-1.17073 3.48643,-1.46862 l 1.75,-0.54161 0,-1.87087 0,-1.87087 -2.54705,-1.16052 c -1.40088,-0.63828 -3.20088,-1.16051 -4,-1.16051 l -1.45295,0 0,-2 0,-2 -2,0 -2,0 0,-1 0,-1 2.63398,0 c 1.44869,0 4.37945,0.52296 6.51281,1.16212 l 3.87883,1.16213 2.4531,-1.31286 2.4531,-1.31286 1.55285,1.28875 1.55284,1.28874 2.00327,-1.81292 2.00326,-1.81293 4.97882,5.58612 4.97882,5.58611 4.24916,1.98943 c 2.33704,1.09419 5.82416,2.48094 7.74916,3.08168 l 3.5,1.09225 5.04993,-0.35581 5.04994,-0.3558 3.69941,-1.33773 3.69941,-1.33772 1.20066,1.20065 1.20065,1.20065 1.97126,0 1.97126,0 1.69544,-1.53435 1.69544,-1.53435 0.68497,4.28356 0.68497,4.28356 2.59429,2.70786 2.59429,2.70786 1.93218,-1.03407 1.93218,-1.03408 1.67186,0.73473 c 0.91952,0.40409 2.23436,0.64402 2.92186,0.53316 l 1.25,-0.20155 0,1.38332 0,1.38332 2.54705,1.16051 2.54706,1.16052 2.90325,0 2.90326,0 1.01928,-1.75 1.01928,-1.75 0.0304,1.07237 0.0304,1.07237 4.02878,2.63771 4.02878,2.63772 3.48226,0.65328 3.48227,0.65328 0.60058,0.97176 0.60058,0.97176 -1.78832,3.32072 -1.78833,3.32073 1.6767,2.55897 c 0.92218,1.40743 1.6767,3.0248 1.6767,3.59415 0,0.56935 0.87078,1.90596 1.93507,2.97025 l 1.93506,1.93506 1.02745,3.72109 1.02744,3.72109 -0.50905,0.82365 -0.50904,0.82365 -5.86644,-0.61317 -5.86644,-0.61316 -0.33702,2.38336 -0.33701,2.38336 -2.75,0.31642 -2.75,0.31642 0,1.02329 c 0,2.32276 -8.9189,7.78582 -12.87212,7.88451 l -1.62788,0.0406 -3.46223,2.95936 c -4.08717,3.49354 -5.13233,3.63885 -6.81324,0.94728 l -1.25657,-2.01209 0.62634,-2.49554 0.62634,-2.49554 -1.66105,-3.50041 -1.66105,-3.50041 -1.90862,1.02147 c -1.04974,0.5618 -3.10533,2.59042 -4.56796,4.50803 l -2.65934,3.48657 -1.38131,0 c -1.638,0 -1.70929,-0.51865 -0.40599,-2.95388 l 0.97532,-1.8224 -2.27221,-0.43436 -2.27221,-0.43436 -4.95311,2.68347 -4.95311,2.68348 -4.5,-3.08385 -4.5,-3.08385 -5,-0.70249 c -2.75,-0.38637 -7.17551,-1.27058 -9.83446,-1.96493 l -4.83445,-1.26244 -1.90198,1.18781 c -1.04608,0.65329 -2.80808,1.1878 -3.91554,1.1878 l -2.01357,0 0,1.89301 0,1.89301 1.5,0.57561 1.5,0.5756 0,1.4244 0,1.42439 -1.58179,0.60699 c -2.48973,0.9554 -5.27174,0.71527 -7.44954,-0.64301 l -2.00419,-1.25 -4.73224,2.62411 -4.73224,2.62411 -2.5,5.10514 c -1.375,2.80782 -2.8008,5.11447 -3.16844,5.12589 -0.36764,0.0114 -1.60514,-1.49487 -2.75,-3.34728 z").attr(o); b = 680; k = 540; j = "\u6e56\u5317"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 742.53125,528.60699 0,-1.39301 -1.72362,-0.66142 -1.72362,-0.66141 -1.13662,1.55442 -1.13663,1.55443 -2.38975,-0.0153 c -2.92583,-0.0187 -4.3242,-0.91288 -5.22113,-3.33844 l -0.68549,-1.85376 -1.5311,0.58754 -1.53111,0.58754 -1.87926,-1.17362 -1.87927,-1.17362 -1.38498,1.14944 -1.38499,1.14943 -2.69622,-2.50007 -2.69621,-2.50008 0,-3.90051 0,-3.90052 -1.09507,-0.67679 -1.09507,-0.67678 -2.70545,2.00023 -2.70546,2.00023 -2.83073,-1.48317 -2.83074,-1.48317 -2.60035,1.1848 -2.60036,1.1848 -5.41628,0.41174 -5.41629,0.41174 -4.1021,-1.16441 c -2.25615,-0.64042 -4.5296,-1.53855 -5.0521,-1.99583 -0.5225,-0.45728 -1.55,-0.83142 -2.28333,-0.83142 l -1.33334,0 -3.69094,-3.69094 c -2.03002,-2.03002 -4.71502,-5.20001 -5.96667,-7.04441 l -2.27572,-3.35347 0,-2.03729 0,-2.0373 -3.3849,-4.16829 -3.38489,-4.1683 -0.67621,-3.16646 -0.67621,-3.16646 -1.1889,-0.47203 c -0.65389,-0.25962 -2.00183,-1.87222 -2.99543,-3.58354 l 645.41818,471 l 2.86225,0 2.86226,0 3.42979,-2.53042 3.42979,-2.53042 3.71478,-1.11297 3.71478,-1.11298 2.7368,-2.8566 2.7368,-2.85661 1.77773,0 1.77772,0 1.07037,-2 1.07037,-2 3.4058,0 3.4058,0 0.66811,-1.08103 0.66811,-1.08102 2.1409,0.51989 2.14091,0.5199 6,-4.22183 6,-4.22182 0.89467,-8.96704 c 0.49208,-4.93188 1.05234,-9.15231 1.24504,-9.37875 0.32495,-0.38185 3.94431,0.5312 12.20964,3.08011 l 3.34935,1.03289 1.05384,-1.05384 1.05385,-1.05385 1.92999,1.0329 1.92999,1.0329 1.7722,-1.60382 1.77219,-1.60381 1.60153,0.61456 1.60153,0.61457 -0.55765,2.78826 -0.55766,2.78827 0.98321,0.60765 0.9832,0.60766 2.6702,-2.10038 c 4.32182,-3.39954 3.76026,-1.76848 -1.59611,4.63601 -2.75609,3.29539 -6.11358,7.69586 -7.46107,9.77882 l -2.44999,3.7872 0.59504,0.9628 c 0.32727,0.52954 1.28798,0.9628 2.1349,0.9628 0.84692,0 3.10773,0.74401 5.02404,1.65335 l 3.48418,1.65336 0.90194,2.37227 0.90193,2.37227 1.58223,0.60716 1.58223,0.60715 1.13278,-1.13278 1.13278,-1.13278 3.36456,0 3.36456,0 2.52433,3 2.52434,3 1.9111,0 1.91111,0 0,1.94098 0,1.94099 1.082,0.66871 1.08199,0.66871 -2.76908,2.8903 c -1.523,1.58967 -3.16395,2.89031 -3.64656,2.89031 -0.48261,0 -2.01342,-1.35 -3.4018,-3 l -2.52434,-3 -2.28866,0 -2.28866,0 -1.15214,1.38824 -1.15213,1.38823 0.64224,4.01635 0.64224,4.01634 -2.11255,1.13061 -2.11255,1.1306 0,3.9058 0,3.9058 -1.25,0.80901 c -0.6875,0.44496 -2.15,0.80902 -3.25,0.80902 l -2,0 -0.32097,2.26081 -0.32096,2.2608 3.01553,0.60311 3.01554,0.60311 0.30543,2.53522 0.30543,2.53523 1.5,0.77871 c 0.825,0.42829 2.175,1.03331 3,1.34449 0.825,0.31119 2.26116,1.11224 3.19146,1.78012 l 1.69147,1.21432 1.87283,-1.69489 1.87284,-1.69489 1.23093,4.80285 1.23094,4.80286 -1.02048,2.68407 -1.02049,2.68408 -1.46805,0 -1.46804,0 -1.55671,2.22251 -1.5567,2.2225 0,2.2775 0,2.27749 -1,0 -1,0 0,-1.39301 z").attr(o); b = 690; k = 480; j = "\u6cb3\u5357"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 737.49428,457.53589 -0.97603,-2.56714 -1.4023,0 -1.40231,0 -1.24489,-1.5 -1.24489,-1.5 -2.21089,0 c -1.21599,0 -2.46291,-0.25203 -2.77095,-0.56006 l -0.56006,-0.56006 1.46937,-2.94542 1.46937,-2.94541 1.92402,-1.02971 1.92403,-1.02971 0,-1.24612 0,-1.24612 6,-5.93739 6,-5.93739 0,-1.28131 0,-1.2813 -1.10497,0 c -0.60774,0 -3.1053,1.35 -5.55014,3 -2.44483,1.65 -4.6193,3 -4.83215,3 -0.21285,0 -0.13769,-1.53633 0.16703,-3.41406 l 0.55402,-3.41407 -1.61689,-2.30844 -1.6169,-2.30844 0,-2.32525 0,-2.32524 2.35657,-2.20225 c 2.63079,-2.45851 5.03076,-6.81697 6.0149,-10.92339 l 0.65214,-2.72113 1.9882,-1.06405 1.98819,-1.06405 0,-1.96481 0,-1.96482 1.75,0.007 1.75,0.006 3.21651,-3.70681 3.21651,-3.70681 4.74113,-0.54969 4.74114,-0.54969 0.54235,-2 c 0.2983,-1.1 1.40603,-2.98466 2.46163,-4.18814 l 1.91928,-2.18814 1.97982,1.38672 1.97982,1.38672 2.87638,-1.48744 2.87639,-1.48743 2.19703,1.53885 c 1.20836,0.84637 2.92715,1.53886 3.81953,1.53886 l 1.6225,0 1.54722,1.75 1.54722,1.75 0.67744,5.07431 0.67745,5.0743 3.25132,1.1757 3.25133,1.17569 3.52401,0 3.52401,0 1.65499,-1.82874 1.65499,-1.82874 0,-2.14821 0,-2.1482 2.5,-1.63807 2.5,-1.63806 0,-1.7961 0,-1.79609 3.07672,-2.5889 3.07673,-2.58889 1.53712,0 c 0.84542,0 3.17339,0.84081 5.17327,1.86847 1.99989,1.02766 4.89844,2.46696 6.44123,3.19845 l 2.80507,1.32998 3.19493,-1.33691 3.19493,-1.33692 5.75,-0.31071 5.75,-0.31072 0,5.39016 0,5.39017 -1.0438,0.6451 -1.04381,0.64511 -1.25823,-1.04424 -1.25823,-1.04424 -2.44797,0.59093 -2.44796,0.59092 -1.5,1.74215 c -0.825,0.95819 -4.96155,4.27197 -9.19234,7.36395 l -7.69234,5.62179 -0.30766,4.25328 -0.30766,4.25328 -4,0.0933 c -2.2,0.0513 -4.40724,0.16384 -4.90499,0.25 l -0.90499,0.15666 1.68022,1.85662 1.68022,1.85661 -1.46095,1.21249 -1.46095,1.21248 -0.63378,2.88557 -0.63378,2.88557 -1.73361,0.55023 -1.73362,0.55023 -2.19688,4.52185 c -1.20829,2.48702 -2.19689,5.13473 -2.19689,5.88381 l 0,1.36196 -3.48785,0.65432 -3.48784,0.65433 -1.01216,1.89122 c -0.55668,1.04018 -1.01215,2.83046 -1.01215,3.97841 l 0,2.08718 -2.45088,1.1167 -2.45089,1.11669 -0.62857,2.86187 -0.62857,2.86186 -1.42055,0 -1.42054,0 0,-1.39301 0,-1.39301 -1.58179,-0.60699 c -0.86998,-0.33385 -2.56327,-0.60699 -3.76287,-0.60699 l -2.18108,0 -0.98713,2.25 -0.98713,2.25 -4.19975,0.0618 -4.19975,0.0618 -2.80025,-3.75 -2.80025,-3.75001 -1.90322,-0.50822 -1.90322,-0.50824 -2.84678,1.47213 -2.84678,1.47213 0,2.90693 0,2.90693 -1.75,0.48007 c -0.9625,0.26404 -3.55,0.76836 -5.75,1.12071 -2.2,0.35235 -4.78715,0.87186 -5.74922,1.15446 l -1.74923,0.51382 -0.97602,-2.56714 z").attr(o); b = 765; k = 420; j = "\u5c71\u4e1c"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 775.5,565.6111 c 0,-0.83837 0.45,-1.80243 1,-2.14235 l 1,-0.61803 0,-1.86956 0,-1.86955 -1.57143,-1.57143 c -2.17575,-2.17575 -2.63517,-2.04401 -6.7256,1.92857 -1.98211,1.925 -4.02606,3.5 -4.54211,3.5 l -0.93828,0 -0.63757,-3.39855 -0.63757,-3.39856 -1.97372,-2.50917 c 759.38817,552.28242 758.5,550.5847 758.5,549.88976 c 0,-0.69494 -0.77594,-2.12093 -1.72431,-3.16887 l -1.72431,-1.90534 1.72431,-3.00444 c 0.94837,-1.65244 1.72431,-3.56693 1.72431,-4.25442 l 0,-1.24998 -2.26489,-1.21213 c -1.24569,-0.66668 -3.5204,-1.34599 -5.0549,-1.5096 l -2.79001,-0.29746 -1.42208,-1.42208 -1.42208,-1.42208 0.7701,-2.98731 0.77011,-2.9873 3.10188,-1.5 3.10188,-1.5 0.53622,-3.94671 0.53623,-3.94671 -1.4475,-3.46435 -1.4475,-3.46435 0.5871,-1.84977 0.58709,-1.84977 -2.57082,1.17134 c -1.41396,0.64424 -2.57083,1.54912 -2.57083,2.01083 l 0,0.83949 -1.37756,0 -1.37755,0 -1.24489,-1.5 -1.24489,-1.5 -1.87755,0 -1.87756,0 0,-2.3 0,-2.3 -1.2,-1.2 -1.2,-1.2 -1.8,0 -1.8,0 0,-1.10699 0,-1.10699 1.52268,0.58431 1.52268,0.58431 2.07519,-2.07519 2.07519,-2.07519 -0.48782,-2.55187 -0.48782,-2.55187 2.46156,-2.2813 2.46157,-2.2813 -0.68516,-4.56896 -0.68516,-4.56896 2.42549,0 2.42548,0 2.218,3 2.218,3 1.38421,0 1.38421,0 3.59799,-3.49413 3.59799,-3.49412 -0.93914,-1.75588 c -0.51653,-0.96573 -1.17741,-2.52915 -1.46863,-3.47427 l -0.52949,-1.7184 -3.42143,-1.42957 c -1.88179,-0.78626 -3.71397,-1.9029 -4.07152,-2.48142 l -0.65009,-1.05186 2.01782,-1.07991 2.01782,-1.0799 2.26019,1.41076 c 1.2431,0.77592 3.49769,1.69787 5.01019,2.04878 l 2.75,0.63802 0,1.35851 c 0,0.74717 0.68691,1.92858 1.52645,2.62535 l 1.52646,1.26684 5.72354,1.13486 5.72355,1.13486 1,2.28032 1,2.28033 3.39253,-0.63164 3.39254,-0.63164 -0.73091,3.82206 c -0.402,2.10213 -0.80364,4.72205 -0.89254,5.82205 l -0.16162,2 2.31924,0.32862 2.31924,0.32863 1.89522,4.42137 1.89523,4.42138 2.60127,0 c 1.43071,0 3.4717,-0.46583 4.53554,-1.03518 l 1.93426,-1.03519 0,-1.4058 c 0,-0.77319 0.4407,-1.67816 0.97933,-2.01106 l 0.97934,-0.60526 1.95294,1.04518 1.95294,1.04519 0.66706,2.10172 0.66706,2.10173 -1.05695,1.05695 -1.05696,1.05696 -1.44673,-1.20068 -1.44672,-1.20068 -2.60511,0.65384 c -1.4328,0.35961 -2.84455,1.04128 -3.13721,1.51481 l -0.53211,0.86098 1.64514,2.51079 1.64513,2.5108 -2.60357,3.09418 c -1.43197,1.70179 -2.60358,3.6562 -2.60358,4.34313 l 0,1.24896 2.25,2.03187 c 1.2375,1.11752 3.7125,2.65581 5.5,3.41842 l 3.25,1.38656 0,1.55589 c 0,0.85574 -0.45169,2.00758 -1.00375,2.55964 l -1.00374,1.00374 1.25374,1.70266 1.25375,1.70265 3.5,-1.03073 3.5,-1.03074 3.75,0.61223 3.75,0.61224 0,3.77724 0,3.77724 -2,2.54259 c -1.1,1.39842 -2,3.03411 -2,3.63486 l 0,1.09227 1.08333,0 1.08334,0 -0.41283,1.25 -0.41282,1.25 -3.42051,0.5 -3.42051,0.5 0,5 c 0,2.75 -0.225,5.225 -0.5,5.5 -0.275,0.275 -1.25435,2.13325 -2.17634,4.12945 l -1.67633,3.62946 -2.96118,2.10854 -2.96118,2.10855 -1.2666,-1.52616 -1.2666,-1.52616 -4.33621,0.65025 -4.3362,0.65025 -3.54448,-3.11209 -3.54447,-3.11209 -1.71629,0 -1.71628,0 -2.00995,4.17034 -2.00996,4.17035 -1.23896,0.41299 -1.23897,0.41299 0,-1.52432 z").attr(o); b = 770; k = 520; j = "\u5b89\u5fbd"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 841.5,526.90604 0,-0.99994 -3.4492,0.23229 -3.44919,0.23229 -1.88282,-1.70393 -1.88282,-1.70392 -4.91798,0.0209 c -2.7049,0.0115 -6.49299,-0.0508 -8.41799,-0.13835 -1.925,-0.0876 -4.50489,0.17986 -5.7331,0.5943 l -2.23309,0.75351 0.23309,-3.73499 0.2331,-3.73498 -5,-2.72383 -5,-2.72383 -0.31148,-1.59191 -0.31149,-1.59191 1.88788,-1.88788 c 1.03833,-1.03833 2.15705,-2.58934 2.48604,-3.44668 l 0.59817,-1.55881 -1.48658,-2.12238 -1.48658,-2.12239 1.69449,-0.65024 1.69448,-0.65023 1.85397,1.15782 c 2.67729,1.672 3.42282,1.45906 4.69915,-1.34218 l 1.13907,-2.5 -1.10828,-2.43241 -1.10828,-2.43241 -3.00437,-1.24445 -3.00437,-1.24446 -1.36591,1.868 c -0.75125,1.02739 -1.36591,2.40452 -1.36591,3.06028 l 0,1.1923 -2.47486,0.47309 -2.47486,0.4731 -1.39083,-1.60652 c -0.76496,-0.88359 -1.67701,-2.81282 -2.02679,-4.28718 l -0.63596,-2.68067 -2.24835,-0.31982 -2.24835,-0.31982 0.2916,-1.99951 c 0.16038,-1.09974 0.56209,-3.96242 0.89268,-6.36152 l 0.60107,-4.36201 -3.94457,0.66644 -3.94456,0.66642 -1.29894,-2.42707 -1.29893,-2.42708 -5.14917,-0.60579 l 769,466.01187 766.5,462.9813 c -1.375,-1.66682 -2.83441,-3.02652 -3.24314,-3.02156 -0.40873,0.005 -2.54623,-0.77215 -4.75,-1.72689 l -4.00686,-1.7359 0,-1.2641 c 0,-1.66584 3.64036,-5.2641 5.32569,-5.2641 l 1.32568,0 2.04935,2.25 c 1.12715,1.2375 2.54105,3.20576 3.14202,4.37391 l 1.09266,2.1239 4.6278,-0.1248 4.6278,-0.12479 2.22268,-2.7875 2.22267,-2.7875 1.75843,0.67478 1.75843,0.67477 0.94066,2.47412 0.94066,2.47413 2.23273,-1.47511 2.23274,-1.47511 0.32661,-2.18928 0.32661,-2.18928 2.29855,-0.8739 2.29855,-0.87391 0.66787,-3.56006 0.66788,-3.56006 1.89122,-1.01216 c 2.25169,-1.20506 3.06476,-1.27845 2.90429,-0.26215 -0.0651,0.4125 -0.0651,1.7625 0,3 l 0.11842,2.25 1.77749,0 1.7775,0 2.4725,1.74907 c 1.35988,0.96199 5.36713,2.65832 8.90499,3.76963 l 6.43249,2.02056 5.56751,9.5287 c 3.06214,5.24079 6.80502,11.29891 8.31752,13.4625 l 2.75,3.93381 0,3.21676 0,3.21677 5.62996,1.77469 5.62997,1.77469 0.90184,2.58702 0.90184,2.58702 3.44049,1.2441 3.44048,1.2441 3.00758,3.64871 3.00758,3.64872 -1.04452,0.64554 -1.04451,0.64555 -2.68536,-0.48316 c -1.47694,-0.26575 -3.20021,-0.88834 -3.82947,-1.38355 l -1.14413,-0.90038 -5.35587,-0.59938 -5.35588,-0.59937 -1.5,-1.28814 c -0.825,-0.70848 -2.67417,-1.58109 -4.10927,-1.93914 l -2.60927,-0.65099 -2.89073,2.48801 -2.89073,2.48802 0.65707,0.6588 0.65707,0.65881 2.84293,-1.39715 2.84293,-1.39715 1.75,0.39674 1.75,0.39674 0,1.29887 0,1.29886 4.20039,0.67167 c 2.31021,0.36942 4.73623,1.11639 5.39116,1.65993 l 1.19078,0.98826 -1.69256,4.45886 c -1.82693,4.81287 -6.81408,12.09723 -8.83977,12.9116 l -1.25,0.50253 0,-0.99994 z").attr(o); b = 800; k = 470; j = "\u6c5f\u82cf"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 839.57815,603.12665 -3.04067,-3.62665 -2.78437,3.25901 -2.78436,3.25902 -2.5744,-0.009 -2.5744,-0.009 -2.52759,-5.75 c -1.39017,-3.1625 -3.03455,-6.9875 -3.65416,-8.5 l -1.12657,-2.75 -2.4829,0 -2.48289,0 -1.0442,-3.87785 -1.0442,-3.87785 -4.49434,-4.14275 c -5.00745,-4.6157 -5.17828,-5.12811 -2.87934,-8.63673 l 805.69877,566 l 1.13499,-3e-5 1.13499,-3e-5 2.75,-3.44654 c 1.5125,-1.8956 2.75,-4.05559 2.75,-4.79997 0,-0.74439 0.4986,-1.85203 1.10801,-2.46144 l 1.10801,-1.10801 -0.36522,-4.59199 -0.36521,-4.59199 2.56607,0 2.56608,0 1.94113,-1.4391 1.94113,-1.43909 -1.28684,-2.10634 -1.28685,-2.10633 2.03685,-2.58943 2.03684,-2.58943 0,-3.79181 0,-3.79182 1.75,-0.3697 1.75,-0.36969 2.5513,1.83752 2.55129,1.83752 5.19041,0.43633 5.19041,0.43632 1.62331,-2.47747 1.6233,-2.47748 1.38499,0 1.38499,0 0,1.5 0,1.5 1.87756,0 1.87755,0 1.07161,1.2912 1.0716,1.29121 -1.98584,1.24018 -1.98584,1.24017 -0.93857,2.46862 -0.93857,2.46862 -2.37553,0 c -1.30654,0 -3.79267,0.49402 -5.52475,1.09783 l -3.14922,1.09782 0,0.92693 0,0.92692 2.66112,1.01176 c 1.46362,0.55647 4.17495,1.06867 6.02517,1.13822 l 3.36405,0.12647 2.77955,-2.66297 2.77955,-2.66298 1.94528,0.0406 1.94528,0.0406 3.32621,2.84581 3.32621,2.84581 1.89067,-0.49442 1.89067,-0.49442 0.60051,-1.89203 0.6005,-1.89203 1.85083,0 c 1.01795,0 2.56263,0.27314 3.43261,0.60699 l 1.58179,0.60699 0,1.32562 0,1.32562 -1.92221,0.61009 -1.92222,0.61009 -3.79447,4.20002 -3.79446,4.20002 1.84685,0.35567 1.84686,0.35568 0.72869,-1.17906 0.7287,-1.17905 0.64476,3.22382 0.64476,3.22382 -0.99495,1.19885 -0.99496,1.19885 0.58313,0.58312 0.58312,0.58313 -1.29874,3.82486 c -0.71431,2.10368 -1.89992,4.55663 -2.63469,5.451 l -1.33595,1.62614 1.72913,3.62602 1.72913,3.62603 -2.14442,1.99784 c -2.56539,2.39002 -3.22806,2.49222 -3.22806,0.49784 0,-1.68305 -0.18315,-1.75069 -2.41821,-0.89301 l -1.58179,0.60699 0,1.45493 c 0,0.80022 -1.18735,3.96478 -2.63854,7.03236 l -2.63855,5.57743 -0.49409,4.38361 -0.4941,4.38361 -0.78344,0.48419 -0.78345,0.4842 -2.36932,-0.90082 -2.36932,-0.90081 -3.63956,1.77031 -3.63956,1.77031 -3.04067,-3.62665 z").attr(o); b = 830; k = 570; j = "\u6d59\u6c5f"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 742.59402,682.66631 -1.12055,-1.35018 1.67755,-3.39982 c 0.92265,-1.86991 2.4968,-3.98785 3.4981,-4.70653 l 1.82055,-1.30671 0,-1.86151 c 0,-1.02383 -0.27315,-2.57331 -0.60699,-3.44329 l -0.60699,-1.58179 -2.07201,0 c -1.13961,0 -3.57089,0.542 -5.40285,1.20445 l -3.33084,1.20444 -1.58265,-1.58264 -1.58264,-1.58265 0.0121,-3.8718 c 0.0192,-6.14311 0.34116,-7.75972 1.90364,-9.55879 l 1.46514,-1.68698 -0.68212,-1.10369 -0.68212,-1.1037 -1.83505,0.58243 -1.83506,0.58242 1.12227,-3.65668 1.12227,-3.65669 -1.95306,-1.35095 c -1.07417,-0.74303 -2.50308,-1.8224 -3.17534,-2.39861 l -1.22229,-1.04765 0.56851,-2.84254 0.56851,-2.84255 -1.63935,-0.62907 -1.63934,-0.62908 1.11252,-2.07876 1.11252,-2.07875 -1.2028,-1.44929 -1.20279,-1.44927 -1.6166,0.2632 -1.6166,0.2632 -0.3268,-2.85749 -0.32679,-2.8575 1.2765,-3.1425 1.27649,-3.14251 1.86342,-1.35091 c 1.02488,-0.74301 2.28394,-2.31801 2.79791,-3.5 0.51397,-1.182 1.49479,-2.93503 2.17959,-3.89563 l 1.24509,-1.74655 -1.2427,-1.98989 c -0.68349,-1.09443 -1.24271,-2.79153 -1.24271,-3.77132 l 0,-1.78143 -2.64373,-3.89059 -2.64372,-3.8906 3.38722,-2.76451 3.38722,-2.76451 4.17349,-0.62585 4.17348,-0.62586 1.60607,-2.45117 1.60608,-2.45118 1.47694,0 1.47695,0 0,-1.54384 0,-1.54383 1.74093,0.29383 1.74094,0.29384 1.00906,-2.34203 1.00907,-2.34203 4.41126,0.48737 4.41126,0.48737 4.58874,-1.92695 4.58874,-1.92696 2.22053,-2.69785 2.22054,-2.69785 1.20234,1.20234 1.20234,1.20234 -1.20379,2.64203 -1.20379,2.64204 0.5983,1.88509 0.5983,1.88509 1.39215,0 1.39214,0 2.54047,-2.73978 2.54047,-2.73978 0,-1.76022 0,-1.76022 0.92327,0 c 0.50781,0 2.31626,1.17212 4.0188,2.60471 l 3.09552,2.6047 5.7312,0.14659 5.73121,0.14659 -0.10014,1.49871 c -0.0551,0.82428 -0.42682,2.52355 -0.8261,3.77614 l -0.72596,2.27745 4.97225,4.72255 4.97225,4.72256 0.63793,2.80988 0.63793,2.80987 -0.65357,3.48383 -0.65357,3.48383 -4.787,2.42575 -4.78699,2.42576 -0.38893,1.16678 -0.38893,1.16678 -2.03463,-1.27065 -2.03464,-1.27065 -2.44137,1.59965 -2.44137,1.59965 -1.32123,4.47471 -1.32122,4.47471 0.65922,3.0014 0.65922,3.0014 -1.06552,1.99092 -1.06551,1.99093 -2.25106,0.68601 c -1.23808,0.3773 -3.03856,1.37752 -4.00106,2.22271 l -1.75,1.5367 0,2.91076 0,2.91075 1.0797,2.01745 1.07971,2.01744 -1.69823,1.87652 -1.69822,1.87652 0.61836,2.46376 0.61836,2.46375 -2.44314,2.90351 -2.44314,2.90351 -1.24818,6.92303 -1.24819,6.92303 -1.04473,0.70501 -1.04474,0.70501 1.11444,2.95248 1.11444,2.95249 -1.47584,1.47584 -1.47584,1.47584 1.1328,2.11667 1.13281,2.11666 -1.13089,0 c -0.622,0 -2.38172,-0.73888 -3.9105,-1.64195 l -2.7796,-1.64195 -9.65639,4.14195 c -5.31102,2.27807 -9.81203,4.14195 -10.00225,4.14195 -0.19022,0 -0.8501,-0.60758 -1.46639,-1.35017 z").attr(o); b = 750; k = 600; j = "\u6c5f\u897f"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 801.91724,695.29273 c -1.65781,-1.09682 -4.38953,-6.83906 -4.38953,-9.22707 l 0,-2.0917 -3.25,-4.44683 -3.25,-4.44682 -2.01026,0.21349 -2.01025,0.21349 -2.46225,-1.72462 -2.46225,-1.72463 -2.0275,-0.0136 c -1.11512,-0.008 -3.02509,-0.2811 -4.24437,-0.60798 l -2.21688,-0.59431 -0.63246,-1.99269 -0.63245,-1.9927 1.09933,-1.09933 1.09934,-1.09934 0.0151,-3.55 0.015,-3.55 1.24971,-3.5862 c 0.68735,-1.97241 2.03057,-4.36705 2.98495,-5.32143 1.83775,-1.83775 2.07244,-2.69235 1.7638,-6.42289 l -0.1928,-2.33052 1.66182,-1.83629 1.66182,-1.8363 -1.07971,-2.01744 -1.0797,-2.01745 0,-2.94442 0,-2.94442 3.03389,-1.25668 3.0339,-1.25668 1.93407,-2.45878 1.93407,-2.45877 -0.59896,-4.36992 -0.59897,-4.36992 1.65776,-3.49347 c 0.91177,-1.9214 2.13863,-3.79065 2.72635,-4.15389 l 1.0686,-0.66043 2.49366,1.33457 2.49367,1.33457 0.96718,-1.72825 0.96718,-1.72826 4.9438,-2.50521 4.9438,-2.50521 0,-2.48316 0,-2.48315 3,0 3,0 0,2.8 0,2.8 1.22961,1.22961 c 0.67628,0.67628 1.96925,3.12878 2.87326,5.45 l 1.64366,4.22039 3.38862,0.29617 3.38861,0.29617 2.13609,-1.99007 c 1.17484,-1.09453 2.38088,-2.57781 2.68007,-3.29617 l 0.544,-1.3061 1.17088,1.86284 c 0.64398,1.02456 1.99256,2.68452 2.99685,3.68881 l 1.82598,1.82598 4.08645,-1.97436 4.08646,-1.97437 1.72473,1.00514 1.72473,1.00514 -1.30902,0.0304 -1.30901,0.0304 0.56617,0.91608 0.56617,0.91609 -1.02702,2.70126 -1.02702,2.70126 -3.10269,2.89835 -3.10269,2.89835 -1.59119,-0.2657 -1.5912,-0.26569 -0.39159,1.91624 -0.39159,1.91624 2.27532,1.71628 2.27532,1.71628 -1.26467,3.0532 -1.26468,3.0532 0.95962,4.49936 0.95962,4.49935 -1.0378,1.0378 -1.0378,1.0378 1.15144,2.52712 1.15143,2.52713 -1.27856,0 c -0.70321,0 -1.84885,-0.5625 -2.54588,-1.25 l -1.26732,-1.25 -1.43268,1.94113 c -1.6771,2.27229 -1.83955,4.18938 -0.42888,5.06122 l 1.0038,0.62038 -3.03472,2.55354 -3.03471,2.55355 0.60174,1.89592 0.60174,1.89593 -3.10009,0.62002 -3.1001,0.62002 1.46403,2.23439 1.46402,2.23439 -1.13475,1.13475 -1.13476,1.13476 -2.05,0.0182 -2.05,0.0182 -4.1229,2.79538 -4.1229,2.79538 1.33845,1.83043 1.33844,1.83044 -2.03364,2.85599 -2.03364,2.85598 -1.4319,0 -1.43191,0 0,1.96861 0,1.96862 -1.5,-0.5756 -1.5,-0.57561 0,1.59556 0,1.59556 -1.72224,2.01143 c -1.82197,2.1279 -3.07328,2.44689 -4.88823,1.24612 z").attr(o); b = 800; k = 640; j = "\u798f\u5efa"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 662.17753,787.44642 -0.59777,-0.59776 0.50342,-1.31189 0.50342,-1.3119 -2.07232,-0.65773 -2.07232,-0.65773 0,-2.96399 0,-2.964 -1.58509,-0.60826 -1.5851,-0.60825 0.66906,-3.61036 0.66906,-3.61036 1.91603,-3.11803 c 1.05382,-1.71492 1.91604,-3.40242 1.91604,-3.75 l 0,-0.63197 -2.5,0 -2.5,0 0,-1 c 0,-0.55 0.43844,-1 0.97432,-1 l 0.97432,0 1.55136,-3 1.55136,-3 2.39253,0 c 1.3159,0 3.0961,-0.26998 3.95601,-0.59996 l 1.56347,-0.59996 -1.02793,-1.92071 -1.02793,-1.9207 0.60526,-0.97934 0.60526,-0.97933 1.786,0 1.78599,0 1.70356,-1.88241 1.70355,-1.8824 -0.6532,-2.60256 -0.6532,-2.60257 2.85463,-1.07312 2.85464,-1.07312 4.29092,-4.19028 4.29093,-4.19028 -0.61848,-5.00163 -0.61847,-5.00163 1.12049,-2.5 c 1.78414,-3.98072 3.3666,-6.37038 5.84976,-8.83367 l 2.31514,-2.29662 -0.6096,-2.77552 -0.60961,-2.77551 1.58892,-1.31868 1.58892,-1.31868 -0.64981,-3.09066 c -0.3574,-1.69986 -1.05241,-3.51816 -1.54446,-4.04066 -0.49206,-0.5225 -0.89465,-1.31 -0.89465,-1.75 l 0,-0.8 1.44098,0 1.44099,0 0.74912,-1.2121 0.74912,-1.2121 -0.21271,-3.15838 -0.21271,-3.15838 3.10144,-0.62029 3.10143,-0.62028 3.29027,2.50961 3.29027,2.50961 1.52716,-0.58603 1.52717,-0.58602 0.44684,-2.33749 0.44684,-2.33748 -0.99128,-1.77132 -0.99128,-1.77132 2.82786,-2.25486 2.82787,-2.25486 2.04282,1.43085 2.04281,1.43084 3.05499,0 3.05499,0 2.12103,-1.48563 2.12103,-1.48563 0.57009,1.48563 0.57009,1.48563 1.90926,0 c 1.05009,0 3.49458,-0.66239 5.4322,-1.47198 l 3.52293,-1.47197 1.18528,1.42817 1.18528,1.42817 -0.77488,1.29381 c -0.42619,0.71159 -1.58993,1.88182 -2.58609,2.6005 l -1.81121,1.30671 0,1.30844 c 0,0.71964 -0.90549,2.45957 -2.01219,3.86652 l -2.01219,2.55808 2.77943,1.97913 2.77944,1.97913 8.48275,-3.48535 c 4.66552,-1.91694 9.41013,-3.70919 10.54358,-3.98277 l 2.06082,-0.49742 1.31162,1.58042 1.31163,1.58041 2.5084,0 2.50839,0 -0.56065,-3.45489 -0.56065,-3.45489 1.67981,-0.4109 c 0.9239,-0.22599 3.1488,-0.31864 4.94423,-0.20588 l 3.26442,0.20502 2.33012,2.18904 2.33013,2.18904 1.6362,-0.62787 1.63621,-0.62787 2.76925,3.29034 2.76925,3.29035 1.04748,4.12047 c 0.57611,2.26625 1.93163,5.44292 3.01226,7.05925 l 1.96479,2.93879 -0.0153,1.9529 -0.0153,1.9529 -4.26258,1.0471 -4.26257,1.0471 1.76557,1.16791 1.76558,1.16791 -2.25,1.63879 -2.25,1.6388 -0.005,1.69329 -0.005,1.6933 -6.97583,3.29546 -6.97582,3.29547 -1.88773,-1.01028 -1.88772,-1.01028 -0.63149,0.63148 c -0.34717,0.34732 -0.63134,1.68148 -0.63134,2.96482 l 0,2.33333 -0.89301,0 c -0.49116,0 -1.15203,-0.675 -1.46862,-1.5 l -0.5756,-1.5 -2.34429,0 -2.3443,0 -2.87418,3 c -3.403,3.55196 -4.08794,3.68373 -4.80931,0.92518 l -0.54258,-2.07481 -2.07405,1.11 -2.07406,1.11 0,1.35541 0,1.35541 -3.25,0.58022 c -1.7875,0.31912 -4.88203,0.86111 -6.87674,1.20442 l -3.62675,0.6242 -1.38543,-1.84501 c -0.76199,-1.01476 -2.43628,-2.4387 -3.72064,-3.16431 l -2.3352,-1.31929 -0.5466,0.5466 -0.54659,0.5466 1.48145,6.06412 1.48146,6.06411 -0.92461,0.57144 -0.92462,0.57144 -1.11286,-1.11286 c -0.61208,-0.61208 -1.41047,-1.11287 -1.7742,-1.11287 l -0.66133,0 0.44174,2.31082 0.44175,2.31082 -1.51068,1.25374 -1.51067,1.25375 -1.11992,-2.09257 -1.11991,-2.09258 -0.94982,0.58703 -0.94983,0.58702 0,3.44099 0,3.44098 -1.53518,0 c -0.84435,0 -2.62232,0.71232 -3.95104,1.58293 l -2.41585,1.58293 -2.04897,-0.65032 -2.04896,-0.65032 0,1.06739 0,1.06739 -2.87788,0 -2.87787,0 -3.37213,1.42778 -3.37212,1.42777 -1.25847,2.07223 -1.25848,2.07222 -2.43251,0 -2.43251,0 -0.61803,1 -0.61803,1 -2.25316,0 -2.25315,0 -3.94996,1.90841 c -2.17247,1.04963 -4.80174,2.84963 -5.84281,4 -1.04108,1.15037 -2.31615,2.09159 -2.83351,2.09159 -0.51735,0 -2.24761,0.93064 -3.84501,5.06809 l -2.90437,5.0681 0,-1.44169 0,-1.44169 2,1.71246 c 1.1,0.94185 2,2.14594 2,2.67576 0,0.52982 0.97401,2.0001 2.16447,3.26728 l 2.16447,2.30397 -1.81946,2.01048 -1.81946,2.01048 -3.17834,0 c -1.74809,0 -3.44734,-0.26899 -3.77611,-0.59777 z").attr(o); b = 720; k = 700; j = "\u5e7f\u4e1c"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 880.62126,721.30902 -0.004,-1.80902 -1.98156,-3.25 -1.98156,-3.25 -2.06245,0 -2.06245,0 -2.35384,-2.53984 -2.35384,-2.53983 -0.6649,-2.64917 c -0.36569,-1.45704 -1.53498,-3.87108 -2.59841,-5.36454 l -1.93351,-2.71536 0.0326,-4.84563 0.0326,-4.84563 2.02518,-5.5 c 1.11385,-3.025 2.859,-7.975 3.87811,-11 1.01911,-3.025 2.56531,-6.85 3.43601,-8.5 0.8707,-1.65 1.58586,-3.70906 1.58925,-4.57569 l 0.006,-1.57568 2.25,-2.05938 c 1.2375,-1.13266 3.23954,-2.35914 4.44897,-2.72551 l 2.19897,-0.66612 -0.51714,-1.34766 -0.51715,-1.34766 1.11198,-0.68724 1.11198,-0.68724 1.2062,0.9482 c 0.6634,0.52151 2.44369,1.24383 3.95619,1.60514 l 2.75,0.65694 -0.0153,1.23095 c -0.008,0.67702 -0.42557,1.87934 -0.92698,2.67182 l -0.91167,1.44086 1.49575,2.89247 1.49576,2.89247 -1.06878,3.06589 -1.06877,3.06589 -0.008,6.10077 c -0.005,3.35543 -0.45972,10.15078 -1.01156,15.10078 l -1.00336,9 -3.11996,6.21435 -3.11996,6.21436 0.13505,5.97444 0.13505,5.97445 -1.00353,0.62022 -1.00353,0.62021 -0.004,-1.80901 z").attr(o); b = 870; k = 680; j = "\u53f0\n\u6e7e"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 654.96346,835.90795 -0.56001,-0.90612 -3.81387,0 -3.81386,0 -4.51309,-1.99635 -4.51308,-1.99635 -0.69729,-3.25365 c -0.38352,-1.78951 -0.92326,-5.81049 -1.19943,-8.93552 l -0.50212,-5.68188 4.23542,-3.06812 c 2.32949,-1.68747 4.82708,-3.06813 5.5502,-3.06813 l 1.31478,0 1.07037,-2 1.07037,-2 -1.53519,0 -1.53518,0 0,-0.93261 0,-0.93261 1.89644,-0.60191 c 1.04304,-0.33105 2.28054,-0.53309 2.75,-0.44897 0.46946,0.0841 1.41606,0.0996 2.10356,0.0345 l 1.25,-0.11842 0,-1.61354 0,-1.61355 4.27186,0.64061 4.27186,0.6406 1.97814,-1.49526 1.97814,-1.49525 2.73927,-0.0318 2.73928,-0.0318 4.8146,-1.8294 4.8146,-1.82941 1.19224,5.01908 1.19225,5.01909 -1.87915,2.06032 c -1.03353,1.13318 -2.69159,3.63532 -3.68458,5.56032 l -1.80544,3.5 -1.10829,6 -1.10829,6 -2.13032,0.30999 -2.13031,0.31 -2.62382,3.44 -2.62382,3.44001 -2.44911,0 -2.44911,0 0,1.88337 0,1.88337 -1.999,0.52275 -1.99901,0.52275 -0.56001,-0.90612 z").attr(o); b = 643; k = 815; j = "\u6d77\u5357"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 721.70709,738.60312 0,-2.35479 1.2,-1.2 1.2,-1.2 3.86336,0 3.86336,0 -0.31336,3.25 -0.31336,3.25 -4.75,0.30479 -4.75,0.30479 0,-2.35479 z").attr(o); b = 721; k = 750; j = "\u6fb3\u95e8"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(mm); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 739.70709,734.60312 0,-2.35479 1.2,-1.2 1.2,-1.2 3.86336,0 3.86336,0 -0.31336,3.25 -0.31336,3.25 -4.75,0.30479 -4.75,0.30479 0,-2.35479 z").attr(o); b = 742; k = 740; j = "\u9999\u6e2f"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(mm); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 856.9375,526.9375 -0.61803,-1 -1.70044,0 -1.70044,0 -1.32265,-2.1179 -1.32264,-2.1179 1.0821,-1.0821 c 0.59515,-0.59515 1.0821,-1.87093 1.0821,-2.83505 0,-0.96412 0.50661,-2.86484 1.12581,-4.22382 l 1.12581,-2.47088 3.62419,1.63431 c 1.9933,0.89887 4.41169,2.28434 5.37419,3.07881 l 1.75,1.44451 0,2.24142 0,2.24142 -3.5348,3.10359 c -3.9324,3.4527 -4.09011,3.51951 -4.9652,2.10359 z").attr(o); b = 855; k = 515; j = "。\u4e0a\u6d77"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(mm); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 726.23854,349.25647 c -0.6938,-0.23693 -1.71663,-1.28128 -2.27296,-2.32079 l -1.0115,-1.89001 1.47193,-3.52283 1.47194,-3.52284 1.01584,0 1.01584,0 1.12783,-2.10736 1.12782,-2.10736 -1.09264,-1.09264 c 728.49169,332.09169 728,331.06203 728,330.4045 l 0,-1.19549 3.97243,-1.96541 3.97244,-1.9654 -0.55346,-0.55345 -0.55345,-0.55346 1.23072,-2.33564 c 0.6769,-1.28461 1.72312,-2.65504 2.32493,-3.04541 l 1.09421,-0.70976 3.13688,3.04039 3.13689,3.04039 3.64096,-0.57865 3.64095,-0.57864 -1.63676,2.49802 -1.63676,2.49801 1.64474,2.51019 1.64474,2.51019 -1.02973,1.92407 -1.02973,1.92407 0,4.06574 0,4.06574 -1.94098,0 -1.94099,0 -0.61803,1 -0.61803,1 -1.86956,0 -1.86955,0 -1.32143,1.25 -1.32143,1.25 -6,0.0936 c -3.3,0.0515 -6.56766,-0.10023 -7.26146,-0.33715 z").attr(o); b = 720; k = 315; j = "\u5317\u4eac"; var j1 = "\u2605"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); var rd = { fill: "#e72119", "font-size": "14px", "font-family": "microsoft yahei", opacity: 1, cursor: "pointer" }; var e1 = e + c.text(b + 15, k + 20, j1).attr(rd); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 755.9375,367 c -1.1,-0.47269 -3.1824,-0.89106 -4.62756,-0.92972 l 748.68239,366 l -1.24414,-1.4991 -1.24414,-1.49909 1.21255,-2.92735 1.21255,-2.92735 -0.86922,-1.55321 -0.86922,-1.55321 0.38272,-4.0132 0.38272,-4.01321 2.39564,0.60127 2.39565,0.60127 0,-5.02662 c 0,-2.76465 0.27314,-5.73843 0.60699,-6.60841 l 753.65148,334 l 1.97246,0 1.97247,0 -0.6527,2.97172 -0.6527,2.97171 1.78885,3.02829 1.78885,3.02828 1.24921,0 1.24921,0 1.07037,2 1.07037,2 1.46481,0 1.46482,0 0,1.46552 0,1.46552 -3,3.06896 -3,3.06896 0,3.85853 0,3.85853 -1.58179,0.60699 c -0.86998,0.33384 -1.65748,0.57536 -1.75,0.5367 -0.0925,-0.0387 -1.06821,-0.45702 -2.16821,-0.92971 z").attr(o); b = 755; k = 355; j = "。 \u5929\u6d25"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(mm); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 821.5625,353.07143 c 0,-1.02303 2.12342,-3.32987 4.87781,-5.29915 l 1.7795,-1.27228 1.17135,-3.39922 c 0.64423,-1.86958 1.17134,-3.76795 1.17134,-4.21862 l 0,-0.81939 -1.56746,0.60149 -1.56746,0.60149 -2.29835,-1.23004 -2.29835,-1.23004 1.16868,-3.95809 1.16869,-3.95809 2.51682,-2.19474 2.51682,-2.19475 2.28479,-5.77141 2.28479,-5.77141 -4.35449,-3.98589 -4.35448,-3.98589 -2.5,0.44577 c -5.62672,1.0033 -10.723,2.2796 -11.82706,2.96195 l -1.17294,0.72491 0,1.44965 0,1.44964 -3,4.14138 -3,4.14138 -0.0213,2.09996 -0.0213,2.09996 -3.97428,2.81172 -3.97428,2.81171 -1.00437,-0.62073 c -0.55241,-0.3414 -1.00437,-1.04418 -1.00437,-1.56172 0,-0.51754 -0.9,-1.84098 -2,-2.94098 l -2,-2 0,-1.5 0,-1.5 -2.42857,0 -2.42857,0 -1.40919,-1.40919 -1.40919,-1.40919 -2.41224,-0.34081 -2.41224,-0.34081 0.31517,-2.92429 0.31517,-2.92429 2.43483,-4.36119 c 2.65665,-4.75852 2.92838,-6.41461 1.48551,-9.0538 -0.52213,-0.95504 -1.41649,-4.64457 -1.98747,-8.19896 l -1.03814,-6.46254 0.86957,-0.86956 0.86956,-0.86957 2.32218,1.3321 c 2.87381,1.64854 5.489,4.48194 7.45967,8.0821 l 1.50531,2.75 0.97432,0 0.97432,0 0.0541,-1.25 c 0.0298,-0.6875 1.72039,-3.70906 3.75697,-6.71457 l 3.70287,-5.46457 3.00869,-0.86288 3.00869,-0.86288 2.27852,-3.47592 2.27852,-3.47591 2.00381,0.63598 2.00381,0.63599 1.45202,-1.20507 1.45201,-1.20506 0,-1.87755 0,-1.87756 1.25,-0.14157 c 0.6875,-0.0779 2.375,-0.19036 3.75,-0.25 l 2.5,-0.10843 -0.0794,-2.25 -0.0794,-2.25 1.0794,0.0153 c 0.59367,0.008 1.71375,0.41688 2.48906,0.90769 l 1.40965,0.89237 3.34035,-1.5929 3.34034,-1.5929 0,-1.28145 0,-1.28145 3.5,-3.5 3.5,-3.5 0,-3.14033 0,-3.14032 1.75,0.73559 c 0.9625,0.40457 2.73557,0.95003 3.94016,1.21212 l 2.19016,0.47655 1.4566,1.64486 c 0.80113,0.90467 1.61556,2.50757 1.80984,3.56199 l 0.35324,1.91714 1.22009,0.40623 1.22008,0.40622 1.86684,-3.06977 1.86684,-3.06977 0.66307,0.66308 c 0.3647,0.36469 0.66523,1.37557 0.66786,2.24641 l 0.005,1.58333 3.24523,3.64852 c 1.78487,2.00668 4.67409,5.30206 6.42049,7.32305 l 3.17528,3.67455 -0.52323,3.22427 -0.52323,3.22426 5.34796,5.78482 5.34795,5.78482 0.10295,4.99663 0.10296,4.99664 -2.97159,2.17122 c -1.63437,1.19417 -5.3932,5.25473 -8.35296,9.02346 l -5.38136,6.85223 0,1.89777 0,1.89776 -2,2 -2,2 -2.34272,0 -2.34271,0 -4.40729,2.48327 c -2.424,1.3658 -5.30728,2.89304 -6.40728,3.39387 -1.1,0.50083 -4.7,3.64349 -8,6.9837 -20.99446,21.25027 -21.5,21.70198 -21.5,19.21059 z").attr(o); b = 840; k = 290; j = "\u8fbd\u5b81"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 888.5,287.60317 0,-4.33433 -5.07471,-4.80474 -5.07471,-4.80473 0.66855,-4.86094 0.66855,-4.86093 -1.55074,0 -1.55074,0 -5.43401,-6.75 -5.43402,-6.75 -0.35908,-1.91713 -0.35909,-1.91714 -1.24889,-0.41583 -1.2489,-0.41583 -1.7511,3.07664 c -0.96311,1.69216 -2.08861,3.07949 -2.50111,3.08297 l -0.75,0.006 -0.0318,-1.75 c -0.0175,-0.9625 -0.57999,-2.44374 -1.25,-3.29165 l 855,245.35419 l -4.78279,-1.80357 -4.78279,-1.80358 -1.34046,1.11248 -1.34046,1.11249 -1.61964,-0.62151 -1.61963,-0.62152 0.58367,-2.32551 0.58366,-2.32552 -3.18077,-5.82022 c -1.74943,-3.20113 -3.81528,-6.53066 -4.59079,-7.39897 -0.7755,-0.86831 -1.41,-2.10581 -1.41,-2.75 l 0,-1.17126 -0.96662,0 c -0.53164,0 -3.27843,2.05321 -6.10397,4.56269 l -5.13735,4.5627 -0.64603,-0.64603 c -0.35532,-0.35531 -0.70228,-1.05853 -0.77103,-1.56269 -0.0688,-0.50417 -0.18125,-1.34914 -0.25,-1.87772 -0.0688,-0.52857 -1.06303,-1.83495 -2.20952,-2.90306 l -2.08452,-1.94203 -0.95628,-4.25612 -0.95629,-4.25613 1.0408,-1.0408 1.04081,-1.04081 0,-2.44898 0,-2.44898 -3.45043,-3.35102 -3.45044,-3.35102 -1.61695,0 -1.61696,0 0.69162,-2.25 c 0.96823,-3.14988 1.01775,-3.16885 4.50345,-1.72503 l 3.12443,1.29418 0.71661,-1.1595 0.71661,-1.1595 1.94103,1.46812 c 1.06757,0.80747 2.50353,1.48243 3.19103,1.49993 l 1.25,0.0318 0,-3.94848 0,-3.94848 2.30607,-2.48829 2.30607,-2.48829 4.69738,-1.18281 4.69738,-1.18282 1.48554,1.23289 1.48554,1.23289 -0.52986,0.85733 -0.52985,0.85732 1.50495,2.91026 c 1.71542,3.31726 6.57989,7.6973 9.62035,8.66231 l 2.05436,0.65203 2.20103,-1.42412 2.20104,-1.42412 3.66178,0.4403 3.66177,0.44029 1.12341,-2.0991 1.12341,-2.09911 1.46481,0 1.46482,0 0,1.93261 0,1.93261 1.75,0.49273 c 0.9625,0.27101 3.12733,0.76838 4.81073,1.10528 l 3.06073,0.61254 1.87854,-2.07577 1.87854,-2.07577 3.06073,0.64918 3.06073,0.64918 1.73383,1.52905 1.73382,1.52906 -0.54047,2.1534 -0.54047,2.1534 1.97346,1.78596 1.97346,1.78595 2.16883,-1.16073 2.16883,-1.16072 0.5019,0.5019 c 0.27605,0.27604 1.25,1.96801 2.16435,3.75993 l 1.66246,3.25804 2.78603,2.04324 2.78604,2.04324 1.71396,-1.09887 1.71397,-1.09887 -0.1208,-2.37328 c -0.0664,-1.30531 -0.46019,-3.83579 -0.875,-5.62329 l -0.7542,-3.25 1.58982,0 1.58981,0 1.03519,1.93426 c 0.56935,1.06384 1.03518,2.80315 1.03518,3.86514 l 0,1.93088 2.07258,2.63486 2.07258,2.63486 1.67742,0.0385 1.67742,0.0385 2.05757,3.21148 2.05756,3.21148 2.42118,-0.27874 c 3.06571,-0.35294 4.19987,-1.49224 4.34703,-4.36672 l 931,214.51326 l 3,-1.53788 c 2.98089,-1.52809 4.14386,-2.62273 4.82112,-4.53788 l 0.35364,-1 1.705,1.40762 1.705,1.40762 1.15762,-1.15762 c 1.68386,-1.68386 2.30267,-1.45155 3.57567,1.34238 l 1.13907,2.5 1.79893,0 1.79894,0 2.28047,1.59731 2.28048,1.59731 2.9741,-1.23191 c 1.63575,-0.67755 3.14548,-1.05884 3.35495,-0.84731 0.20947,0.21153 -0.14246,2.91181 -0.78207,6.00063 l 961,225.66956 l -3.25,2.72286 -3.25,2.72287 0,1.4111 0,1.41111 -0.88499,0 c -0.48674,0 -1.62212,-1.125 -2.52305,-2.5 l -1.63807,-2.5 -2.97694,0 -2.97695,0 0,6.875 0,6.875 -2.8795,0.5759 -2.8795,0.5759 -0.66252,3.53157 -0.66253,3.53158 -4.20798,2.41948 c -2.31438,1.33072 -5.62471,2.71431 -7.35628,3.07465 l -3.1483,0.65516 -0.52255,1.99823 -0.52255,1.99822 2.94262,3.35146 2.94262,3.35146 -1.44669,1.44669 -1.44669,1.44669 -5.73438,0.67396 -5.73439,0.67397 -3.59077,-2.37626 -3.59076,-2.37625 -3.23682,2.09879 -3.23682,2.0988 -0.0131,3.81727 -0.0131,3.81727 -3.75,6.41358 -3.75,6.41357 -1.25,0.0191 -1.25,0.0192 0,-4.33433 z").attr(o); b = 870; k = 230; j = "\u5409\u6797"; // d = c.text(b + 1, k + 1, j).attr(h); e = c.text(b, k, j).attr(m); a.push({ path: l, label: e, shadow: d, left: b, top: k, text: j, color: p }); p = f[math.round(math.random() * 9321321) % f.length]; o.fill = p; l = c.path("m 923.13662,217.74712 c 922.11175,216.23621 919.8766,214.1 918.16961,213 l -3.10363,-2 -1.35744,-4.80781 -1.35744,-4.8078 -3.17555,0.3078 l 906,202 l 0.1208,2.5 c 0.0664,1.375 0.46019,3.9625 0.875,5.75 l 0.7542,3.25 -1.43791,0 -1.43791,0 -2.68709,-2.80472 -2.68709,-2.80472 0,-1.6601 0,-1.66009 -1.97697,-1.05804 -1.97697,-1.05804 -2.05354,1.27285 -2.05355,1.27286 -0.95898,-1.5 -0.95898,-1.5 0.47822,-1.3024 0.47821,-1.30239 -1.45396,-2.21903 -1.45396,-2.21902 -4.69731,-1.38695 -4.69731,-1.38695 -1.74774,2.15837 -1.74775,2.15837 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2.47682,3.57302 l 1.88391,1.70491 0.59957,-1.88907 0.59956,-1.88907 -0.98703,-5.20463 -0.98704,-5.20463 0.62501,-4.55995 0.62501,-4.55996 2.29923,-0.87417 2.29923,-0.87416 0.64545,-3.44051 0.64544,-3.44051 -1.55587,-2.37456 -1.55586,-2.37455 -0.65768,-5.595789 -0.65767,-5.595791 1.12189,-0.693367 1.12189,-0.693367 0,-2.218477 0,-2.218477 1.59976,-2.283976 1.59976,-2.283976 -0.63045,-3.360549 -0.63044,-3.36055 1.03069,-0.636997 1.03068,-0.636998 0,-2.965734 0,-2.965734 -2.31188,-0.878974 -2.31187,-0.878974 -3.21687,-3.66381 -3.21687,-3.663811 -3.28034,-0.532325 -3.28034,-0.532326 -1.61047,4.099861 -1.61047,4.099861 -2.02143,0 -2.02143,0 -0.6476,1.04785 -0.64761,1.04785 -1.66141,-0.204159 c -0.91378,-0.112288 -2.89891,0.305042 -4.41141,0.927399 l -2.75,1.131558 0,0.871905 0,0.871904 -4.65986,-0.157347 -4.65986,-0.157347 -2.84014,-3.402032 -2.84014,-3.402033 0,-2.728757 0,-2.728757 -1,-0.618034 -1,-0.618034 0,-2.965734 0,-2.965734 -2.2911,-0.871073 c -1.2601,-0.479091 -2.8902,-1.592953 -3.62244,-2.475249 l 783.25511,45.5 l -1.65832,0 -1.65831,0 -1.1981,3.17412 -1.1981,3.17412 -1.77114,-1.509425 c -0.97413,-0.830184 -3.24621,-2.09334 -5.04908,-2.807012 l -3.27793,-1.297587 1.72253,-2.617108 c 0.9474,-1.439409 2.36374,-3.896336 3.14744,-5.459837 l 1.4249,-2.842729 -2.1195,-2.866778 c 770.45378,30.871035 769.5,29.346909 769.5,29.060816 c 0,-1.083296 7.71095,-4.359114 12.79997,-5.437769 2.91499,-0.617853 6.63872,-1.815664 8.27498,-2.661803 l 2.975,-1.538435 9.33434,2.890252 9.33434,2.890251 2.62364,-1.374659 2.62363,-1.374659 6.26705,3.147923 c 3.44688,1.731357 6.42631,3.569475 6.62095,4.084706 0.19465,0.515231 2.74733,3.38828 5.67263,6.384553 l 5.31872,5.447768 0.70332,3.240528 0.70332,3.240528 4.87405,6.141793 4.87406,6.141792 0,1.9 0,1.899999 4.52547,4.441417 4.52548,4.441417 0.60814,3.803117 0.60814,3.803117 1.7851,0.955357 1.78511,0.955357 0.68469,3.258317 0.68469,3.258317 3.09276,3.25 3.09275,3.25 3.05384,-0.0037 3.05383,-0.0037 3.28132,-2.000609 3.28131,-2.000609 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"z").attr(v); // self.triangle3 = c.path("m " + z.tostring(10) + "," + e.tostring(10) + " l " + z.tostring(10) + "," + (e + d).tostring(10) + " l " + c.tostring(10) + "," + b.tostring() + "z").attr(v); if (self.label != null) { self.label.remove() } //console.log(u.text); addressname = u.text; //最多输入五行文本 //var myresult = "• 甘肃省中国青年旅行社\n• 搜索兰神国际旅行社有限责任公司\n• 甘肃兰神国际旅行社有限责任公司\n• 敦煌中国国际旅行社有限责任公司\n• 嘉峪关市嘉敦华运旅行社有限责任公司"; // 添加tip内容 var myresult = "• "; //var jsondata = json.parse($("#jsondata").val()); var jsondata = eval('(' + $("#jsondata").val() + ')'); for (var t in jsondata) { if (t.indexof(u.text.replace('。', '')) > -1 || u.text.replace('。', '').indexof(t) > -1 || (u.text.indexof('台') > -1 && u.text.indexof('湾') && t.indexof('台湾') > -1)) { for (var t1 in jsondata[t]) { myresult = myresult + jsondata[t][t1].name + "\n• "; } } } myresult = myresult.substr(0, myresult.lastindexof("\n• ")); self.label = c.text((z + 13), (e + 65), myresult).attr({ "font-size": "14px", fill: "#656565" }); if 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u.text.replace('。', '').indexof(t) > -1 || (u.text.indexof('台') > -1 && u.text.indexof('湾') && t.indexof('台湾') > -1)) { for (var t1 in jsondata[t]) { myresult = myresult + jsondata[t][t1].name + "\n"; } } } myresult.trim('\n') // 添加tip内容 self.label = c.text((z + 13), (e + 65), myresult).attr({ "font-size": "14px", fill: "" }); if (self.tip == null) { self.tip = c.rect(0, 0, 0, 0).attr({ fill: "transparent", stroke: "transparent", "stroke-width": 0, "stroke-opacity": 0 }) } else { self.tip.stop(); self.tip.animate({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, "stroke-width": 0, "stroke-opacity": 0 }, 0, null); } c.safari(); } })(i), 0) } })(a[q])); a[q].label.mouseover(s); a[q].path.mouseover(s); a[q].path.node.onclick = function () { $("#map_container").hide(); $(".ml_tip").hide(); var s = document.queryselectorall('#citynav li a'); var s1 = document.queryselectorall('#citynav li'); $(s1).removeclass("current") $("#map_detail").show() if (s != null && s.length > 0) { for (var m = 0; m < s.length; 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